Tell you what: howsabout you people dance, and me and the little guy just sit here with a 12-pack of Corona Light and some cheddar popcorn and watch all the silly white folk strain to locate the beat in Johnny Cash’s American Recordings IV.
33 Replies to “Armadillo Friday! Armadillo Friday!”
If I remember my ethic studies courses from college (which entailed watching the movie “16 candles”), I can pretty much state as an expert that Chinamen cannot dance.
OT: Martha Stewart has her home confinement extended by three weeks. Meanwhile, there’s nothing on your web site about it. Not a diary entry, not a posting, not nothing.
What gives, Jeff? Have we given up on lesbian eroticism? Are you trying to move up-market?
Spam word: figures. As in, it figures there would be something about her, wouldn’t it?
Man, I got three apple martinis and a six-pack of Mike’s lemon-flavored alcoholic pisswater that says I beat your ass in a fair fight with big duct-tape foambats, then jump up and down on your casket singing Ave Maria wearing a day-glo g-string and ravey glittery eyeshadow.
Seeing Ward Churchhill’s ugly entries reminded me. I got lotsa Native American (well, they *call* themselves Indians, but what the hell would they know) in-laws, and trust me, they can’t dance for sh*t. They make me look like Fred Astaire.
As for Ward Churchill, I’m willing to be he couldn’t dance if the Lone Ranger was shooting at his feet.
Turing word: rate. I’d rate Ward Churchill’s dancing ability below that of a centipede with about a dozen broken legs.
I’ll dance, but I’d like a beer too, if you don’t mind. Just helps to kinda gets me in the mood. Plus, dancing is thirsty work.
Just cruel.
You *know* we can’t dance.
Turing word:”volume”, as in, turn up the…
Oh, okay….
But John Travolta I’m not.
Cue up the KC…
SB: water
On the brain
And … PIE! WE DEMAND PIE while we dance…
And how do you know we’re all white, Jeff?
Wait a minuite…
With or >iwithout</i> the armadillo?
And what kinda time do I get for punting the little quisling bastard into the balcony?
SB: neither
TomB —
I don’t. But everybody knows its only white people who can’t dance. Every other ethnic group? Pros. Must be in the blood.
If you can’t dance, I would recommend going to WashingtonMonthly, finding the entry on the National Sales Tax, and read the comment thread. Hilarious.
My rendition of “the worm” has gotten me laid in seven states.
Sorry, wrong thread.
It could happen to anybody.
Every other ethnic group? Pros.
If I remember my ethic studies courses from college (which entailed watching the movie “16 candles”), I can pretty much state as an expert that Chinamen cannot dance.
They can if you play gong music.
I’m out. I’d make “break” dancing a bit too literal…
My dinner came with this bite-sized pearl of wisdom:
“The simplest and most necessary truths are the last believed.”
Yes, it had protein in it. Honey-walnut Prawns.
OK, I get to dance “Personal Jesus”.
It would be a lot funnier watching them trying to dance to “Whipping Post.”
Not I am a Chinese man named Ping! And I can’t dance. Don’t ask me.
Shoot, that was supposed to be “No,” not “Not.”
OT: Martha Stewart has her home confinement extended by three weeks. Meanwhile, there’s nothing on your web site about it. Not a diary entry, not a posting, not nothing.
What gives, Jeff? Have we given up on lesbian eroticism? Are you trying to move up-market?
Spam word: figures. As in, it figures there would be something about her, wouldn’t it?
Man, I got three apple martinis and a six-pack of Mike’s lemon-flavored alcoholic pisswater that says I beat your ass in a fair fight with big duct-tape foambats, then jump up and down on your casket singing Ave Maria wearing a day-glo g-string and ravey glittery eyeshadow.
Armadillos are not only great dancers, they’re excellent jumpers.
And how racist is that?
Seeing Ward Churchhill’s ugly entries reminded me. I got lotsa Native American (well, they *call* themselves Indians, but what the hell would they know) in-laws, and trust me, they can’t dance for sh*t. They make me look like Fred Astaire.
As for Ward Churchill, I’m willing to be he couldn’t dance if the Lone Ranger was shooting at his feet.
Turing word: rate. I’d rate Ward Churchill’s dancing ability below that of a centipede with about a dozen broken legs.
Sorry, I just went dancing with two white gay guys, one of which could dance quite well, one of which was horrible. Stereotypes don’t always work.
And besides, get that funky music goin, and I doubt the ‘dillo can just sit there.
I’m of the opinion that the armadillo has never actually danced. Ever.
Which means that he’s not really a dancing armadillo.
I demand a refund!!!! Because of the Hypocracy!!!
You! You white person trying to dance. Stop biting your lip.
Of course the armadillo has danced. His best move is “the pogo.”
Trouble is, McGehee, he’ll only do it into the undercarriage of a passing semi.
Spamword: own. He OWN that move.
All your moves are belong to us!
That’s how ‘dilloes hitchhike.
It’s a steep learning curve, I’ll admit…
Late? Sometimes it takes research to find out what really happened. I AM A CITIZEN JOURNALIST!
Manual trackback’s are better late than never.