
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

November 2024


Happy Labor Day!

Unless you happen to be one of the millions who’ve left the workforce, or one of the millions who’ve been forced onto food stamps, or are one of the millions of young people who — having been fooled by Obama’s practiced cadence and sonorous platitudes — voted for the guy twice, only to find he really doesn’t care all that much about you, creating conditions for businesses that make it impossible for them to hire you and train you up, your being a poor investment when the increased cost of healthcare is at stake and when minimum wage laws will drive employers into hiring more experienced people who rely on even menial jobs for sustenance and don’t view them as McJobs to be brushed off and gotten through.

Or if you happen to be a business owner molested by some government bureaucracy, or part of some industry the government’s bureaucratic departments are looking to regulate out of business, or have to compete against public sector unions, or belong to private unions whose bosses sell you out for profit and actually decrease the number of jobs available to the lunch bucket types.

Or if you are a doctor or a nurse whose living will be grossly impacted by the coming ObamaCare full monty.  Or you’re a potential patient of said doctor or nurses.

Also, it doesn’t help if you hold stock in energy industries or food industries frowned upon by the Royal Couple and their leftist court.

— And frankly, even if you have a job — because with debt what it is, and the economy being held afloat by Fed gimmickry, that could be gone in a flash, too.

Meaning, happy labor day to government employees and political types, to the cronies with whom they do business, and to the activist arm of the left that works as a professional mau mauing class.

The rest of you just take the day, stuff a few burgers down your throat, drink a few Pabst, and try to forget about the future for a bit.





6 Replies to “Happy Labor Day!”

  1. Pablo says:

    Nation’s Only Unionized Strip Club Closes on Labor Day

    Happy Labor Day, indeed! We poor dumb bastards who keep pulling the wagon instead of riding in it deserve at least a day.

  2. Darleen says:

    I’m preparing some pop-corn to watch the nasty infighting as leftcoast longshoremen tell Trumka to eat sh*t

  3. LBascom says:

    This hasta be a joke!

    Oh well, it’s been said for awhile now the left is beyond parody, and damn if it aint true…

    At a news conference in Washington today, President Obama announced that he is directing the Environmental Protection Agency to act immediately to enforce a new set of regulations to limit emissions of dihydrogen oxide gas […]

    “The world faces a crisis,” the president intoned, “and America must lead. We have taken the first step by limiting carbon emissions, but that cannot be effective unless we deal with the larger menace posed by dihydrogen oxide pollution as well. Since Congress has failed in its duty to pass the required laws, I, as president, am directing the EPA to move unilaterally to issue and enforce appropriate regulations.”

  4. sdferr says:

    Starbucks hardest hit?

  5. Blake says:

    I celebrated Labor Day by hitting the range.

    Almost all of my favorite firearms got a nice workout.

    By the way, rolling clay pigeons and shooting at them with a pistol is a hoot.

  6. […] not so happy list of all the things that might keep you from employment, full employment, or keeping what you have […]

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