Essentially, McCaughey, a former NY Lieutenant Governor under George Pataki (and later, Democrat challenger for Governor), points out in her appearance with Mark Levin last evening that the laws are written in such a way that funds allocated are set up to be distributed at the state level to political activist groups, who are given the role of helping people navigate the new laws and, importantly, register them to vote.
McCoy calls the laws “cynical” and bemoans that should such laws pass, the integrity of an actual 2-party adversarial system is in grave jeopardy.
Everyone knows why the Democrats want all this. But the only explanation for Republican support on immigration (and their failure to aggressively target ObamaCare for real repeal) is that the party is interested more in being a part of the permanent and growing big government power structure — with all the new opportunities for lobbying and graft and confiscatory taxation laundered through the federal Leviathan — than they are in preserving a constitutional republic.
They are part of the ruling class. And that takes precedence.
I implore you all to listen to the segment. It truly is mind-boggling what our elected officials are working to do to us — against our will — and the exasperation in both Levin and McCaughey’s voice suggests that, even as seasoned political commentators, both of who who have worked in government, neither can actually believe the brazen steps being taken to turn the citizens into subjects, and to empower a 5th branch of government made up of community organizers.
I’ve lost the ability to be surprised at any of this.
I remember saying “We’re all Chicago now” after Obysmal was first elected, and absolutely nothing in the intervening five years has disabused me of that belief.
Federal nullification efforts mounting in states
This bill is going to have so many little surprises, just like Obamacare. While we’re all debating border security they’ve slipped in some truly awful stuff.
In addition to outsourcing the “navigation” of the path to citizenship, a job will no longer be required to get a green card and Border Agents will be put under the Civil Rights division of the DOJ (that’s right – they’ll be more concerned about the civil rights of foreigners illegally entering our country that keeping them out).
McCoy typo thingy
i hate amnesty not cause of i hate amnesty but cause of passing shit like this without debate is fucked up and fascist
it’s also smug and arrogant and smarmy like Marco Rubio el cubano mas authentico
and it’s as quintessentially cowardly as Meghan’s piece of shit coward daddy
IRS Sent $46 Million in Tax Refunds to 23,994 ‘Unauthorized’ Aliens — All at the SAME Address in Atlanta
one party rule just like Mexico.