
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2024


Hey, parents! Here’s what you’re taking out that second mortgage for!

So, you mean the feds, like, totally fucked over a number of our fellow citizens? Awesome! Because we’ve been taught that like, the people who were rightly fucked over by a government adored by Hollywood thinkers and socially-conscious green-adoring pop singers, are racist subhuman extremists, anyway — and it is perfectly acceptable to be intolerant of intolerance, to hate hate hate the hateful hatey haters.

Hell, even a number of Republicans disown these creepy Constitution fetishists. So yes, thank you, IRS!

If Barack Obama can save us from these latent domestic terrorists by secretly directing the IRS to molest them and depress their votes, we say that’s a net win for Freedom. And by “freedom,” we mean “total control over everything by the Man, so long as the Man isn’t going after us.”

God Bless the USA!

(h/t sdferr)

19 Replies to “Hey, parents! Here’s what you’re taking out that second mortgage for!”

  1. Hoping the tiger eats you last still gets you eaten.

  2. Curmudgeon says:

    The Summer Of Choom is upon us.

  3. Ernst Schreiber says:

    I keep telling you, Slavery IS Freedom.

    Or do you need to visit Room 101 again?

  4. leigh says:

    My kids were never this stupid.

  5. sdferr says:

    I suspect this is close to the Hobbesian state of nature in the flesh. After reason dawns on these children, something else is supposed to happen — the problem being, nothing seems to necessitate the dawn of reason. Where, after all, does it come from?

  6. […] Hey, parents! Here’s what you’re taking out that second mortgage for! | protein wisdom […]

  7. mondamay says:

    Not political, but proves truth is more ironic than fiction.

    A couple, who worked as ‘happiness gurus’, have been found dead in their home after they committed suicide.

    Lynne Rosen, 46, and 48-year-old John Littig were found dead on Monday at their home in Brooklyn, New York.

    They hosted a monthly radio show together called ‘The Pursuit of Happiness’ on WBAI-FM.

  8. Squid says:

    That’s right up there with the psychic hotline not foreseeing its own bankruptcy.

  9. dicentra says:

    If you ever wondered, how the Nazi death camps got built, this is the foundation being traced out in the dirt and the first blocks of cement poured.

  10. Dead solid perfect, dicentra.

  11. Gulermo says:

    Born stupid, or just get up early and work hard at it all day? You decide.

  12. Darleen says:

    Born stupid, or just get up early and work hard at it all day?

    Neither, these are kids who have, since kindergarten, been held in thrall by The State, educated by the Left and who have had their centers of critical thinking sucked out.

    Think of it as partial-partial-birth-abortion

  13. bh says:

    I sometimes wonder what would happen if loan co-signing wasn’t possible.

  14. Blitz says:

    Darleen has the right of it. I have 2, who I like to say one of which lived. Older daughter would sign that in a heartbeat but thankfully won’t vote because she ( in her words ) Doesn’t know enough. The other? Just signed on to an online homeschooling project because she DOES get it.

    Wierd thing though? Older one is a better shot.

  15. leigh says:

    She’s got that going for her should we have a revolution, Blitz. There’s always an upside.

  16. We are seeing a pandemic of Inflated Sense of Personal Entitlement, with public idiocation as the primary vector.

  17. Patrick Chester says:

    Hm. One thing I find grimly amusing about the “intolerant of intolerance” thing is that it seems less an enlightened view and more of an excuse to be a complete bigot towards people who disagree with you.

    Though only amusing because it’s one of those “I must laugh or I’ll start screaming” sort of things.

  18. Patrick Chester says:

    OTOH, I went back into the archives to see JeffG fight a battle of wits against a… witless opponent. (Caric.)

    So… bonus!

  19. Gulermo says:

    “I must laugh or I’ll start screaming”

    I have found that sometimes screaming helps.

    “centers of critical thinking sucked out.”

    Reality: a harsh mistress or soothing mother?

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