
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2024


…of mice and (evil, bearded) men

Right.  And I once planned to make a rocket-powered jet pack out of a couple of fire extinguishers, some tinfoil, a roll of duct tape, and my father’s suit belt.  But that didn’t work, either.

9 Replies to “…of mice and (evil, bearded) men”

  1. Darleen says:

    But but, Ridley Scott says moslems have just gotten really bad press.

  2. kelly says:

    How about them mad mullahs try this over the greater Bay area? Y’know, no deaths or destruction or anything, just no power, etc.

    Wonder how long the citizens would be pondering “root causes”?

  3. JWebb says:

    Shit. I’m still sweating Y2K.

  4. harrison says:

    The jetpack thing works,actually.

    Three large tanks or five smaller ones.

    No. Really.

  5. Alpha Baboon says:

    The danger isnt that it will work perfectly.. The danger is that an Iran or a N. Korea gets it in their heads that they could make it work perfectly and get by with it.. and actually consider using it for real. Its appearing weak that got the WTC bombed.. If we appear weak and unresolved, our power and information grids could be next.

  6. Mac Buckets says:

    But wouldn’t such a weapon just ensure that whoever uses it becomes an instantaneous smoking hole in the ground?

  7. Salt Lick says:

    But what if you are that little Oriental guy in “Team America” and one night you get pissed that the U.S. State Department won’t allow shipment of your “Dusty” girl t-shirt poster to your bunker 20 stories below ground?

    Secret word “effect,” as in “fire for.”

  8. Alpha Baboon says:

    Kim Jong-Il: Hans..Hans.. Hans.. Why you bustin’ my baz here ? I already toe you.. we don have any EMP weapons..

  9. – See Goldstein – this is exactly why you should leave the phsyics to the scientists, or even better the proctologists. Its a twist of cosmic irony, even universal unfairness you might say, that the device you designed wookies perfectly for loyal moonbats as they soar and flit around the moonscape. Ah the eclectic freedom and ecological perfection. No flora and fauna. No atmosphere to polute. The moonrock huggers paradise. And you with your rediculous neocon ideas that Man can’t achieve such munificent Utopian lunar expression. Not to mention those 0.5 mile 5 iron chip shots.

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