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November 2024


This is NOT another Hurricane Katrina / devastation post

See?  Didn’t even mention it.*

21 Replies to “This is NOT another Hurricane Katrina / devastation post”

  1. Jeff Goldstein says:

    For the record, of course my thoughts are with the people of New Orleans and the Mississippi gulf region; but the coverage is getting excessive, which has turned the marketplace for storm narratives into a battle over who can describe the devastation in the most hyperbolic terms, who has the most pictures / video / heart breaking tales of loss, etc.

    A natural disaster occured.  Standing water mixed with sewage is going to breed disease; homes and businesses are gone; hundreds died; millions are without power and will be for several weeks; no water, ice, etc.; looting is rampant.

    And you know something?  The media, for all the good it does, is partially to blame for the mess—having sensationalized every storm for the last several years to the point where I’m all but certain that many of the people who stayed in the hardest hit areas simply did not believe media reports suggesting this storm was a really REALLY really big deal.

    Crying wolf and all that.  Even now, Sean Hannity’s eyebrows are at their most concerned, practically perpendicular to his eyes.  Call me cynical, but it makes me sick.

    Drezner called what we’re seeing in the media now “hurricane porn.” I don’t think he’s too far off.

    For those who wish to give to disaster relief, go to the Red Cross site and do so.  Me, I’ll do my part to help out, but I’m not going to join the ever-growing chorus of 24/7 Katrina aftermath coverage.  There are plenty of places you can go for that.

  2. Lydia says:

    It sucks this thing has my middle name attached to it.

    And since we’re trying NOT to focus on it…

    My brother used to call me Lydia Kastinka..


  3. Lydia says:

    I sound a tad callous with my non-focus remark. Eeesh.

    Another good organization –

    Heart to Heart

  4. insomni says:

    Hurricane Katrina has been pushing Mother Sheehan further and further down the front page (including on this ZIONIST BLOG), sometimes even OFF of it!


    Especially since global warming (DEATH TO THE OIL-SUCKING REPUBLICANS!) is to blame, and we have no National Guard left since Chimpy sent them ALL to Iraq. BUSH LIED, CREOLES DIED!

  5. B Moe says:

    Another factor to consider is how many times in the past years have we heard of a massive evacuation somewhere, storm turns out to be a poofter, but then the police won’t let people back in until the area is “under control”.  So while people are stuck at roadblocks their relatively undamaged by the storm houses are ransacked and destroyed by looters.

  6. OHNOES says:

    Katrina was also one of the coolest video game characters of all time, the Quest for Glory 4 mysterious, and slightly flirtatious, Mordavian servant girl.

  7. Patricia says:

    They are partially to blame–I turned it off before the storm hit when I heard them predicting (through crocodile tears) that upwards of 20,000 people could die. 

    Sure, if no one left.  If it was a surprise.  Jeez.  No wonder people blew it off.

  8. insomni says:

    These links might have been dropped here before, but for those who may have missed them if they were, ASV has some good hurricane posts, my favorite being the first.

    Darwin calling on New Orleans, Covering the coverage, Looking for good news from New Orleans, etc.

    And I’d like to preemptively apologize for my insensitive comment about Creoles dying, above. On a second read, despite my tongue being firmly in-cheek, it may have been a bit much.

  9. jmflynny says:

    I agree, completely.

    Even the guys from the Weather Channel had the good sense to get the hell off the coast. Meanwhile, Shep Smith rides out the storm in the French Quarter, enjoying immensely the fact that he was the first on the ‘scene’ when it survived. He would have been the first reporter on the scene had he been killed too, but someone else would’ve gotten that scoop I suppose.

    I’m sure many people look at those such as Shep and wonder how dangerous the situation they are facing.

    And…and…regardless of what I am hearing from the governor of Louisiana, I do not think the mayor did such a superb job. I was watching his press conference on Sunday, around 1100 am when he finally ordered an evacuation. He asked that special needs residents go to the superdome, and read off a list of busses which would provide transportation. His order came less than 24 hours before the strike, and by that point, many people had no way to escape. Others stood for hours in front of the superdome before they gave up and left.

    I cannot imagine the suffering that the survivors have yet to endure.

    God bless them in their time of need.

  10. ss says:


    I resent your apology. I thought it was a fine post.

    If you can’t make light of natural disasters, then the hurricanes have truly won.

  11. Too much of New Orleans’ preparation seems to have been wishful thinking.

  12. insomni says:


    You’re right. Grab me a fiddle & some Mardi Gras beads and call me Nero!

  13. Drumwaster says:

    Let’s be honest, this thing was a nothing, nowhere Cat 1 hurrican last Friday as it clipped the souther tip of Florida. All of a sudden, it hung a sharp right north and jumped in strength to the largest hurricane in a generation.

    There was very little time to order an evacuation, which would have taken 72 hours under ordinary conditions.

    They had about 48 hours from course change to impact. It took at least 12 to predict a course.

  14. kbiel says:

    Katrina?  I thought that missing girls name was Natasha or Natalee or something like that.

    But seriously, my thoughts and prayers (yes, I’m a rightwing God-botherer) go to those who lost their loved ones, their homes, and/or their lives to this storm.  Recriminations for how the prestorm preparations can wait a few days or weeks while we help the N.O. and Gulf Port/Biloxi residents.

    Of course, if you’re a lefty, this doesn’t apply to you because we all know the eeevil Chimpleror was behind this racist storm.  (And also the joooos, can’t forget the jooooos.)

  15. Salt Lick says:

    Well, I lived in New Orleans for 8 years and I’m biting my tongue so hard to stifle “recriminations” that I’m swallowing blood. Short story is this has been predicted for years and it was handled, as usual, with incompetence.

    Vis a vis Jeff’s post a few days ago about the “Black Family,” it’s been intriguing to hear the journalists describe the victims’ partners—“fiance,” “boyfriend,” “common-law husband,” etc, as in “Bethunia Robinson, her six children and fiance…”

    Gosh, I really am worse than Hitler.

  16. Dave D says:

    No official word yet from hurricane-fan James Wolcott.

  17. Murel Bailey says:

    Dammit, Salt Lick, it’s my turn to be Hitler.

  18. bridge_to_tomorrow says:

    Lydia that story is hilarious. Lydia Kastinka! Woo hoo! Aren’t brothers great for that sorta thing?

  19. Defense Guy says:

    To be fair, I tried to be Hitler once only, I am fond of the Jews generally and Poland just laughed at my advances.  They will rue the day of course.  Rue.

  20. AWG says:

    …Poland just laughed at my advances.

    I’m telling you, Poland’s reputation is highly exaggerated.  Lines like “That dress looks amazing on you, but it’d look even better crumpled up on my floor” just aren’t going to work.

  21. Cardinals Nation says:

    Dammit, Salt Lick, it’s my turn to be Hitler.

    Back off, Murel!!! I’m not going to tell you again…the last Wednesday of each month that falls on an odd numbered day is <i>my day to be Der Führer.

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