
Jeff's Wish List

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January 2025


first in a series of jokes the NCAA leadership would never, ever countenance, being the humorless, self-righteous scolds they are

NCAA president Myles Brand: “You must understand, our decision was meant to protect you from hostile, abusive, and offensive stereotypes.  We’re looking out for you.”

Seminole Tribe of Florida councilman Max Osceola:  “How?”*

NCAA president Myles Brand:  “Why, hello to you, too, sir!”

17 Replies to “first in a series of jokes the NCAA leadership would never, ever countenance, being the humorless, self-righteous scolds they are”

  1. Patricia says:

    Most residents of the academy these days hunker down and pray nobody brings up something like this.  When a whacko such as Brand issues an edict like this, he wins, because nobody dares speak up and be branded a racist. 

    Meanwhile, I guarantee you college presidents from all “offensive” universities are sweating bullets. 

    Because they now have to take a stand.

  2. BloodSpite says:

    Rumor has it Florida is doing just that, and possibly seeking legal action.

  3. TallDave says:

    It’s scary how the PC police are taking over.

  4. Murel Bailey says:

    What are they changing the team names to, the Non-Fighting Chickenshits? The Easily-Cowed Ankle Grabbers? The Nutless Wonders? The Rancid Sycophants?

  5. Bruce says:

    I think they should rename the team to the Conquistadors in honor of Juan Ponce De Leon, discoverer of Florida.


  6. Dorian says:

    This calls for an F-Troop marathon.

  7. bridge_to_tomorrow says:

    Um….I went to a Mexican food place today hoping to see Karl Rove’s ber…um bour…er mexican sandwich thingy and while I was there they tried to make me into some kinda zombie thing cause they gave me something called a marguri…a maergreeta….erm a mexican drink and I think they got me….cause now I can’t feel my face and I think I might kill myself if Dick(less) Cheney runs for President and I really got the hots for Helen Thomas right now.


  8. andy says:

    Wow, Jeff, it’s almost like nobody got the joke.  Too bad too, because I thought it was pretty damn funny. smile

  9. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Sometimes I write them just for me.

  10. Major John says:

    They are not laughing down at the NCAA HQ, Mr. Goldstein.

    I was wondering who was offended by “Illini” considering that the peace-loving, indigenous Americans that shared the land (in harmony with nature, mind you) managed to kill all of them before Illinois even became a State?  Are we offending the decendants of the people that exterminated the Illini?

  11. Yogimus says:


    asshole, you owe me 1 can of diet rite and a keyboard.


  12. thirdfinger says:

    somebody get the senator back on the bus.

  13. Salt Lick says:

    Ever hear the one about the Indians that bought generic toilet paper?

    “you like that generic toilet paper, Running Bear?”

    “We call’um ‘John Wayne toilet paper.’”


    “It rough, it tough, and it don’t take shit off nobody.”


  14. McGehee says:

    An Indian once told me a story of how they came up with the name “wapiti” for elk.

    One day, Indian out hunting, see big-um elk crossing white-man highway. White-man car come around curve, not see elk. Car hit elk, kill. White man not hurt, him drive car away, it go “wapiti wapiti wapiti…”

    I got it by fax from Abilene so I know it must be true.

  15. The University of Utah has the Ute’s tribal council’s blessing to use the name Utes for their sports teams.  Provided that its done respectfully.

    Given that the mascot is some twerp in an anthropomorphosised eagle costume, I can only assume that this hasn’t changed.  Unless they’ve got something against red eagles that have wings that work like arms.

    In any case, did these people bother to even check with tribal councils?

  16. Mike Beversluis says:

    Ha, the 2nd cousin of ‘How.’

  17. Thanks, there is more reason to comment than ever before!

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