Meaning that 47% of Democrats are probably racists.
So. Can we finally note that the majority of Democrats — represented most obviously in their party leadership — have a bit of the old Marx fever, and the only cure is more (collective) cowbell?
Meaning that 47% of Democrats are probably racists.
So. Can we finally note that the majority of Democrats — represented most obviously in their party leadership — have a bit of the old Marx fever, and the only cure is more (collective) cowbell?
They’ve got a fever and the only cure is more Marxism.
Of course, if I wasn’t medicated heavily I might realize that I just reiterated what you already said.
Fascism is good enough for them, so that’s what we have.
It’s the 23% of Republicans who favor socialism I’m more worried about.
On Glenn Beck’s Moron Trivia, they frequently ask people to define “socialism,” and lots of them think it’s related to Facebook or just means being social.
So I wouldn’t put too much stock in the results.
Heh. And most of them appear to be leading the GOP!
The other 47% don’t think about socialism much because it makes them want to touch themselves. Show trials, being summarily shot and your family charged for the bullet. Having soldiers impound the grain, forbid emigrating, and leave the surplus peasant units to starve…mmmmmmm, Yeah. POWERRRRRRRR.
I was going to say something similar about the 47% who think socialism doesn’t go nearly far enough to support.