On the one hand, if you’re Chris Christie and you’ve lost Meghan McCain, that would augur problems down the road for your national political ambitions.
On the other hand, if you’re Chris Christie and Meghan McCain won’t support you, it’s almost a conservative law that we constitutionalists must give him another look.
The formulation is simple: if Meghan McCain likes X, then Y is the correct choice; if Meghan McCain supports X, sentient beings must certainly support Y.
But because we know that Christie is everything that the GOP establishment embraces — and that we the people therefore reject — giving him yet another look is counterintuitive. Consequently, perhaps it’s time to rethink that original political proof entirely and just go with a new formulation: if Meghan McCain likes and/or supports X, who besides a few teenaged boys, her agent, her increasingly fading father, and almost certainly Lindsay Graham, even gives a shit?
Express that mathematically and I think I may be on to something.
The best I can come to the mathematical expression of this conundrum is:
? ÷ 0
Damn HTML. ? is supposed to “infinity symbol”
Or a restatement of that formulation: if Megan McCain opens her mouth, decent Americans are duty bound to ignore her . . . again.
A broken clock is wrong 1438 times a day.
Of course, XY is the correct choice.
We are absolutely obligated to ignore this blonde twit. I’m quite sure it’s a law or something.
Meghan McCain: putting the “semi-literate” in bubble-headed bleach blonde.
I think it’s best expressed mathematically as an empty set, not unlike Meghan’s head.
I suspect that Meghan McCain likes whatever her PR/new Media consultant tells her it would be cool for her to like.
oooh, Dave, you’re onto something. I suggest Venn diagrams, with Meghan in one and intelligence in the other where never the twain shall meet.
palaeomerus, you’re being exceedingly generous. I, for one, wouldn’t give Meghan the ability to remember anything her media consultants tell her.
He lost her because “Christie is more interested in pushing his own agenda than in supporting his party.”
Supporting the GOP is not a venerable goal.
Pushing one’s own agenda might be, depending on what one’s own agenda is.
Given that CC’s agenda seems to be schmoozing with the powerful, he’s lost me on both counts.
False choice. This comes from mapping the mulch-dimentional human politics onto a one dimensional line just like the left-right line that has Communism at one end and Nazism at the other.
Should I go with the “Fascist” CC or the “Communist” MM? Neither, the question is too small, and should be unasked.
The fact that he’s a fat guy from New Jersey with a bombastic style of oratory never made a believer out of me.
We have a thin-skinned beanpole in the WH now. Why replace him with a thin-skinned, big gov fatso with an R after his name?
How did multi become mulch?
I like it, geoff. I’d trademark it if I were you.
geoffb, I began to wonder if there wasn’t a multi-dementia-nal in play there too — given the evident craziness involved in tracking McCains.
I think that having a feeling about this is probably a mistake.
How about:
Given: If MM <3 X, then ? | MMa | COUJ | POSlg =/= WTF
MM is Meghan McCain.
? is the unknown (i.e. teenage boys)
MMa is Meghan McCain, sub-agent
COUJ is Crazy Old Uncle John
and POSlg is Piece of Shit, sub-Lindsay Graham,
Meghan just needs a good strap-on, and a webcam she thinks is plugged in, but really isn’t.
WTF = CAIR you know.
Mulch-dimensional is shit-for-brains thinking and descriptive of MM among many others. Only my spell-check knows for sure.
We’ve had more than our share of comment trolls from the mulch dimension.
As for Meggy Mac, the Venn diagram describing the sets: Intelligent People and People who give a blind twitching fuck what Meggy Mac says about anything, is represented by her tits — they don’t intersect.
Saw that, geoffb. Can’t believe that was intentional, so it really is a WTF?
Somehow, linking anything to do with logic or reason and Meggy Mac’s tits seems like a crime against science.
MM’s tits are her only redeeming feature. They wouldn’t even be all that if she wasn’t so fat.
Yes, I am feeling like a fatist today.
OT: Jay Carney says “everyone” agrees that the debt ceiling must be raised. Oh really now?
Everyone that he knows, leigh.
The rest of us don’t exist in his world.
Let’s see if this Unicode will work:
? x | x ? {McCain family}, limt?? (me giving a flying fuck about x) = 0
Nope. Try:
If Meghan McCain supports something we’re all dumber for having heard her discuss it.
Something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hfYJsQAhl0
– MM = the union of the Tit set and the set of all vacuums.
Ugggh. Greta van Sustren is driving me nuts.
Greta routinely and dismissively interrupts congresspeople as they attempt to explin their position and view of the opposition to tell them that they should find ways to work together because that’s what she expects as if the guest has never heard of cooperation and is obliged to cooperate on any issue merely because she wants to see cooperation. She’s a typical soft headed self important, kindergarten teacher boilerplate thinking, Fox news-boob like O’Reilly, Gretchen Carlson, and Neil Cavuto who use their guests as an excuse to give ignorant no-brainer lectures to the last people who need to hear them. She thinks congresspeople come on the show because they need a dose of her special brand of ersatz life-coaching.
It’s sad stuff to watch.
You know what another word for cooperation is, Greta? Collaboration. You do know what they did to collaborators, don’t you?
Is Rand Paul saying that “we can’t do anything in the Senate because Obama will blame us and we don’t have the majority?”
Because my translator algorithm keeps cranking out “The NSA finally dug up something useful on me.”
Watch his next TV interview: if he keeps blinking three short, three long, three short, we’ll know.
Is Rand Paul saying that “we can’t do anything in the Senate because Obama will blame us and we don’t have the majority?”
Isn’t it sufficient to know he backs McConnell’s re-elect bid?
– Anagram of the week:
Where’s Willie’s Armadillo?
(i.e. “where is the Armadillo’s Willie?”)
– This is always what happens when you let a Progressive own a pet. Of course if there was ever a Limo Liberal Nelson is the poster boy. Sans the drug connection he’d be a dyed in the wool good ole boy redneck.
Obviously Greta didn’t catch that part of Cruz’s thing this morning when he was quoting Ayn Rand. Something along the lines of “There are two sides to every argument, the right side and the wrong side. And then there are those in the middle, who seek compromise between the two sides. They’re simply Evil.”
– The obligitory weekly Mall shooting.
how? cuomo just passed more gun control laws
The guys who were going to end up getting shot whichever side won, because winning was never their goal anyway.
how? cuomo just passed more gun control laws
– Criminal minds are a little slow on the uptake, and the gov never provides translators.
IF (RINO’s cup size) > (McCain’s cup size) THEN (McCain hates)
The statement is not gender specific.
Yeah, Senator Petain’s surrender speech on the floor today was a thing of beauty.
I understand the perfection of his accent made Jean Francois Le Kerre weep.
my friends
Video: McCain delivers the “ruining class”
Democraticresponse to CruzIf that’s video of McCain saying he campaigned all over the country on “repeal and reform” in 2012, and the country reelected Obama, therefore the country must want Obamacare and thus “we lost,” that newrouter is linking, then it’s probably worth a seperate post –so many are the issues Senator Petain raises.
Like, just for starters, video Jean, or it never happened.
Is it Petain, or LePetomane?
Senator Petard is more like it. Fppphhrrrttttbbbtttthhttt.
since leaving the service johnnymac has held phony baloney jobs.
Petain or LePetomane?
I know they were both cheesy, but only one was a surrender monkey, right?
Regarding Meghan’s daddy, The NYT via Ace. Yet GOP “leaders” still pay attention to that Quisling.
for my friends and daughter,
The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity
Excellent, Mike.
Well, we historians like our math simple, straight, and to the point. ;-)
wtf = cair
– This always happens whenever theres math.
Not sure whether I should SMH or LMAO.
Come to think of it, perhaps bodies as dense as those of Chris Christie and Meghan McCain should stay apart. Wouldn’t want to create a singularity.
SMH sounds dangerous
it is the fatty moving into the mccain vacuum that causes fracking in space and time = rod surly
– Yeah. A really serious case of SMH would be just TFB.
There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as Chris Christie’s backside and as empty as Meghan McCain’s head. It is the middle ground between hohos and twinkies, between amnesty and sequestration. You have entered the RINO zone.
What quisling is Shermlaw talking about?
There’s so many too choose from.
Tip of the iceberg found so all is well.
Finally. Got it Tweeted.
RE: McGehee at 25 Sept at 05:44:
Lenin’s way of dealing with the Mensheviks:
We’ll ask the man, where do you stand on the question of the revolution?
Are you for it or against it?
If he’s against it, we’ll stand him up against a wall.
It’s too little, too late.
I’m sure the Russian Mensheviks were as averse to answering a simple yes or no question with either a yes or no, as our American Mensheviks are.
And I’m equally sure that Lenin interpreted any answer that wasn’t an immediate and unnuanced “yes” as a “no.”
You are correct.
Them walls got a lot of use and abuse.
Just noticed the juxtaposition: to stand against the revolution is to stand against a wall.
And here I thought revolutions were supposed to be dynamic.
You’re good.
If animal husbandry has taught us anything, it would be if Meghan McCain and Chris Christie had kids they would be exceedingly fat and annoying.
Ah, Evi, quite true, but they’d have big bazongas.