Oh, I know! As I’m a “teabagger” — and therefore a racist, QED — let me say this: very very very white progressives, mostly the kind with advanced degrees in the humanities, or training in leftwing activist journalism or Keynesian economics, provide the intellectual cover for contemporary slavery, which takes the form not of whips and chains and fugitive slave acts, but rather is created with political calculation to form an economic plantation onto which pet minorities are forever herded, kept, fed, subsidized, and dumbed down, with no recourse to escaping failing schools, into permanent clients of the welfare state-Democrat Party vote exchange system.
And erstwhile “civil rights leaders” — Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, black “intellectuals” who preach socialism, critical race theory, or black liberation theology — have become the new House slaves, keeping the field slaves in line while growing fat and content off the scraps from master’s table.
All of them lay claim to nobility. And all of them are wretched frauds who, deep inside, know they are wretched frauds, and so rely on the fraternity of wretched frauds to redefine their wretched fraudulence as compassion and nobility, as virtue.
But just because you call a turd a rose doesn’t mean we smell sweet flowers when you hand us a shit bouquet.
Has no one called you a Republican yet? Because that one smarts.
We will destroy your schools, so that you cannot thrive in modern society. We will drive all commerce and industry out of the cities, so that you cannot find work even if you do manage to educate yourself. We will dissolve your families, so that your only breadwinner is the State, and your only father figure is your ward heeler. We will take away your firearms, so that you are left at the mercy of the fatherless, uneducated, unemployable thugs overrunning the isolated neighborhoods we have trapped you in.
And you will thank us for it, and demand we redouble our efforts.
“Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, black “intellectuals” who preach socialism, critical race theory, or black liberation theology — have become the new House slaves,”
I think it’s less house/porch slaves (because that was at least an honest thing not couched in any transformational illusion) and more along the lines of Judas goats. They calmly walk into the slaughter house that they know about, but are used to, which keeps the livestock that follows them calm and ignoring all those awful smells, until it is too late to bolt. After all the goat seems okay. He wouldn’t go in there all calm and relaxed if things are REALLY as bad in there as they smell from out here. Okay. Then WHAM!
And yeah, that’s not so much hyperbole. Socialism tends to become a slaughter house.
I was thinking of the cartoon House Negro that Samuel L Jackson played in Django Unchained.
Who one critic said Clarence Thomas-esque.
Ah. I haven’t seen either version of Django. I tend to avoid anything with Jaime Fox in it since he started trying to fly flags for St. Hoodie-Skittles d’ Trayvon. That probably includes the upcoming Spider-Man movie.
[…] from Jeff at Protein Wisdom’s post […]