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November 2024


Ex Uno Multa Mendacia [Darleen Click]


*President Barack Obama told Americans Friday that federal aid is reserved for citizens, even though his deputies have drafted complex regulations to give taxpayer-funded Obamacare subsidies to foreign students and to millions of guest workers.

*During President Obama’s wide-ranging interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo Friday, the president responded to a question about the “lack of action in Washington” with the claim that when it comes to shutting down the government to kill ObamaCare, his “Republican friends” tell him “privately” that they agree with him but are afraid of Rush Limbaugh and the Tea Party:

*NSA admits rare [snort… ed.] willful surveillance violations

19 Replies to “Ex Uno Multa Mendacia [Darleen Click]”

  1. cranky-d says:

    Obama lied? I’m shocked.


  2. geoffb says:

    And so does Sebelius. but it’s all to advance the cause so it’s all good.

    Asked Thursday if the Affordable Care Act will help “undocumented individuals,” Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said no — and that’s why immigration reform is so important:

    “Well, the (Obamacare) bill is crafted in such a way that those who are undocumented will not have access to the tax credits or shopping in the (health insurance) marketplace. That has been limited, which is, frankly, why — another very keen reason why we need comprehensive immigration reform,” Sebelius told a gathering of Latinos in Philadelphia.

    The remark drew applause at the Obamacare event hosted by Congreso, a Latino community service group.

    “Unfortunately, you can’t fix — we won’t fix the immigration system, unfortunately, through the health care bill, but I think having the immigration bill that passed the Senate, pass the House, would be a huge step,” Sebelius added.

  3. serr8d says:

    “…his “Republican friends” tell him “privately” that they agree with him but are afraid of Rush Limbaugh and the Tea Party”

    McCain’s been grabbing his ankles again it seems. With Lamar Alexander, Bob Corker, and a dozen or so others readying their drop-seats.

  4. palaeomerus says:

    “Alright” said the bear, as the man returned with his rifle again for the fifth week, ” Just level with me. You’re not really a hunter at all are you? “

  5. sdferr says:

    My beloved old buddy Dave, college roommate, used to lie to me about Sebelius, claiming he was a great composer (and worse, spun his boring dreck on the phonograph every other day). faugh.

  6. serr8d says:

    De uno autem ex multis mendaciis (out of one comes many lies)
    Venientibus de multis mendaciis (from one comes many lies)
    Obama mendacium, mendacium, mendacium (Obama lies, lies, lies)

  7. leigh says:

    Sebelius is really, really bad. Sorry, Roomy Dave.

  8. sdferr says:

    Oh, he got his. I hammered him with Poulenc in return.

  9. leigh says:

    You have an evil streak, Mr. sdferr. I like that in a man.

  10. geoffb says:

    The biggest challenge we have is not that we don’t know what policies work, it’s getting our politics right,” Obama said. “Because part of what’s happened over the last several decades is, because times have been tough, because wages and incomes for everybody have not been going up, everybody is pretty anxious about what is happening in their life and what might happen for their kids, so they get worried that if we’re helping people in poverty, that must be hurting me somehow, that’s taking something away from me.”

    Obama continued: “There’s a tendency to suggest somehow that government is taking something from you and giving it to somebody else and that your problems will be solved if we just ignore them, or don’t help them,” Obama said. “And that I think is something that we have to constantly struggle against, whether we’re black or white or whatever color we are.”

    As always so many lies so few words to do them in but the highlighted parts stand out to me.

    Several? As in three or four which takes us back to 1983 or 1973. Cover for the fact that it has been just this past less than a decade where this has happened. His watch.

    So government isn’t taking something from you and giving it to someone else? Why? Because it is all government’s stuff to begin with?

  11. happyfeet says:

    NPR Issues New Guidance On Manning’s Gender Identity

    Thursday, NPR decided to use male pronouns and explained its decision to the New York Times. On Friday, NPR’s Managing Editor for Standards and Practice Stu Seidel issued new guidance, saying that NPR’s “thinking has evolved” and that the network will honor Manning’s preferences.

  12. happyfeet says:

    i just thought y’all would want to be in the loop is all

  13. Darleen says:


    NPR like the rest, have become gender deniers.

  14. dicentra says:

    Oh, come on, guys. Finlandia is worth its salt.

  15. sdferr says:

    Well, out of an effort to avoid being disagreeable, one might say that Finlandia is the very epitome of Sebelius, and leave it at that.

  16. leigh says:

    Finlandia was indeed his finest hour. That seemed like a week.

  17. serr8d says:

    On Friday, NPR’s Managing Editor for Standards and Practice Stu Seidel issued new guidance, saying that NPR’s “thinking has evolved” and that the network Jamal and Bruno, and all the rest of Cellblock 17, will honor Manning’s preferences.

    Fixed that, they will.

  18. happyfeet says:

    it’s just so tedious Darleen but it’s even worse that our tax monies pay for it

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