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December 2024


“FBI Report Shows Violent Crime Decreased as Gun Sales Increased”

But, but

According to preliminary FBI stats, “All offenses in the category of violent crime” fell during the first six months of 2013, compared to the same time period in 2012.

UPI reports that this included “murder, non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, [and] aggravated assault and robbery.” Specifically, “murders declined by 6.9 percent, forcible rapes declined 10.6 percent, aggravated assaults decreased 6.6 percent and robbery offenses were down by 1.8 percent.”

On January 6, 2014, Breitbart News reported that background checks for gun purchases had skyrocketed in 2013, particularly in the early part of the year, which coincides with the period of time in which, according to FBI stats, crime fell.

Is that so?

Well, then let me ask you this, gun fetishists:  If guns are so great at stopping crime, then why do criminals still use them?

Ok, scratch that one.  Even I know that sounds stupid.  So let’s try this again, rednecks.  If a reduction of violent crime can be tied to gun ownership, how do you explain all those Clint Eastwood spaghetti westerns, where death by gun fire is around every corner?


The prosecution rests.


34 Replies to ““FBI Report Shows Violent Crime Decreased as Gun Sales Increased””

  1. mileycyrussays says:

    But, but –

    According to preliminary FBI stats, “All offenses in the category of violent crime” fell during the first six months of 2013, compared to the same time period in 2012. UPI reports that this included “murder, non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, [and] aggravated assault and robbery.”

    Specifically, “murders declined by 6.9 percent, forcible rapes declined 10.6 percent, aggravated assaults decreased 6.6 percent and robbery offenses were down by 1.8 percent.” On January 6, 2014, Breitbart News reported that background checks for gun purchases interest in Miley Cyrus had skyrocketed in 2013, particularly in the early part of the year, which coincides with the period of time in which, according to FBI stats, crime fell.

    Is that so? Well, then let me ask you this, gun fetishists music snobs: If gun are Miley Cyrus so great at stopping crime, then why do criminals still use them listen to her? Ok, scratch that one. Even I know that sounds stupid. So let’s try this again, rednecks. If a reduction of violent crime can be tied to gun ownership Miley Cyrus media attention, how do you explain all those Clint Eastwood spaghetti westerns music videos, where death by gun fire is around every corner? Plus, DEAD SCHOOL CHILDREN! And RACISTS! The prosecution rests.

    For other deep thoughts, Jeff says, “If pi is infinite, how come there are people starving in Africa? CHECKMATE!!!”

  2. cranky-d says:

    That was dumber than your dumbest comment ever, miley.

    Congratulations! You make morons look smart.

  3. BigBangHunter says:

    mileycyrussays is a stuck-on-moron sock puppet. Whenever you see that ID you can just skip to the next entry, even if its a Geico ad, and not risk losing IQ points.

  4. gahrie says:

    Coorelation is not causation….but this is an interesting datum.

    And you can bet your ass, if violent crime had gone up significantly instead, the gun control crowd would be all over TV screaming about it.

  5. BigBangHunter says:

    – In other news: Reuters – 2/21/14, Wash. DC. “The FBI issued a new study report today that shows that every time one of the Progressives pet manufactured Narrative lies is debunked by the discovery of the facts, Progressives everywhere step up they’re trolling by 235% to try to stem the tide of reality. It does not work, they just look like total morons, but the cult true believers have to try or perish.”

  6. steveaz says:

    Did you guys hear yet? The word “mongrel” is racist now.

    I thought mongrel meant a mad, dangerous dog. Like Old Yeller, after he got rabies. And I think that’s how Ted meant it.

    Even Rand Paul’s caught the new Victorians’ vapors.

  7. Libby says:

    Someone get Fox Butterfield on this story, stat!

  8. BigBangHunter says:

    – If only he could show off his black lace underwear, the Sochi olympics would be the answer to all his dreams.

  9. palaeomerus says:

    “The prosecution rests.”

    Nuh uh. They never give up, never wise up, and never shut up.

  10. palaeomerus says:

    “I thought mongrel meant a mad, dangerous dog”

    A mongrel is a dog of mixed breed, meaning not a pure bred. It’s a mutt. I’ll give Ted the benefit of the doubt that he meant a low down, good for nothing, and ugly thing when he said that and was not referring to race but he definitely stepped in it.

  11. palaeomerus says:

    I hope whoever is on duty deletes the unauthorized post from the banned poster.

  12. BigBangHunter says:

    – 1.6 million signitures gathered already in protest over controversial womens ice skating results. Whether you agree with the protests or not, as usual the Russkies are masters at finding ways to game the system.

  13. McGehee says:

    It has finally happened. Miley has made a comment I cannot possibly edit to be any stupider than the original.

    …without spraining my brain irreparably…

  14. McGehee says:

    I hope whoever is on duty deletes the unauthorized post from the banned poster.

    That would be too good for him.

  15. dicentra says:

    FYI, tale of two protests: opposition on the left, Chavistas on the right. Notice the buses for the Chavistas.

    Some poor sot pleads for help from @piersmorgan.

    Marco Rubio issues an official condemnation of Maduro.

    The beauty queen who was killed by Maduro during a protest.

    People go to the grocery store for a ration of 2 liters of cooking oil per person.

    There are also photos of Cubans reinforcement soldiers, CNN being expelled from the country, and a banner at the airport welcoming visitors with “Welcome to Venezuela. NOTICE: we have no electricity, no toilet paper, no eggs no president, not an [effing] thing.”

  16. palaeomerus says:


    Pi is <4 and 4 is finite, therefore Pi cannot be infinite.

  17. Blake says:

    At most, one should only cut a pi into 8 slices. Any smaller, and the guests will think you’re cheap.

  18. newrouter says:

    for the 3.14159 time pi is not the answer

  19. geoffb says:

    Pie is always the answer if you ask the question politely.

  20. BigBangHunter says:

    Pi is irrational which, of course, is why it is the answer to all Progressive math questions.

  21. geoffb says:

    California moves into #1 while Michigan slides to #2 & 3 with Missouri and Tennessee coming in with #s 4 & 5.

    J. Brown-town for the victory.

  22. Darleen says:


    any word yet on your account getting out of gulag??

  23. Mueller says:

    I hope whoever is on duty deletes the unauthorized post from the banned poster. – See more at:

    I hope not before I can gather some people around the screen to show them this awesome idiocy.
    It’s like Steven is the brand for stupid.

  24. Pablo says:

    Did you guys hear yet? The word “mongrel” is racist now.

    Totally. Fucking white boys.

  25. steveaz says:

    Good find, Pablo!

    Free Speech for Me, but not for redneck hillbilly rock’n rollers wearing blue jeans and a flavor saver!

    Welcome to Al Sharpton’s AmerKKKa!

  26. McGehee says:

    Ernst, I was inclined more to what Powers Boothe’s character in Tombstone said as the Earps were leaving town: “Well… bye.”

  27. serr8d says:

    Damned infidels, domestic terrorists and gangsters!

    Despite current restrictions that place New Jersey well outside the American mainstream, gun controllers and some state lawmakers have made clear their intent to push even further in 2014, with wide-ranging legislation targeting nearly every aspect of the remaining gun freedom Garden State residents enjoy (or cling to, perhaps more accurately). Chief among these proposals is a bill that would lower the magazine capacity limit from the current 15 down to 10. And it appears gun control advocates are prepared to sink to any level of rhetorical excess to get it passed.

    In a February 14 article, Bryan Miller, Executive Director of the self-proclaimed “faith-based movement to prevent gun violence” Heeding God’s Call, is quoted as stating, “Nobody needs a 15-round ammunition magazine unless they are a domestic terrorist or a gangster.”

  28. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Or a potential victim of a domestic terrorist or a gangster.

  29. serr8d says:


    Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

    We can’t has a popsicle ?

  30. Blitz says:

    TY Serr8d!! Just watched the whole movie for the 10th time, never gets old. I think that means I never grew up?

  31. sdferr says:

    The movie is good alright Blitz, but the book is even better.

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