
Jeff's Wish List

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January 2025


Sometimes, late at night, when the blog is all quiet like this, I like to take off my shirt and type up a post with my nipples





34 Replies to “Sometimes, late at night, when the blog is all quiet like this, I like to take off my shirt and type up a post with my nipples”

  1. gail says:

    Oooo. Can I try?


    N FVR4L;

    Ow, shit, that smarts.

  2. Chap says:

    Clearly you’ve been reading too much Jeff Jarvis, haven’t you?

  3. Jeff Goldstein says:

    It helps to have nipples like baby fingers.

    And Chap?  I was nipple blogging back when Jeff Jarvis was still pimping the idea of a code of blogger ethics. 

  4. j.d. says:

    Sometimes, I hit this site, and I just sit back in awe.

  5. Rae says:

    You must have nursed…

  6. Hoodlumman says:

    Holy areolas…

    Funniest shit I’ve read in days.  And while all the good conservatives are asleep, too.

    You’re a sneaky bastard, Goldstein.

  7. JWebb says:

    One can only hear nipple typing with nipple headphones.

  8. Fred says:

    I’m still awake, libertarian bitches!!

    And I’m OUTRAGED at the lude display of nipples on these pages!!


    I came here looking for cogent commentary on John McCain, et al, and their Senate power play and instead I get, Janet Jackson-style, an erect nipple thrust into my face.

    Enjoy the nips, sinners.  Your judgement is at hand!

  9. Stormy70 says:

    I think you just cured my insomnia. I shall now count nipples until I fall asleep.

  10. Michael says:

    And I’m OUTRAGED at the lude display of nipples on these pages!!

    Um, I think you meant to say “lewd.”

    I hate to pick nits, but consider the wisdom of one far greater than I:

    Robin: “You can’t get away from Batman that easy!”

    Batman: “Easily.”

    Robin: “Easily.”

    Batman: “Good grammar is essential, Robin.”

    Robin: “Thank you.”

    Batman: “You’re welcome.”

  11. Sean M. says:

    Well, as long as we’re bringing over comedy bits from ace’s comments (ahem, Michael):

    Quit typing with your nipples!  Don’t you know there’s a war on?

  12. Kazmin says:

    m/ nipple-blogging m/

  13. Jonathan D. says:

    And wags say men’s nips don’t serve any purpose.

  14. Diana says:

    … but, can you hit Ctrl-Alt-Delete?

  15. Diana says:

    Oh, wait … don’t go there!

  16. Beck says:

    Heh.  Diane just figured out where the third “finger” would come from.

    What I want to know is how you typed a :

  17. Diana says:

    Beck – naw!  I usually plan for contingencies.

  18. TallDave says:

    I’m just going to superimpose Cindy Margolis over you in my mental picture of that, kay?

    Turing:ahead, as in I came out ahead in that trade.

  19. Carin says:

    Before I nursed five kids, my nipples would have been able to type something like this :


    Now, the best they do is hit the space bar a few times.  (sob)

  20. Alpha Baboon says:

    Is that ’touch‘ typing or do you have to ‘hunt and peck’ ?

    Hahaha Wm Burroughs aint got nothing on you, dude.

  21. Shawn says:

    Wait, is that the DaVinci Code?

  22. Chrees says:

    No offense Jeff, but I much perfer the mention of Shannon Elizabeth’s nipples. And the imagery it invokes.

  23. Scott P says:

    Just tell me there weren’t candles and ice cubes involved.

    ‘Cause that’s just freaky, man…

  24. CraigC says:

    Were they vodka-glazed nipples?

  25. shank says:

    Damn Jeff, I can’t tell the difference between this crappy post and any of the crappy others on this crapwagon of a blog. 

    Protein wisdom?  More like craptein wisdom.  Yeah. 

    Turing word = own.  As in, you got O//||3D

  26. Alpha Baboon says:

    Why is it that since reading this particular post I keep seeing Jame Gumb dancing in front of his camcorder in Silence of the Lambs playing over and over in my mind ?

  27. Walsingham says:

    Those are the letters you typed?

    Boy, your nipples sure are close together.

    Jus’ sayin’.

  28. Chrees says:

    And one other point… almost all caps? Holy crap, your nipples can really shout.

  29. Since when do I need assistance with my grammar?

  30. Mammary G. Land says:

    Speakin’ o’ nipples….

    What happened to them Say Anything gals?

    That wuz the only reason I ever came to this blog.

  31. cerberus says:

    If you typed the headline with your nipples as well, color me impressed.

  32. I keep imagining Madonna in her conical bra days.

  33. Josto says:

    Not a single commenter has mentioned how Jeff’s computer must have felt about his unsolicited advances.  For shame.

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