But so what? According to sources like the NYTimes, this loss of employment represents a mixed bag, because it will supposedly pull 1 million people out of poverty — which, not to make light of that, is not too difficult to do when you keep changing the definition of relative poverty so that it constantly jibes with your policy preferences.
The truth is, many of those who are now in “poverty” are really not, by recent historical standards, and the amount they receive in entitlements and other lucre makes it so that some families whose primary breadwinner is a minimum wage-earner have more disposable income than those who bring in annual income of close to $60K dollars. And that’s before a minimum wage hike designed specifically to fund unions and create new dependents.
Semantics, though, this discussion of the word “poverty”. And we know semantic arguments are fundamentally unserious when it comes to politics. So let me move on to another point: the 500K jobs that will be lost — and this is in 2016 alone — will mean that at least 500K more people will fall into poverty, at least, the kind of “poverty” that comes with living on the government dole these days.
More and more, we create disincentives to work; and the end game is to create a voting populace in which those dependent on the government vote for those in government who keep promising to steal from the productive class and distribute the fruits of their labor — which is in essence their liberty — to those who learn to feel entitled to it.
Sooner or later, of course, you run out of other people’s money, as everyone knows. It’s just that this latest crop of leftist shitbags don’t much care. Because right now, they’re divvying up the spoils and taking care of themselves and their clients. What comes next?
Meh. They can always just blame that on Bush.
The increase, assuming a 40 work week for 52 weeks, is about $114.00 per week or $5900 per year. According to U.S. poverty thresholds, the current minimum wage is sufficient to support two people under the age of 65. A two person household where each parent makes minimum wage more than sufficient to support 3 children. Who is being “lifted” from poverty by the increase? Further, the CBO numbers presuppose that your average fast food joint is not going to buy one of these and get rid of enough employees to pay for it.
Rush mentioned that 1.6 percent of the entire workforce earns the minimum wage. So what’s really going on here is the Democrats trying to boost union
kickbackspolitical contributions while they polish their “we care” credentials.Of course John Boehner’s already busy trying to figure out how to coopt the Dems on this, because the Republican Party doesn’t want to be seen as being against the “working poor.”
Somebody rid us of this quarellsome misleader. Please.
ii’s so simple even a LIV can figure it out, well, almost. If you want more of something subsidize it, if you want less of something tax it. So, what exactly does anyone expect when we subsidize sloth and tax achievement?
Ooh! ooh!! I know! I know! Pick me!
Soma, sexplay and orgy porgy?
technically, I make barely beyond the minimum wage due to investments in the shop and taxes,local regs, what have you. Technically…
Anyway, for Leigh. Yes, Married on Saturday, Mrs. Blitz and I are fine…More importantly? Royce Greenwood iv was born at 2am today, 7lbs 13oz…mommy and baby are fine!!…
Can I go to sleep now?
Congrats, Blitz!
Yea! Congratulations to you and the new missus. Welcome, Lil Royce!
Having this debate with a nominal lefty as we speak. Wierd thing, she agrees with all the economic points I raised, but is absolutely convinced that people deserve more money …NO idea how to deal with that illogic.
Thank you Pablo and Leigh. Thing is? this community helped me with my first grandbaby (TY CARIN!!) Now? I think my kids are going to repopulate the world…
So tired I’m near to tears
Not only the unemployment, there will also be the wage-price spiral. Soon the extra value fast food meals, which a few years ago were $3-$4 and now about $6-$7 , will be $10-$12.
And then those who demand “a living wage” will say they need even more. “Running to stand still”, as the song goes.
They demand more wage money, but they never do anything to lower the cost of the inputs other than labor, in fact, they jack those up too, with various “green” mandates.
Obamunist Oflation, here we come.
Curm? That is the exact point I’m raising with my friend. She says so what, people will go to the business ( I’m using Mcdonalds) anyway…NO, it doesn’t work that way and she admits that in the same sentence…
( shakes head, walks away slowly )
Sadly, she thinks that somehow she “has more money” even though the purchasing power of said money has diminished more than her ostensible increase.
If you wonder how hyperinflations happen…….
Of course John Boehner’s already busy trying to figure out how to coopt the Dems on this, because the Republican Party doesn’t want to be seen as being against the “working poor.”
And what is so sad is that the way out of this dilemma is right there—lower the costs of inputs. Fracking. Keystone Pipeline. Building roads, dams, power plants. Debunking the “green jobs” hoax, and the global warming (formerly global cooling) hoax. Help the hard hats and bash the eco-hippies.
Doesn’t anyone remember energy prices plummeting under the great Uncle Ron?
Curm. I’m one of the lesser lights here and don’t really understand some economic theories., hyperinflation being one of them. I mean I know how it happens, but don’t get why exactly. It could be avoided as far as I can tell, but it’s routinely not avoided. ( Zimbabwe,Venezuela, soon Argentina and Brazil)
I remember Uncle Ron. 16 at the time, turned 180… Now? all I do is try to teach the younger ones.
G’nite all…taking tomorrow off except for baby sitting. I’m wasted, and don’t mean drugs/alcohol.
Godspeed and good wishes, Blitz.
TY Bob, and goodnight Mrs ( Insert Durante here, I was too young) wherever you are…
back of the napkin here but that’s almost half a MILLION jobs
Good Question, @ProteinWisdom!
Jeff Goldstein, coiner of the term ‘Outlaws’ : More and more, we create disincentives to work; and the end game is to create a voting populace in which those dependent on the government vote for those in government who keep promising to ste…
“Good night, Mrs. Calabash, where ever you are.”
I was too young to remember his show, but my grandpa loved to imitate him … he did that line plus the “inka dinka doo” bit.
Goodnight, Mrs. Calabash…
I did those lines for my Grandfather as a very young lad and he got a kick out of it.
>back of the napkin here but that’s almost half a MILLION jobs<
show your work – what is on the front of the napkin?
“Sadly, she thinks that somehow she “has more money” even though the purchasing power of said money has diminished more than her ostensible increase.”
She has more money, just not more wealth.
The waitress’s phone number.
the front is sorta messy from the Oh Em Gee French Toast me and NG shared at lunch
she has a brand new baby wazzle gestating in her innards
it’s a girl wazzle!
it’s due…
Junish I think
I’m so excited
but anyway the point is when you’re gestating you have to eat delectable french toasts and that is what happened to my napkin
just like the proverbial kindergartener who turned one dollar bill into five pennies, eh?
>the Oh Em Gee French Toast<
do they have a john kerry variant?
no they do not but they have white chockit green tea pancakes
>but they have white chockit green tea pancakes<
we're talking biden. syrup says sanders.
“Anyway, for Leigh. Yes, Married on Saturday, Mrs. Blitz and I are fine…More importantly? Royce Greenwood iv was born at 2am today, 7lbs 13oz…mommy and baby are fine!”
Excellent, and congratulations!
To a certain extent, who you were will soon be eclipsed by who you will become. That might sound dire, but there is greatness to be had in parenthood.
In the Nietzschean sense, sure
We are frequently told by our self-annointed “betters” that “what two consenting adults do in the privacy of the bedroom is not the government’s concern.”
So how is that different from what two consenting adults–a business owner and an employee–do in the privacy of a business?