
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

November 2024


Health issues

Sorry for the lack of posting. I’m dealing with some health issues that are best served by avoiding a lot of polemic. The agita, it’s killing me.

I hope to see some improvement soon. With some rest and some distance. If sudden death doesn’t get me first.

33 Replies to “Health issues”

  1. sdferr says:

    Could be something going around, as I, and I suspect others, may be suffering from the same or very similar malady. Would self-medication be in order? I think so. Maybe in my own case, some bourbon and a dose or two of Henry Fielding.

  2. maggie katzen says:

    hope you feel better soon.

  3. serr8d says:

    Keep what’s important to forefront, that being family. Don’t worry overmuch about the small things in life.

    What’s small, you ask? everything but family.


  4. serr8d says:

    I’m’a settle back to a relaxing novel this weekend. Nothing that is beyond the challenge of a cheap mystery or shallow fiction. A real brain-rotting thing by King I think is in order. Escape via mass-market escapism. Or paint another room. That’s value-added escapism. Does a body good, paint a white picket fence, Twain told us that.

  5. serr8d says:

    Oh, don’t bother with the latest Star Trek in theater. At least if you’re over 43 or so, you’ll be furious. That ST Audi commercial Darleen posted a while back? Better than the movie AFAIC

  6. dicentra says:

    don’t bother with the latest Star Trek in theater. At least if you’re over 43 or so, you’ll be furious

    Why? ST:II comparisons?

  7. dicentra says:

    Also, for Jeff, a funny photo.

    Well, it’s funny to me anyway.

  8. happyfeet says:

    sudden death is no good

    one guy i work with just up and died this week he was 33

    it’s just no good at all

    I’m agin it

  9. Anthony Weiner in a previous life, Dicentra???

  10. serr8d says:

    Why? ST:II comparisons?


  11. serr8d says:

    it’s just no good at all

    nope. But there’s worse, if suddenly is drawn out. A whole new level, that.

  12. leigh says:

    Get better, Jeff.

  13. Get well.

    I feel for ya.

    I’ve been doing what I did in 2008, avoiding the innertubes and fixing mechanical stuff. In 2008 a bike, in 2013 a car. Things have escalated, so instead of worrying about politics, I worry that I didn’t torque my hub bolt enough and my car will fly off a cliff into the Ohio where I’ll be eaten by mutant catfish and thence locavore hipster assholes from the douchier parts of Louisville.

    On the other hand, Monday is R-Day at West Point, and I am driving Numba 1 Son on up to cadet basic training. I am an emotional basket case, so I won’t be around.

  14. leigh says:

    That’s great news, LMC. Congratulations again on the stellar parenting.

    Don’t forget to take a handkerchief. Trust me on that one.

  15. JimK says:

    Hey Jeff, get better soon. Looking forward to your entries in the Watchers’ Council.

  16. BigBangHunter says:

    – Stress really is the silent killer. As someone just said, trust me on this. I don’t own a small piece of the 10 million dollar man in my lower chest due to a stress-free career. Whats worse is it sneaks up on you. Just ask John Ritter. Well, then again, you can’t ask him because he got surprised by stress and its incideous health effects.

    – I’d be dead myself, were it not for a kidney stone which led to a CAT which led to an anuerism which led to me surviving instead of doing a Ritter.

    – Moral, take it easy on yourself and stick to family issues. Politics is just another word for misery.

  17. What BigBang Hunter said.

    Rest and regroup, Jeff.

  18. EBL says:

    I find my levels of stomach acid increasing. It is not a coincidence.

  19. Golem14 says:

    Hope you feel better, Jeff. There seems to be a lot of agita going around– I’ve been spending less time on the computer and more time in the garden, because at least the pole beans don’t stress me out.

    (casts suspicious glance at pole beans, just in case)

  20. dicentra says:

    Just ask John Ritter. Well, then again, you can’t ask him because he got surprised by stress and its incideous health effects.

    Didn’t he have a structural defect in his aorta that was going to bust open one day anyway?

  21. BigBangHunter says:

    – He had the same thing as myself. A stress induced decending aortic aneurysm, which is caused by long term stress, either physical or mental.

    * An arterial aneurysm is a gradual weakening of the arterial walls and a resultant inflation from the pressure of blood passage, most common at points of higher blood pressure such as the aorta leading from the heart ot parts of the brain.

    * They show absolutely no physical effects or symtoms as they grow larger over the years until the vessal wall finally bursts. Survival rate outside intensive care is less than 5% unless detected and treated prior to failure.

    * Treatment is the surgical implant of a non-reactive metalic stenght spliced in the position of the original aneursym. Subsiquently a new arterial sheath grows over the stenght.

    – In Ritters case he was on the set of his then current TV show and said he felt tired and wanted to take a quick nap between takes. He died when his aneursym burst and he bled to death internally before help could arrive, which is generally the result in that situation.

  22. mondamay says:

    Take care, Jeff. I got blood pressure problems, and I don’t like taking the meds. I’ve got my work cut out to get things back to healthy.

  23. BT says:


    I’m on a distal aorta watch. Discovered at 2.5, at 4 now. Stent at 5. So i don’t do long range plans.

  24. leigh says:

    It’s somewhat like an aneurysm in one’s brain. You’re going about your business and one day BLAM!

    I lost my SIL last year to one of those. She was only 48.

  25. BigBangHunter says:

    – Just keep a watchful eye on it BT and don’t hesitate for a second when it reaches anything greater than a 5.

    – With a good implant you can make all the plans you like. The science has progressed to the point where, barring any other problems, a properly installed and healed stenght can give you 25 additional years easy.

  26. RI Red says:

    Between the political, the mental and the physical, I’m into carpe frickin’ diem, myself.

  27. happyfeet says:

    this lady i work with says if i don’t stop microwaving those glad tupperware thingies we’re all gonna die

  28. happyfeet says:

    cause of science

  29. newrouter says:

    it is because of fracking

  30. happyfeet says:

    Matt Damon tried to warn us did we listen fuck no we didn’t listen

    now we’re all gonna die

  31. newrouter says:

    hollyweird causes global stupidity

  32. serr8d says:

    No one understands the text. Damned egrets.

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