What are the resolutions you will not keep? The unforgettable events of 2013 you’ll say “huh?” about when asked in ten years? What are your predictions for 2014 you’ll be embarrassed to recall making when the calendar turns to 2015?
Also … ghoul pool — what three public figures do you predict will reach the un-sunny side of the grass in 2014?
– I resolve to be first on this thread!
– Oh….and in spite of the odds (<1%) the Chargers will get into the playoffs!
I resolve to continue my success of previous years and make only one New Year’s resolution.
I cannot wait for 2013 to end. In spite of the BOOMING ECONOMY and my wife’s new job, the almost 200k airline miles and the 170+ hotel nights, the small raise in base pay and the bigger one in the stock market, I will (again) not make my family the money I was able to in 2008. When gas was 1/3 the price it is now, food was cheaper, electricity and water were cheaper, cable TV and internet were cheaper and I paid $100 less per paycheck for our then non-mandatory health insurance.
But that’s OK, because next year a performance artist who wants to have his sex change reversed so he can marry his boyfriend of eight months will be able to have the resultant medical bills covered by insurance.
I resolve, despite my best efforts, to lose ground financially this year. (this one will be easy, because I won’t have to do anything for this to happen, other than go to work and pay taxes)
Darleen, do you mind if my ghoul pool is more of a wish list?
Ugh, sorry. Last day of the year, last day of the month and last day of the quarter. It’s goddam freezing and I’m over-tired.
LMC, I get plenty of sleep and am still worn out.
I blame Bush.
Last year, my wife’s resolution was to laugh more. I’m stealing that one this year, with the caveat that it’s going to involve laughing a lot at “progressives.”
Seems more effective than fuming about them.
Oh, and more C2H5OH.
I don’t make resolutions. Who needs the guilt when you break them, eh?
Death Pool: One of the Rolling Stones, if they keep touring. Nancy Reagan, she looks awfully frail. John Dingle, thank god. Ruth Bader Ginsberg, although I am not sure if she is a zombie already. Various B list actors and has-beens by their own hand or through substance abuse.
When gas was 1/3 the price it is now, food was cheaper, electricity and water were cheaper, cable TV and internet were cheaper and I paid $100 less per paycheck for our then non-mandatory health insurance.
Add in an unemployment rate 1/3 – 1/2 what it is today, and you end up with “the worst economy since Hoover”.
I resolve not to make any resolutions that I would not have the resolve to keep anyways.
A New Year’s Revolution, huh? One can only hope. And that it will be peaceful.
I resolve to drink more single malt Scotch.
“Those that make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” — J. F. Kennedy
Let’s make predictions. I predict:
1. More people will have health insurance on March 31 2014 than had it on March 31 2013.
2. Obama will end 2014 more popular than he is now
3. The ACA will end 2014 more popular than it is now
4. GDP will be higher at the end of 2014 than it is now
5. Unemployment will be lower at the end of 2014 than it is now (although workforce participation rate will still be low)
6. Republicans will not take the senate in 2014
7. Republicans will hold the house
Make your case and win elections.
I have more of a wish than a resolution.
I wish hellomynameisdipshit would go away.
OK, then. Don’t click this until midnight.
Red, I like the way you’re thinking.
My prediction for 2014: The bill for all the “free” shit comes due. Dullards notice, are not amused.
1. Sears Holdings
2. JC Penney
3. Best Buy
Tiebreaker: Radio Shack, via RICO as a money-laundering operation…
LMC, I understand the feeling, last day of the year, month and quarter. Best-case scenario is that collections are sufficient to pay state and federal taxes for the year. I’m purely an intermediary in the process.
And, for those familiar with the Infernal Revenue Code, I owe obamacare surcharges on top of everything else. Even though I already provide Cadillac plan coverage for my employees.
Still, I woke up this morning. That’s mighty fine, compared to the alternative. Happy new year!
RI: Any day you spend on this side of the grass is a good day.
Let’s make predictions. I predict:
1. More people will have health insurance on March 31 2014 than had it on March 31 2013.
Only if the lawless administration continues to flout the law and puts off employer mandates till after the elections.
2. Obama will end 2014 more popular than he is now
At this point, he can’t get much lower so there is no place else to go.
3. The ACA will end 2014 more popular than it is now
See above.
4. GDP will be higher at the end of 2014 than it is now
By a tiny fraction, if at all.
5. Unemployment will be lower at the end of 2014 than it is now (although workforce participation rate will still be low)
Yet still at historical highs.
Make your case and win elections.
Translated from Progese means buy votes with entitlements and free stuff.
As I said back in November 2012, America made its choice – and sealed its fate.
Only question at this point is if the decline is gradual, or if we’re gonna party like it’s 1914.
We can stop right there. This would require magic/miracles. Over 4 million lost their insurance thanks to ACA, and only a little over a million (if the numbers can be believed) have signed up on the exchanges.
There will be more cancellations, but even if there weren’t, they would still need January and February to have more enrollees each than December had just to break even.
Either you’re clueless or you’re incredibly dishonest.
Oh, please. If we run out of money we’ll just print more. Easy-peasey.
I am expecting there to be a number of anecdotal cases where insurance was cancelled, and (despite best efforts) are not yet covered under their new policy – either procedures, doctors, hospitals or prescriptions.
At least one will die.
The MSM will embargo as many of them as they can, but the news will get out through social media. The MSM’s first attempts at the story will be them start trying to connect these cases with the Tea Party.
But I’m a pessimist. (Be a pessimist, and you will spend your life being either proven right or pleasantly surprised.)
thanks leigh
– “My wife doesn’t need to make the “laugh more” resolution”….she already laughs at everything I do….Ahhh I tell yah I don’t get no respect” – Rodney Dangerfield
– As far as revolutions I’ll go with the AT&T kid and try to eat more jelly beans.
At this point, he can’t get much lower so there is no place else to go.
Less popular than any post-war President since Nixon, and Nixon was undergoing the explosion of Watergate into a national story (including the appointing of Independent Investigators), the collapse of Vietnam into murderous anarchy, the ending of the Space Program, AND a VPOTUS who had to resign under his own scandals. He would only last another eight months before resigning (catapulting Gerald Ford into the ‘Presidential History’ trivia books).
Hey, maybe this year, Obama could pivot to the economy, and turn the economy from “recovering” to “recovering”. Who knows, the Senate might finally get around to passing a federal budget, maybe? Stranger things have been known to happen…
– As far as OCare I predict that after the 1st it will turn out that no premiuns can be paid on any policies because of unfixable glitches in the pay portion of the web site and exchanges and therefore no one in the US can ever sign up for healthcare insurance. All insurers will point at the clause and laugh. Hilarity will ensue.
Fidel (good riddance)
Micky Rooney (good long life)
Lauren Bacall (good gal to have in your corner)
– Except no one believes for a minute you don’t mean your petty little racist comments, so too little too late, and just until the next time which should be any moment now.
Harris-Perry tweeted Tuesday morning that “I work by guiding principle that those who offend do not have the right to tell those they hurt that they r wrong for hurting,” and, “Therefore, while I meant no offense, I want to immediately apologize to the Romney family for hurting them.”
Obeidallah took to a blog post to apologize to the Romney family, “but not to the wingnuts.” He then equated what he said to the Duck Dynasty controversy involving Phil Robertson.
– At least Melissa appologized. The other asshole is pissed that no one defended his right to say disparaging rotten things about a black baby because “wingnuts”.
– I keep hoping sometime I get to meet one of these morons so I can show him freedom of a knuckle sandwitch.
I work by guiding principle that those who offend do not have the right to tell those they hurt that they r wrong for hurting
Compare and contrast to:
“…to apologize to the Romney family, “but not to the wingnuts.” ”
So she “do{es} not have the right to tell those {wingnuts} {she} hurt {are} wrong for hurting”, and does it anyway, huh?
Progressive logic and consistency.
Because, FORWARD!
I like the way cranky thinks.
I think I’ll try to smoke more cigars in 2014.
1. Martin Bashir, from “complications associated with coprophelia.”
2. More diplomats and soldiers, due to CiC decision to turn in early to get sleep for morning fundraiser, rather than sending backup.
3. A few people who had their policies canceled in 2013 by the federal government, from untreated appendicitis.
I resolve to keep being grateful to God, the producer and audience of a tragedic farce in which we must be players.
Drum, I had to parse her sentence a few times myself before it made any sense. I think she is saying that she does not have the right to tell the offended parties that they are wrong for feeling offended.
They just passed a two year continuing resolution. So D.C. can party like it’s 2009
Over a million “signed up.” Only half of them have “paid up.”
We can always hope that Obama will track down whoever is in charge of the Federal Government’s Executive Branch Departments, so he can start demanding some answers from that guy for:
IRS abuses
Fast and Furious
failure to uphold the law
failure to obey his oath of office
et alia
– Maybe Cooper can wear a giant condom pulled over his entire body to protect himself from griffin this year.
– Expect CNN ratings to hit an all time low if she goes through with the plan.
Inadvertent Comedy from the ASA, or, an ecofeminist does milk
– The knockout game comes to sports. Where is the Lefts outrage over this….Oh wait, its black on white so its perfectly ok.
Translation – conservatives mean to buy votes with tax breaks for big money donors and other Never Been Richer But Not Creating Enough Jobs “job creators”.
Or maybe only 500,000 had their policies actually canceled. And enrollments will continue to increase through Jan, Feb, and March – so it seems like a pretty sure thing. And then add in Medicaid expansion and this is a no-brainer.
Let’s see how your other predictions panned out:
1. I wouldn’t be able to get insurance through the exchange: False
2. It wouldn’t be cheaper: False
3. It would have a very high deductible: False
4. The network of doctors would be so small as to be useless: False
5. I must live at home and work part time for the DMV. No chance I’m a business owner that’s doing alright: False
So, you know, O for 5. Keep digging.
Seems like no one else has the sack to make some testable predictions.
Translation – conservatives mean to buy votes with tax breaks for big money donors and other Never Been Richer But Not Creating Enough Jobs “job creators”.
Right, because there are so many more “rich” people than those looking for freebies. Logic does not exist in your world, does it ?
Let’s see how your other predictions panned out…
All unverifiable, and you left out married to a supermodel, and live in a castle with a moat and real alligators.
– hellomynameisassholesteve can always be counted on to run in and type out a list of lies repeatedly to try to save the Progressive lost cause.
– At some point his keepers will not be able to convince him its worth it anymore, even too an idiot like himself.
You might want to look at where the bulk of campaign contributions come from. If you don’t do well in the money election, you don’t ever get to be in front of all those “takers.”
She’s a supermodel to me. I don’t consider 3400 sq feet to be a castle. I prefer a walkable neighborhood to moats and alligators – so you must have me confused with someone else on that one.
Never Been Richer But Not Creating Enough Jobs “job creators”
Well, if poor people could create jobs, Obama should be doing great, what with all the people entering the ranks of the poor and government dependent. And if labor just hadn’t been made so expensive as to price small businesses out of the market entirely, there might have been a few more jobs available.
You say you run your own business and don’t know the basics of running a business? That’s like claiming to be a racecar driver and not knowing what a steering wheel is…
Calling them lies is just your way of admitting defeat. It’s the sign of a weak intellect. It also indicates that if those things are true (which they are), you’re unable to make a cogent argument.
– Calling them lies is just your way of admitting defeat.
– You are down to “if thats what I am then what are you” level arguments hellomynameismoron.
– Brilliant repartee’. we can hardly keep up.
– Get off your knee’s we know when we’ve been licked.
You might want to look at where the bulk of campaign contributions come from.
The issue, when it comes to votes, is numbers, not money. I realize that as a “progressive” math is alien to you, but lots of government money buying lots of votes>a few people contributing to a few politicians.
Good luck with your Obamacare policy.
…so you must have me confused with someone else on that one. Not at all, just preemptively posting some of your BS.
– But hey, one New Years wish is all you Proggressive morons ride that train wreck to the bitter end steve-dolt…..Please do…..more and faster please. Don’t give up, keep digging that hole all the way to China.
Shock study: Most convicts, up to 73%, register as Democrats
I am not at all sure why that is a “shock”, birds of a feather, and so on.
– Convicts, illegal immigrants, child molesters, hey its a big Democratic tent, and a vote is a vote.
Shock study: Most convicts, up to 73%, register as Democrats
Must be be subjected to this level of asinine stupidity? This neighborhood is really going to the dogs.
Must be be subjected to this level of asinine stupidity?
Give him a break, that and his fantasies are all he has as he aspires to a higher level of asininity.
– Progressives continue to ride the myth that there are no rich Democrats, when in fact that is a complete lie.
– But even if you take their over reaching ideas seriously, their answer is still stupid. You don’t get rid of the rats on board by burning the entire ship.
– What total fucking morons.
Why, that looks like yet another lie. BBH, did you ever predict that Slappy would be unable to get insurance through the Oregon exchange? If so, were you wrong?
– Well I heard a rumor that Bumblefuck is getting so desperate that hes down to telling the Proggies to call the WH and they’d see if his staff can get the perps some insurance, somehow.
– I don’t know if thats true, but man the cost on that approach must be through the roof.
Must Slappy make every thread about him? It’s almost like thorazine is back, without the tales of daring-do.
– Hey you have to give him some credit Leigh. steve-dolt does “stuck on stupid” really well for a moron.
It’s almost like thorazine is back…
More likely his (or the Vitamin H) wore off.
Haldol is his friend, certainly.
conservatives mean to buy votes with tax breaks for big money donors and other Never Been Richer But Not Creating Enough Jobs “job creators”.
Wow, the stupid, it burns on that one.
Only someone who considers all wealth & earnings as The States would *feel* that allowing people to keep more of their own stuff is “BUYING” a vote.
Conservatives don’t do corporatism (aka fascism/socialism/collectivism/feudalism.)
Meanwhile, back at the ranch of burning stupidity,
You might want to look at where the bulk of campaign contributions come from.
Top ten in donations; only three are Big Business, top seven all give to democrats.
– We should not do anything to discourage Proggies like steve-dolt, but in fact encourage them to keep digging that hole. The deeper the better.
That’s exactly what he feels. In his bones even.
That’s exactly what he feels. In his bones even.
Which, considering he purports himself to be the second coming of J. R. Gotrocks, would be rather contradictory unless, of course, his claims are BS.
Those Koch Brothers™ don’t look like they are exactly the ruination of the country according to that chart, Eingang. One must scroll quit a mays down to find their pittance (relatively speaking).
He’s going to have to spring for his own extension ladders, BBH. Mine are stowed for the winter.
Indeed, Leigh, less than the NEA by half, or a third when you throw the other teacher’s union in. Evil Big Oil doesn’t even hit the charts till Exxon at 93 @ 1/6 the total amount given by AFSCAM (misspelling intentional).
My prediction, every bit as likely as any of Steven B. Thievin’s:
The B Ark will finally get built to take all of our phone sanitizers to Golgafrincham.
Well yeah, but it’s not A vote! Rich people can vote eleventy bajillion times because tax breaks! Or something!
– The Left better start looking seriously for another fat cat rich Marxist sugar daddy because Soros isn’t going to be around much longer.
Only someone who considers all wealth & earnings as The States would *feel* that allowing people to keep more of their own stuff is “BUYING” a vote.
Meanwhile they feel that giving poor people free government stuff (food, rent, phones, medical care, etc.) isn’t buying a vote, because SOCIAL JUSTICE!
BBH – that assumes his offspring will become to Soros père as the offspring of Hilton are to Hilton père (as the scions of the exceedingly rich are wont to become) and not “activists” or some other nonsense.
I think I’ll try to smoke more cigars in 2014.
I’ll smoke to that.
So you’re sticking with the “you’re not really insured” schtick?
Just not a fan of treating some income (investment) differently than other income (earnings). Not a fan of Mitt Romney paying an effective 15% tax rate when the middle class pays a higher effective rate.
If only those persecuted 501c4s had to disclose their donors…
Let’s check in on the super pacs:
HMNIS at 1:34 31 Dec:
You might want to look at where the bulk of campaign contributions come from.
From his link of 4:19 31 Dec:
Unlike traditional PACs, Super PACs are prohibited from donating money directly to political candidates.
Golly !
Just not a fan of treating some income (investment) differently than other income (earnings). Not a fan of Mitt Romney paying an effective 15% tax rate when the middle class pays a higher effective rate.
Oh yummy, you’ve either fallen for the classist lies or you support ’em.
Either way, wipe the drool off your chin
As if money invested hasn’t already been taxed six ways from Sunday and people who invest are taking risks the wage earner isn’t.
Just not a fan of treating some income (investment) differently than other income (earnings).
Absolutely, let’s cut all tax to 15%, and make the Federal Government quit borrowing money.
Everyone was so surprised about Kelo v New London, but the Federal Government had been seizing private property solely to give to someone else for almost a century…
If only those persecuted 501c4s had to disclose their donors
Substitute “NAACP” for 501c4s and you sound like a white Alabama Democrat fingering his white sheets
Just not a fan of treating some income (investment) differently than other income (earnings). Not a fan of Mitt Romney paying an effective 15% tax rate when the middle class pays a higher effective rate.
Madonna mi.
How many times do we need to go over this? Mitt Romney is paying taxes on investment income—income that generates JOBS. The middle class pays taxes on wages and if Der Wahn doesn’t take it away in the name of “fairness” get a tax deduction on their mortgage payments.
I am not a fan of “the poor” all 49% of them paying zero income taxes and receiving EITCs and other benefits.
So you’re sticking with the “you’re not really insured” schtick?
– So you’re sticking with the “ignore the 700 pound Gorilla in the back of the room” schtick that ignores the simple legal fact as only a Progressive moron can, namely you have “no policy” thats emforcible until you pay a premium, which the majority of “sign-ups” have yet to do.
– Next bullshit meme?
– You are a lying moron steve-dolt. Must be tough to be you.
…you have “no policy” thats emforcible until you pay a premium, which the majority of “sign-ups” have yet to do…
True, but Obama will likely just do another of his imperial decrees and tell the insurance companies that they must cover everyone who “signed up” regardless of whether they paid.
One more “So let it be written. So let it be done” and I believe it will be torches and pitchforks time.
True, but Obama will likely just do another of his imperial decrees and tell the insurance companies that they must cover everyone who “signed up” regardless of whether they paid.
– Up til now the large insurers have played along with Bumblefucks legislating from the WH because they see OCare as a possible bononza to their business. If, at any point, they start to see the whole steaming pile of manure for what it really is, a train wreck of collosal proportions, they will jump ship in a heart beat and run to the courts to directly nullify any liabilities. Even the Left wing mole Roberts isn’t fucked up enough to piss into that hurricane.
– See, it all starts with gay ass fucker cakes and builds from there. When the gov can tell you what you must do as a private business or as a citizen what you must buy, the Republic is over so you might as well pick up the pitchforks and torches because you’re not a free citizen anymore in this facist Progtardia.
– Reasonable regulations are one thing, fascist dictates quite another.
Starting the new year in Obamacare limbo
Are there enough doctors for newly insured?
– The Lefturds can spew all the fake bullshit words they want to, until they pay premiums they have no insurance, and quite honestly with all the crap still up in the air anyone who actually makes a payment to an insurance company has rocks in their heads. Its a catch 22 situation with no end in sight, and this isn’t one that the Whan can fix with one of his ludricous edicts.
Are there enough doctors for newly insured?
No. You may have noticed the trend in the past several years to refer to “providers” not “doctors” or “physicians”, particularly in reference to primary care.
The reason is to inure hoi polloi to the fact that they are going to see a PA, nurse practitioner, or some other “extender”. PAs I am generally good with, particularly the former military, the rest, not so much as IMNSHO the training isn’t as good.
If states (or some godawful fed standard is mandated) tie active licenses to acceptance of Obamacare, the inactive list is going to be mighty inviting, and we will likely see the import of docs of dubious lineage.
– Sooooooooo, now I wonder jsut whom would have any reason to bring this up *cough*…. *cough-frisco*…. *cough* just a few days before a playoff game.
– ‘Course if anyone would know whos batting for the “happy” team the bay area boneheads would.
BBH – well, he is a Packer.
a little fascism for the new year. buy only squid™ tar and feathers
St. Louis City Prosecutor Warns Drivers: Judge and Prosecutor WILL BE ON CALL to Issue Warrants to Draw Blood
How is this knowledge of peoples sexual preferences supposed to enhance our daily lives? I thought what you did on your own time was a private matter. Frankly, I’d like to keep it that way.
and that chargers “win” was fixed
Steve, did you make a donation to the site proprietor yet? A good New Years resolution would be to do so on a monthly basis. Jeff will even publicly thank you for it – and it will do wonders for your credentials here.
I figure the Chargers win forestalled the humiliation of the Stillers getting their asses kicked in the play-offs.
>I figure the Chargers win forestalled the humiliation of the Stillers<
maybe. but the chiefs kept running right before the missed field goal instead of trying to set up for the field goal like in the middle of the field.
– I have a one word answrer to all the whiners about the missed field goal/ seven on the line whine, and the fake punt fumble whine.
– Bullshit. I could point out that when Welkers helmet flew off the play is automatically dead by the league rules, so no fumble, and that if you take the time to look at the scrimige photo one of the seven is actually setup a foot behind the other linemen, so no seven on the line crap.
– But even more to the point, if we had back all the missed and wrong calls all during the regular season that cost us basically 4 other games we wouldn’t have even needed the win.
– Give it a break whiners.
– The truth is the Dolts are so inconsistant they go from brilliant to unbelievably bad and back several times in one game. We’ve taken to calling them the SD widow makers. But that very inconsistancy makes them dangerous to every other team and so nobody wants to play them. Thats the real reason for all the whining.
not whining just the call playing at the end of the 4th q by the chiefs was perplexing if you’re setting up for a fg.
congrats sd
– That wasn’t directed at you nr, but you should see all the pissing and moaning from Pittsburg fans and even KC fans are all over it. Tomlins comments take the cake. He of the “lets just stand on the field and help tackle the runner” fame.
– The real point is there are really bad calls in almost every game and we had the lions share this year and I don’t remember a GD one of those other teams moaning on our behalf.
– I stand by what I said. We wouldn’t have even needed the win Sunday if we hadn’t gotten ripped off in 4 other games this year.
– On the other hand sometimes its better to be lucky than good, or in the Chargers case “crazy inconsistant and unpredictable” lucky.
Oh, I’m not whining. The Stillers have been heart-breakers all season. I wish they’d hire some new coaches or at least all get on the same page.
Besides, I fully expect the Chargers to step on their cranks. So, no harm, no foul.
Besides, I fully expect the Chargers to step on their cranks. So, no harm, no foul.
– They almost always do whenever theres anything at stake, but then again when everyone counts them out is when they’re the most dangerous. They had to have no less than six things happen two weeks in a row to get in, and in the 4th quarter the other day I don’t think you could have found anyone in Qualcom stadium that thought they’d end up winning. Go figure.
– It all depends on which Charger team shows up next weekend. But again, thats exactly why no one wants to play them, particularly in a playoff game.
i’ve thought the nfl was “fixed” since sb 2009
black coach black president demonrat named rooney
– You know Leigh, enough of those “weird” missed field goals/bad call results and opposing teams will start freaking out and causing it to happen. At this point they have as much chance as anybody, maybe a bit more with the “X” factor.
– But really the Cheatriots or Frisco should win it.
I’d rather have the Pats win again than SF.
science bleg: if i have 741/386 op amp not connected to anything, say sitting on a table, will that device be harmed by an electro magnetic pulse explosion? a little lite fair for new years eve. best wishes 2014!
– nr: The answer is “maybe” It all depends on the “situation” the 741 opamp is in. If its out in the open with no metal around it could get enough juice imprinted on the exposed leads to fry the front end. If its in an anti-static packaging, which it normally is, its probably safe. If its soldered into a circuit board its very likely also protected enough.
– All depends also on the magnitude of the EMP. Strong enough and nothing protects the IC unless its inside of a fully shielded metal box.
– There has to be a strong enough EMP to generate a destructive “differential voltage” across the most sensitive pins of the IC to do harm, whatever the conditions.
Just wrap it and your cranium in heavy duty aluminum foil. All will be well.
Yes, I do feel better. Thanks for asking.
True, but Obama will likely just do another of his imperial decrees and tell the insurance companies that they must cover everyone who “signed up” regardless of whether they paid.
” – Up til now the large insurers have played along with Bumblefucks legislating from the WH because they see OCare as a possible bononza to their business. If, at any point, they start to see the whole steaming pile of manure for what it really is, a train wreck of collosal proportions, they will jump ship in a heart beat and run to the courts to directly nullify any liabilities. Even the Left wing mole Roberts isn’t fucked up enough to piss into that hurricane”
I heard on FOX this morning some pundit, sorry I wasn’t paying real close attention so I can’t name him, but he was predicting the insurance companies were going to be the recipients of the next big government bailout.
Sounds about right.
As for the recent controversies in the NFL, I’ve been noticing recently the whole enterprise has so many rules for the refs to call (or not) it is incredibly easy to fix outcomes. It’s become an analogy to capitalism and the influences of overregulation and a ridiculously complex tax code. Vegas has only to say the word in the right ear, and all the sudden holding is ignored and pass interference on the other team is strictly interpreted. Suddenly the spread is back in keeping with the bookies.
– One ‘might be’ in the ghoul pool.
thanks for your response. i pick those devices(+ other stuff) for their ability to create a shortwave radio. if i can protect theses parts in a faraday cage(old microwave?) then i’ll be able to listen to the end of the world live.
Sure, there are political white lies, but “If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it — period! No one will take it away from you.” qualifies as a blatant, malicious lie and no one should trust the liar who made it or the lackeys who make excuses for it.
>no one should trust the liar who made it or the lackeys who make excuses for it<
you deliberately made no mention of barack's pants crease. you h8ter.
you deliberately made no mention of barack’s pants crease. you h8ter.
The emperor has no clothes.
Forgot to add the following prediction:
There will be DEA raids on “recreational” marijuana shops in Denver just prior to their official opening tomorrow morning. Along with an official memo from Eric Holder to Governor Hickenlooper along the lines of “Who’s your daddy?”
>The emperor has no clothes.<
did you look at his brow? there be crease. you h8ters are awful. next up children!!11!! i hart perry.
did you look at his brow? there be crease.
For some reason, I thought that you didn’t get your insurance via the exchange. Perhaps I’m confusing that with your claims that the exchanges weren’t all that important, since you could talk to an insurance agent directly.
I find your claim that your insurance is cheaper difficult to believe, unless you have pre-existing conditions in your family that you haven’t bothered to mention.
For some reason, I thought that you didn’t get your insurance via the exchange.
The point is moot; if he got it through the exchange it may not actually be in effect (sans imperial decree), if he didn’t get it through the exchange, Obamacare was irrelevant to the transaction as he could have bought any policy available before, unless, as is likely, he was just too lazy to compare plans.
Of course, this make the wild assumption that he isn’t just confabulating.
That is an extraordinarily wild assumption to make.
It keeps happening again and again even though the finale is a known-known.
The multitude of OFArrhoids that are Steven B. Thievin can’t be expected to keep their stories straight if they don’t attend their three daily script meetings as required by management.
Gotta keep those three ring binders filled with only the latest version of the past so that the “known” future will be.
I was in San Diego watching teevee without sound (at a bar of course) and saw that there were new regulations, but not what they were. Thanks for letting us know.
First entrant into the ghoul pool.
James Avery