An attempted repeal of Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law was voted down in that state’s house judiciary committee on November 7.
The bill offered to repeal it was HB-4003. And according to, HB-4003 would not only have repealed stand your ground but would have also diminished Floridians’ right to self-defense in other ways, other settings.
The repeal was offered by state representative Alan B. Williams (Democrat). Because he is not a member of the judiciary committee he could not even vote in support of the repeal he requested.
Williams and the handful of representatives who sided with him pointed to the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman incident as proof the law needs to be done away, even though stand your ground did not play a role in the incident between Martin and Zimmerman.
Other witnesses included high school students “who were presumably receiving course credit” for arguing against stand your ground.
There isn’t a single demographic Democrats won’t exploit for cheap emotionalism. High school students pushed forward to try to dictate public policy — kids who may not have experienced anything outside of their public education cocoons advocating for ways to repeal the right to self defense, to not be forced by some odious law to run away from confrontation and hope you aren’t pursued or shot in the back, lest you face charges of escalating the instance of your own molestation or violation by some criminal or other?
Yeah. Fuck that. And if that’s what “governing” means — let’s see if we can’t get some high school kids to jerk a few tears out of pliable lawmakers who have an outsized desire to be praised for their wisdom and compassion — you can stuff it. I’ll go with obstruction any day — and then explain why I’ve done so.
It’s that latter part the contemporary GOP can’t and won’t do, even if they really do have an occasional flare up of principle.
Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio? They wanted the public to see the debate. They wanted to make the case against defunding ObamaCare in advance of its disastrous roll out and the lies that were told to pass it and to codify it into Constitutional law.
And they were stabbed in the back repeatedly by those in their own party whose only calculation was how best to enable its implementation, while finding a way to vote against that implementation.
That’s getting things done, people! That’s political professionalism! None of the “amateur” bullshit that, ironically, isn’t at all responsible for where we now find ourselves — not the enormous debt, not the shrinking of our liberties, not the surrendering of legislative control to unelected bureaucrats managed by the Executive, not the destruction of our currency.
An air of professionalism and comity trumps the very real sinister intent and feckless defense jammed fatly into designer suits and polished wingtips. Progress! Hope and Change! Forward!
Anyone following the story in Detroit about Renisha McBride?
You mean the “Biden Doctrine” case?