
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

November 2024


“The yin and yang of intimate interpersonal relationships post, 9” (from the protein wisdom conceptual series)

yin: “You know what you should post on the website?  Cat pictures.  Everybody loves cat pictures.”

yang: “Go bake me a fucking pie, would you?”

17 Replies to ““The yin and yang of intimate interpersonal relationships post, 9” (from the protein wisdom conceptual series)”

  1. Alpha Baboon says:

    yin: “..or not… and unless you change that attitude its going to be a long while before you even get to sniff the sweet sweet pie.”

    yang: Sorry sweetie.. you know..It was just that Italian blood in me coming out..

  2. Marc G says:

    Hey.Wait a minute.

    Isn’t this one of those repeatin’ meme thingys?


  3. cjrtx says:

    yang: Cat pictures? Are those anything like Beaver pictures? Allright!!

  4. Percy Dovetonsils says:

    If only the First Lady, during her Correspondent’s Dinner ribbing of Dubya, had just held up a big picture of an adorable widdle kitty…

    I bet all this recent unpleasantness could have been avoided.

  5. Lloyd says:

    Hey, where’s my god damn Citizen Journalist?

  6. I, too, am saddened by the missing CJR today.  You are not alone, Lloyd.

  7. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Well, we needed a break. And time to think if it’s worth continuing with the project.

  8. Shinobi says:

    No CJR, disappointing Say Anything girl, this is just a sad sad week.

  9. bennett says:

    Does the new Dusty girl count?  Goddamn I said goddamn.

  10. Lloyd says:

    Oh, Okay. But damn, it made Thursday a special day. Oh Well.

  11. JFH says:

    How the heck am I supposed to able to hear myself on streaming internet now!

  12. BLT in CO says:

    Jeff, is there any way to determine the size of the listening audience?  Was that part of the issue?  ‘Cause I agree with Lloyd, PTH, Shinobi, and the others: I really looked forward to listening.  But if you were putting in all that work for 10 people or something, your time was far better spent helping Satch hone his motor skills.

  13. A fine scotch says:

    Does this post have anything to do with your South Park Conservative jag recently.

    I would never let a woman tell me to post pictures of a cat on my blog. If she tried something, I’d be like, “HEY! You get your bitch ass back in the kitchen and make me some pie!”

    If some sissy chick tried to make me post pictures of a cat on my blog, I would say, “Hey! Missy!  Go knit me a sweater before I slap you in the face!”

  14. Understandable I suppose.  But that means that I’ll have to go back to referring to Thursday as “Turdsday”.  Danggnabbit.

  15. norm2121 says:

    Wasn’t Cartman’s fantasy of marriage was that he could say: “Get your bitch ass in the kitchen and BAKE ME A PIE! (?)

  16. Pedal faster, norm.

  17. quiggs says:

    “And time to think if it’s worth continuing with the project.” It is.  I say so.

    BTW, on the movie lists, if I’ve seen one but have irreparably forgotten the salient aspects, then:

    (A) I get a Pass, because it’s now permanently interwoven into my psyche? or

    (B) I Fail, for having forgotten this unforgettable opus? or

    (C) I get an Incomplete, and have to watch it again?

    Just askin.

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