
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2024


“Father calls cops to teach son a lesson, cops shoot teen dead instead”

As the father of two boys, this may be one of the most heartbreaking stories I’ve ever read.

Seriously.  It’s totally fucked up my day and I haven’t even had a cup of coffee yet.

There’s a simple take away here: never call in armed people who are ready to shoot your dog on sight to “teach a lesson” to your kids.

Not that I blame the dad at all. He probably reminders all those public safety lessons we all learned in elementary school about the police being our friends and our kindly problem solvers. Which like so much else we were taught turned out to be the exception, not the rule.

He fucked up! He trusted them!

15 Replies to ““Father calls cops to teach son a lesson, cops shoot teen dead instead””

  1. DarthLevin says:

    This is absolutely horrible. “To Protect and Serve”? More like “I AM THE LAW!!”

  2. bgbear says:

    what is the firearm rule, never point a gun at something unless you intend to kill or destroy it?

    Never call the cops in unless. . .

  3. Shermlaw says:

    The days are long, long gone when police and parents worked together to help kids stay on the straight and narrow. Now, too many departments are caught up in the “Special Forces Fantasy Camp” idea of policing, which leads to crap like this. I’m afraid it’s only going to get worse.

  4. bgbear says:

    Hitch was fortunate to live in different times:

    When (Alfred) Hitchcock was just five years old, his strict, Catholic father gave him quite a fright. Attempting to teach Hitchcock a valuable lesson, Hitchcock’s father sent him to the local police station with a note. Once the police officer on duty read the note, the officer locked young Hitchcock in a cell for several minutes. The effect was devastating. Although his father was trying to teach him a lesson about what happened to people who did bad things, the experience left Hitchcock shaken to the core. As a result, Hitchcock was forever fearful of the police.

  5. happyfeet says:

    piggy American copsluts aren’t qualified to work the door at Walmart

    it’s cause they’re stupid trashy and hyperviolent

  6. leigh says:

    That’s an awful story, bg bear. Hitch’s dad was an abusive douchebag. No wonder he grew up to be such a creep.

  7. Ernst Schreiber says:

    I’m sure one of yuse guys has the link to the blog post somewhere in the ether; the one where the blogger announces that his strategy for interacting with the police is to do everything humanly possible to avoid having to interact with the police, and, failing that, to shoot first on the assumption that the police are there to shoot him.

    That doesn’t seem quite so hyperbolic today.

  8. bour3 says:

    Waitaminit, the thing goes from pulling a guy over, sirens running, to shots fired. Why didn’t the teenager pull over? I tend to blame the teenager and not the cops. I too was a rotten little teenager a bit slow on the uptake very fast to err in legalistic ways, here abnd there doing ordinary things like taking the truck, various acts of misdemeanor larceny and such, mischief, unease and basic teen temperament, and through all that pulled over multiple times. That was part of teen-training; how to be properly pulled over.

    “Yes, Sir. Yes, Sir, Of course, Sir. Right here, Sir. Thaaaaank eeewwweeeee, Sir.”

    Now I say, “Goddamnit. What now? I’m giving up driving.”

  9. daveinsocal says:

    An Ex-Cop’s Guide to Not Getting Arrested

    Or a more accurate description would be “How to Show Proper Subservience To Your LEO Betters, You Proles”.

    Read it and be amazed. Seriously? Sob uncontrollably and shit your pants to avoid getting arrested when you’re not doing anything wrong in the first place? How very pragmatic.

    Yeah, f*ck that noise.

  10. happyfeet says:

    here is a picture of the stupid hyperviolent iowa copwhore who murdered this poor kid to death

    his name is Adam McPherson

    I love Ames I remember walking around there back when they still had the nuclear reactor

  11. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Dave, you must have been doing something wrong, or else the cop wouldn’t be arresting you, would he?

  12. Ernst Schreiber says:

    We had a local highway patrolslut who spent four or five months in the hospital on account of getting run over by a hyper-escapey drunkwhore.

    Who was then shot by other officers responding to the officer down call.

    So I’m a bit more sympathetic to the Iowa cop then I am to the New Mexico cops.

    But that said, it sure seems like the police are looking to escalate these types of situations to the point to where they’re then justified in immediately de-escalating the incident through superior firepower.

  13. happyfeet says:

    poor patrolslut is gonna have to get his ass in gear if he’s gonna catch up on his quota for the year

  14. daveinsocal says:

    Dave, you must have been doing something wrong, or else the cop wouldn’t be arresting you, would he?

    I guess I should have known better, wearing that short skirt in that part of town. I was just asking for it.

  15. leigh says:

    I figured just had glass-pak mufflers on your ride, I didn’t know it was that serious.

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