As a psychosexual deviant and pseudo intellectual dressed as a hippie for a Hot Air Citizen Journalist Report once sagely noted, “I mean, you can’t have peace if you’re going have war.”
Only he was just shining some dude on. Whereas a billionaire liberal like Ted Turner, the former Mr. Jane Fonda, seems actually to believe in his own completely confused and historically nonsensical view of the world, enough so that he’s willing to say it in public, posing as some sort of relevant political intellectual.
When we all know that the last time Ted Turner was relevant, Bob Horner and Dale Murphy were still raking home runs in bunches for the Atlanta Braves.
I guess it’s possible all that fluid exchange over the years with Fonda damaged his brain in some irreversible way. But the more likely explanation is that Turner has always been a moron — save for a degree of genius in certain areas of business, bolstered by inheriting a $1 million dollar business from his father, who, ironically enough, committed suicide.
A good psychologist or psychiatrist might even find in that fact and this latest atrocious statement some sort of subtext.
(h/t Weasel Zippers)
I sent a note to the Braves that it was time, at long last, to rename their home stadium.