
Jeff's Wish List

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January 2025


Saturday evening musings, #117

I’m not saying people who eat their hot dogs with ketchup are evil, necessarily.  Just that they’re likely a bit slow.  And don’t have much class. 

51 Replies to “Saturday evening musings, #117”

  1. Kate says:

    I prefer to slice mine very thinly and sprinkle them on Kraft[tm] Pizza. (Top with Velveeta).

  2. gail says:

    Kate, That sounds like something that used to make me really sick in the school cafeteria.

  3. Sean M. says:

    I dunno.  I’m leaning toward evil.

  4. Beck says:

    Mustard and onions, with a side of beer.

    Not that that’s say much.

  5. SarahW says:


    You and your high society, hot-dog eating ways.

    (Guess the turing word.)

  6. Flea says:

    Would you rather I ate them with catsup? I’m on to you, oh yes.

  7. Blackjack says:


    Oh wait, you did a new post.  My bad.

  8. j.d. says:

    I prefer a mustard-based barbecue sauce consisting of 1 cup Plochman’s mustard, 1 tbsp molasses, half an onion, 1 tbsp butter, 1 slice of bacon (finely chopped), half a cup each of brown sugar and apple cider, and salt/pepper to taste.

  9. McGehee says:

    Sean wrote: I dunno.  I’m leaning toward evil.

    Well, one of my many taglines over at my blog is “Certified 100% pure evil.”

    And I put ketchup on my hot dogs. Coincidence?

    I think not.

  10. gail says:

    McGehee, that tagline reminds me of the end of Time Bandits. Is that where you got it?

  11. E says:

    As disgusting as it sounds to those who have not tried the delicacy; PEANUT BUTTER is my favorite hot dog topping!  My mom adds mayonnaise as well, but that is over the top.

    Try it once and you will never consider wasting a good hot dog with ketchup, catsup or whatever it is.

  12. Karol says:

    You’re wrong, Jeff. The actually are evil.

    Sweet hot mustard and kraut. The way Jesus eats hot dogs.

  13. Mustard is fine, but relish is wonderful.

    Saurkraut works well also.  Grilled onions are spot on.

  14. mph says:

    Mmmm. Peanut butter dog. Perhaps also with a scoop of ice cream slathered on top.  Vanilla, not chocolate—that would be over the top.

  15. HT says:

    Having lived in Chicago, I have become partial to the “Chicago style” preparation, i.e. mustard, onions, sweet relish, cucumber and tomato slices, and celery salt.  Although at times I confess that a simple mustard treatment (possibly turbo-charged with dill relish or diced onions) is, as Flaubert would say, the mote juste.  Top Dog in Berkeley CA and Tommy’s (and the many Tommy’s knockoffs) in LA also do wierd and wonderful things with the venerable tube steak.

    However, about the actual brand of dog to be used, there can be no doubt.  Sinai 48’s are the, er, shizzle.  Available at Costco in the handy 3.5 lb. diet pack.

    Of course, I am aware that manhy New Yorkers worship at the altar of Nathan’s.  Oh, well.  Every religion must have its apostates.

  16. Sean M. says:


    Woo-hoo!  Another Top Dog devotee!  There’s no better place to get a hot link and read a bunch of weird libertarian political cartoons at two in the morning.  And I always slathered those dogs with the awesome Beaver hot sweet Russian mustard–good for the sinuses.

  17. HT says:

    Sean M: oh yeah, that’s what I’m talkin’ about.

  18. I’m with you Jeff, and I seem to recall Clint Eastwood wondering how anyone could put ketchup on a fucking hot dog.  That sums up my sentiments.

  19. Robert says:

    I like my hot dogs plain, heated in the microwave, on an enriched white bun.

    It’s very satisfying in a basic kind of way.

  20. Blackjack says:

    Try this sometime:  Get a pizza crust, spread some chili on it.  Slice some hot dogs and put them on, and then add some onions.  Bake it, and then squirt some mustard on before serving.

    One of the best things I ever learned working at Little Caesars.  That, and how to smoke a whole cigarette in 45 seconds.

  21. Jeff Goldstein says:

    That sounds really good.  How long do you bake it and at what temp?

    And is there anyway I can put “big bag of marijuana” on my Amazon wish list?  Because I think that would be the perfect appetizer.

  22. Inspector Callahan says:

    No, this stuff isn’t getting to me, the shootings, the knifings, the beatings, old ladies being bashed in the head for their social security checks, teachers being thrown out of a fourth floor window because they don’t give A’s. That doesn’t bother me a bit.  Or this job either, having to wade through the scum of this city, being swept away by bigger and bigger waves of corruption, apathy and red tape. No, that doesn’t bother me. But you know what does bother me?  It’s watching you stuff your face with those hot dogs. Nobody… I mean NOBODY puts ketchup on a hot dog.

    -Dirty Harry Callahan, Sudden Impact, 1983

  23. Blackjack says:

    Good question, Jeff.  Honestly, I really don’t know.  I’ve only made it in a conveyor belt pizza oven, never in the one at home.  I know at Little Caesars, we didn’t alter temp or time in the oven for it, so I would imagine roughly the same as any homemade pizza. 

    Big bag of marijuana?  You might have to try for that one.

  24. Jeff Goldstein says:

    I’ll toy with the oven temps.  And for those of you who are wondering, I’m a Nathans guy.  Haven’t had the others mentioned.

    More importantly, though, I’m on the same wavelength as Dirty Fucking Harry.  Which will only reinforce my arrogance, I’ll have y’all know.

  25. CraigC says:

    Hebrew National dogs, mustard, relish, onions.  That’s it.

  26. Thanks Inspector.  I thought it came from a Dirty Harry movie but wasn’t sure and was too lazy to look it up.  Tonight I’ll be dozing off to Sudden Impact.  There’s another great line in there about “two sorry looking assholes with multiple contusions, various abrasions and broken bones” that I just love too.

    He’s right about those goddamn hot dogs.  Only an asshole puts ketchup on a hot dog.

  27. Beck says:

    I wonder if the US Postal Service employs drug-sniffer dogs…

  28. TalkLeft says:

    It’s not as bad as eating a hotdog with mayonnaise.

  29. Sean M. says:

    I’m a big fan of Nathan’s, too, but I was surprised to find out not too long ago that their dogs aren’t kosher.  Not a big deal (especially since I’m not Jewish) but I’m a fan of kosher hot dogs.  My late Grandpa once did some accounting work for a kosher meat company, and he said you could eat off the floor at their plant.

    Our local Costco (in SoCal) has recently started selling Best’s Kosher Beef Frankfurters, and I dig ‘em.  The casing has a little more firmness than most other brands offer these days.

    And here’s something odd: if you Google “Nathan’s,” you’ll find out that they own Kenny Rogers Roasters, the chicken chain made famous by Seinfeld.  Who knew?

  30. Did I miss it? Did no one mention barbecue sause?  Come on, cretins, neophytes.  Bar-B-Que sauce, baby.  Big, dribbling pools of it.  Yumm.

  31. Jim Valvis says:

    Heh.  This reminds me of the Abbott and Costello mustard routine in One Night in the Tropics…

    Are you trying to put all those mustard farmers out of work?

  32. Carin says:

    Who the hell eats hotdogs??  Polish Kelbasa perhaps, never hotdogs.

  33. ALa says:

    …or maybe, just maybe…we are the sassy unconventional trend-setters…

  34. Alpha Baboon says:

    Me thinks you all protesteth too much… I live in Seattle and you cant even find a decent dog vendor out here.. Not a Chicago style.. Not a Coney Island Chilidog.. nuthin’. Only people with the luxury of having a good dog can waste time bitching about how its dressed..

    (If any of you know of a good dog place in Seattle, email me..)

  35. McGehee says:

    McGehee, that tagline reminds me of the end of Time Bandits.

    The end of what now?

  36. McGehee says:

    Microwave a frozen burrito—now that’s the food of the imaginary supreme beings.

  37. Darleen says:

    no no … ketchup on hot dogs is not evil

    mayonnaise on french fries is the 3rd level of hell.

  38. Beto Ochoa says:

    This is all you need to know about hot dogs. My favorite are the Rippers at Rutt’s Hut in Clifton, NJ.

  39. gail says:

    And hell is made of giant legos.

  40. gail says:

    I like cold hot dogs dipped in mustard.

  41. HT says:

    Alpha Baboon:  in Seattle (where I live, actually), my favorite hotdog place is Frankfurter.  There’s one down near the Coleman Dock, and another up on, I think, Marion.  They’re pretty good (not really Chicago style; they kind of remind me of Top Dog, now that I think about it).  Only drawback is that they don’t sell fries. 

    However, I have also heard good things about Diggity Dog up in Wallingford, and Matt’s Gourmet dogs (a few different locations).  Someday I’ll have to try them out, although I do go to Chicago enough on business that I can usually get my fix at Portillo’s.

    I also forgot to mention the other great component of a Chicago hot dog…sport peppers.  Mmmmmm.

  42. Yep, catsup on dawgs is of the devil.  Spicy mustard, stinky yellow onions and kraut is for for angels.  Southern angels eat hot dogs with yellow mustard, cheap-ass canned chili and cole slaw.  THAT is some good-ass shit.

    I had hot dogs once in Chicago where they put sport peppers, mustard, and French Fries on top.

    Don’t remember the name or location but they were the best I’d eaten.

  43. gail says:

    We have been known to crumble up barbecue potato chips onto the hotdog for taste and texture.

    And if that makes you “ill”, I can’t help it, spambuster.

  44. triticale says:

    Sammy’s in Milwaukee does their hotdogs Chicago style. This based on comparison with the late lamented Jim’s Original at Maxwell and Halsted. If you ask about ketchup they will indicate that it is available – for putting on your french fries.

    By they way, our new practice, with regards to fries is to douse them with Franks Red Hot sauce. This particular brand is preferred because of the strong vinigar component to the flavor.

  45. CraigC says:

    I like cold hot dogs dipped in mustard.

    Do you mean cooked dogs that have since been refrigerated, or right out of the package?

  46. Alpha Baboon says:

    Thanks HT.. I guess I’ll have to broaden my search for a decent dog…

  47. mojo says:

    New York, Yankee Stadium, August. The Hebrew Nationals have been steaming since June…

    Yellow mustard, or the brown one? It’s important

  48. david says:

    Hot dogs are pre-cooked in the vast majority, if not all, of cases.

  49. JShavez says:

    Well, I have just come to learn that Costco no longer has the Sinai 48’s (Sara Lee Corp. decided to shut down Best’s Kosher last year…a company that had been in business since about 1886, but they had just bought in the 1990’s and either ran into the ground, or sacrificed because they were running other branches of the conglomerate into the ground…PRICKS!!). That was my favorite hot-dog…I mean, a quarter-pound beef…great seasoning, casing snap, flavor…and you’d get a soda with it for only $1.50??? Sara, honey…I would’ve paid 3 times that much if it would’ve helped your dumbass company with the $$$ problems and kept that business open.

    My new favorite is probably the Vienna Beef brand, available at a little place called Hot Diggity Dog here in Clearwater, FL. :-( Still a sad day though.

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