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November 2024


“Some question whether AP leak on al-Qaeda plot put U.S. at risk”

Oh, how I do love the “some” when deployed by the mainstream press.  These are the people who exist in one instance to cast aspersions and float all sort of unsavory allegations against Republicans and conservatives (eg., “Some claim TEA Party groups ‘really really really despise Darkies, Beaners, and all manner of sodomites'”); while in other instances, they exist to minimize the impact of a blow against a preferred group (“Some racists pretend Obama may have ties to Marxists”).

In this case, we have the latter:  the WaPo headline writer is hoping to blunt the force of what is clearly intimating was the real purpose of the AP tapping scandal:  retribution, bullying, payback for failing to abide the White House, who wished to frame and then release information on a foiled terror plot, only to have their thunder stolen by the AP, who — once they were told by the CIA that there was no longer any threat to Americans — ran with the story they had been asked (and agreed) to sit on for a few days.

Obama wanted to go public and make a televised announcement that would further the Administration narrative that Al Qaeda was all but done, that he was strong on terrorism — and he wanted to do this in an election year.  The AP balked and stolen ManChild’s thunder.

And you don’t steal ManChild’s thunder and not pay a price.

Of course, Obama never even heard of about the AP phone taps until the media reported on it (kind of like the Benghazi attacks being perpetrated by Islamists!) — this despite the fact that the reasons given for the taps were fears of media leaks concerning a national security threat of the highest order, which presumably Obama had recused himself from knowing about, or maybe just slept through.

Either that, or everything this Administration does — built as it is upon leftist ideology and a post-modernist pose that treats reality as man-made, malleable, and a product of manufactured perceptions — is some form or another of a political calculation meant to create a controlled and controllable narrative frame through which the world must be viewed.

The media and the Administration are right now pushing the former narrative, wherein they are bumbling fools who can’t possibly know what’s going on in every aspect of government at all times.  That is, their defense is that they are disconnected and incompetent.

Yet some of us know better, and have since back when Obama was a Good Man who loved his country every bit as much as you Hobbits, and your refusing to say so publicly and in a showy manner marked you as unhelpful, potentially very racist, most certainly dangerously psychopathic, and willing to see the GOP turned into a regional party, putting, as you do, your Puristy True Believership above the kind of sober realism and pragmatism that would, with care and planning, allow us to defeat Obama with Mitt Romney in 2012.

And thus you must be shunned.

Which is why I’m somewhat amazed that such a chorus of voices on the right is nowadays finding it quite plausible — and probable — that the Obama Administration really is a New Left front bent on fundamental transformation and a deconstruction of the Constitution.

Because not so long ago talk like that could keep you from being linked by the serious opinion leaders, and your invites to conservative confabs would all but dry up!  Which is still the case today, but at least you still have your integrity.

And that’s nothing to sneeze at.

(h/t Mark Levin)

10 Replies to ““Some question whether AP leak on al-Qaeda plot put U.S. at risk””

  1. SBP says:

    Someone needs to give Obumblefuck the pro tip on the difference between “I didn’t know” and “I don’t recall”, the difference being that the first can be disproven, while the second can’t be.

    The Nixon White House crapped bigger than these amateurs.

  2. sdferr says:

    I found it interesting to hear — while listening to G. Van Susteren interviewing Don Rumsfeld last night — that Rumsfeld hadn’t heard of this possibility when Van Susteren was asking him about the “seriousness” of the “leak” Holder had claim. Rumsfeld was naturally hesitant to characterize the “seriousness” Holder posed, at least alongside the unprecedented measures Holder the DoJ had taken in remedy — but apprised by Van Susteren of this possibility, he fairly seized up.

  3. happyfeet says:

    Then, in a meeting on Monday, May 7, CIA officials reported that the national security concerns were “no longer an issue,” according to the individuals familiar with the discussion.

    When the journalists rejected a plea to hold off longer, the CIA then offered a compromise. Would they wait a day if AP could have the story exclusively for an hour, with no government officials confirming it for that time?

    The reporters left the meeting to discuss the idea with their editors. Within an hour, an administration official was on the line to AP’s offices.

    The White House had quashed the one-hour offer as impossible. AP could have the story exclusively for five minutes before the White House made its own announcement. AP then rejected the request to postpone publication any longer.

    these piggy little fascists dicker with each other like schoolkids trading sammiches at lunchtime

    fuck them all

  4. Which is why I’m somewhat amazed that such a chorus of voices on the right is nowadays finding it quite plausible — and probable — that the Obama Administration really is a New Left front bent on fundamental transformation and a deconstruction of the Constitution.

    Because not so long ago talk like that could keep you from being linked by the serious opinion leaders, and your invites to conservative confabs would all but dry up!

    A prophet has no honor in his own country.

  5. geoffb says:

    …treats reality as man-made, malleable, and a product of manufactured perceptions — is some form or another of a political calculation meant to create a controlled and controllable narrative frame through which the world must be viewed.

    Two of the scandals are tied together as attempts to preserve the narrative that the Obama policies had al-Qaeda on the run. But they are also aligned with the IRS scandal in preservation of a greater, larger narrative/reality which was the preservation of Obama’s, and through him the whole of the progressive universe’s, power by assuring his victory in 2012.

    In this aspect he recapitulates 1972 wherein the scandals which came out in 1973 were about the preservation of a President’s hold on power, by any means necessary.

    As farce or tragedy is as yet undetermined.

  6. sdferr says:

    As farce or tragedy is as yet undetermined.

    “Tragedy” if bullets fly, “farce” if the public sits quiescent to re-elect their representatives en bloc.

  7. BigBangHunter says:

    – So now we learn in the Ways and Means committee hearings today that:

    1) Nobody knows anything or can’t answer because they don’t have the “context” of this or that. (Miller)

    2) That the “targetted conservative groups” actions by the IRS was prompted, at least in part, by letters from Congressional Democrats.

    3) That Miller is a true-blue aparatchic of the DNC.

  8. mojo says:

    Of course he is. The first order of business when a new admin comes in (especially during a party switch) is staff the IRS with your own reliable hatchet men. It’s old news, been done for decades – which is why it will NOT change. Both parties uses the IRS as a club, and they are not about to give up that tool. Some replaceable heads might roll, but the tool will still be in the bag, as it were.

    AP: as far as I can see there’s nothing unlawful about pulling connect data from carriers, happens every day, totally legal. Is it smart in this instance? Probably not, but it does make a really good, noisy distraction, and there’s really no possibility of blow-back. The AP and the other newsies may kick and scream, but they have nowhere else to go, so discount them. What are they gonna do, start sending oodles of cash to Republicans? Unlikely.

    Benghazi is what the admin wants so desperately to drive off the radar. Keep digging there.

  9. Keep digging everywhere.

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