—Stop right there, people. Unless you’ve strapped on a shell and danced your own Friday jig for the pleasure of a gang of creepy voyeurs, you have no right showing up here and making demands on my rodent.¹
BECAUSE OF THE—well, you know.
¹ actually, armadillos are of the family Dasypodidae. The author apologizes for his racism.
We support our baby-killing hegemonic aramdillos!
(Especially when they frag their rhinos!)
Armadillos are rodents? Who knew.
Clearly you did. And how proud you must be, too!
Well…actually…I have done that dance, but I don’t really like to talk about it.
So, what time’s the show?
You’re like a terrier with a……well, with a rat, Jeff. Although I suppose that if I’ve never been a terrier, I’m not really qualified to make that assessment.
If only the little guy could juggle. Now that would be something.
Oh, he can way more than juggle.
i’m pretty sure i’ve done that at some point, though it was two shells.
SHOW ME THE Dasypus novemcinctus
or has he been off modeling for the <a href=”http://www.backwardglances.com/images/armadillo purse.JPG” target=”_blank” class=”text”>purse</a> i saw today?
But armadilloes taste like chicken! And so do hawks. And spotted owls.
It’s not racism, it’s specism. Not that Dasypus Novemcinctus will notice; he’s probably busy trying to cross a highway somewhere. The grubs are always greener on the other side of the road.
The idea of being sentenced to sensitivity training for offending something as hard-shelled as an armadillo strikes me as having some mild humorous possibilities.
A heartfelt desire to watch a jigging rodent is not creepy. Little bastard is likely kicking off the Holiday weekend with a quart of Ketel One and a bowl of boiled peanuts and is too drunk to dance.
Wanting to watch a horny drunken armadillo trying to make whopee with a roadkill ground hog, now that’s creepy.
Well, I support the armadillo, but he should nfver been made to dance, and to see him misused by Child of Satan Jeff Hitlerstein makes me want to burn the state flag of Colorado. Or pray for an Oakland Raiders victory.
Whisper “Texas Chicken” in his ear. He’ll dance.
SB: moral
There is none.
Make all the fun and games you want, but an ant hill would view that “harmless pet” as a imperialistic, genocidal, environment destroying, serial killing war-monger.
And I was both an armadillo and an ant in previous lives so don’t even go there.
Armadillos may not be rodents but they are, all too often roadkill.
Don’t really know where else to post this, but wanted to share it because it warmed my crusty old heart on this 4th weekend. On the laundry room bulletin board were I live is a message from a soldier in Iraq: 6/30 is their 22nd birthday, but instead of a gift for themselves they are asking for folks to send toys for the local kids. I’m gonna be toy shoppin tomorrow looks like.
One of the things they specifically requested was little sunglasses, the kids like to wear them so they look like the soldiers. Think the MSM will report that?