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Random Cat Blogger thought, Wednesday, June 1, 3:06 PM EST

…you wanna know who is a real moderate? Mr. Whiskers.  Mr. Whiskers is a real moderate.  Hell, that cat’d probably even befriend a field mouse if he thought it’d get him a few extra strokes and a dose of ‘nip.

And that’s just, y’know…so admirable

15 Replies to “Random Cat Blogger thought, Wednesday, June 1, 3:06 PM EST”

  1. Alpha Baboon says:

    So your’e saying Sylvester the Cat was also a moderate I suppose.. ? Because he would totally pamper Tweety while Granny was watching.. but first time she turned her back, it was BAM! down the hatch for the bird.. There’s a lesson there someplace but I’ll be damned if I can decipher it…

  2. Michael says:

    So, Mr. Whiskers is a frigging traitor to cats everywhere.  This is so disgusting.  I can’t believe that spineless bastard would give up the chance to go nuclear on a mouse just for a little ‘nip.  No chance that Mr. Whiskers is going to get my vote in ‘08.  No effing way.

  3. Beck says:

    Hmmm… Nope.  I don’t get it.  What is a “Cat Blogger?” What sort of weird world do I live in?  Where, as Sinatra liked to say, are my pants?

  4. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Michael —

    No, Mr Whiskers isn’t a traitor.  He’s a pragmatist. Ultimately, his compromise on rodent extermination will help cats everywhere become loved by dogs and birds and liberals.

  5. me says:

    I got 2121 feet on the kitten cannon, btw.

  6. Alpha Baboon says:

    Dude… If you like that, get one of those water balloon slingshots (surgical tubing attached to a small bowl) and use a cat in it instead.. You can sling ‘em out there a good block from a 2nd story balcony.. provided they dont hit something like a house or person or something along the way.. plus they make a really cool sound as they fly..

    like. WWWWRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaa………

  7. me says:

    I abhor kittens.

    Sounds like fun apeman!

  8. ss says:

    ’Cause you know, primary among cats’ needs is to be loved. In fact it’s just that obsequious lack of self-worth that makes them so darn lovable. You don’t see cats pissing good will down their legs. My cat stays in my good graces by playing fetch on command.

    (Lousy Americans.)

  9. Tom vG says:

    List Blogger.


  10. Michael says:

    (Lousy Americans.)

    Yeah, trust a foreigner to side with the cats.  When we conquer your country (wherever it is), we will deal with your frigging lovable cats.  We will make them watch us flush cat-scripture down the toilet.  Hah!

  11. Sean M. says:

    You don’t see cats pissing good will down their legs.

    No, instead you see them pissing on things because they’re mad at you.

  12. maggiekatzen says:

    ooooh ,you just had to bring that up again did you sean?  still makes me chuckle though.

  13. Sean M. says:

    As they say, maggie, it’s funny because it’s true.

  14. Alpha Baboon says:

    AND BUSH LIED !!!!

  15. TallDave says:

    You felinophobic bastard!! 


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