
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2024


Corker, McCain, et al, join Harry Reid and promote the Democrat plan to implement ObamaCare

They don’t even try to hide it anymore.

If ever you doubted me when I kept writing that we’re living in what is essentially a one-party system camouflaging itself as a representative republic, the Constitution a mere prop to be pulled out when needed and bracketed when it interferes with the designs of federal expansionists, now’s the time to apologize — if not to me, than at least to yourselves for harboring delusions and sustaining yourself for so many years on bogus optimism, and a belief in, say, Mitt Romney or Rick Perry or any number of other fake conservatives for whom winning elections and the power derived from such is the end, not the means.

We live in loathsome times. Or, to borrow some prescient song lyrics, we’ve been falling so long it’s like gravity’s gone and we’re just floating.

— The upside being, once you hit bottom there really are only two choices. Embrace the depths or climb the hell up.

So we’ve got that going for us.

3 Replies to “Corker, McCain, et al, join Harry Reid and promote the Democrat plan to implement ObamaCare”

  1. Squid says:

    I’ve been working on an airbag to help cushion the impact. I imagine it’s still going to hurt like hell, but I’m hoping I’ll be able to walk away from it.

  2. sdferr says:

    In one stroke while displaying their complete contempt for the American people, stoppering their ears to our pleas that they cease enslaving us, simultaneously claiming they have only a “benefit” to the American people in mind, together with fleecing the people of their most precious possession — their popular sovereignty and freedom of political action — the rulers in Washington will demand our respect for their selfless deeds. For they just know better what they know.

  3. happyfeet says:

    mom always said Rick Perry is useless as tits on a nun but she didn’t know the half of it huh

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