When: Thursday, 3 PM EST
Where: Rightalk Radio
Guests: Charles Johnson, Rob Harrison, and special guest lefty Oliver Willis
Topics: The Islamist threat; the state of political discourse; music; Nazism / Chimpy McHitlerBurton. And Hobbits!
Toll-free Call-in number: 1-866-884-8255 (866-884-TALK)
Disclaimer: Not everyone knows Nathan Lane personally. Or so they claim.
Offer: If you have any questions you’d like me to ask Charles or Rob, leave them in the comments. You asked some great questions last time. Keep it up.
Summary plea: Your phone calls could very well save our lives. Please don’t hesitate to call in. 1-866-884-8255 (866-884-TALK)
Have questions for Charles or Rob? Leave them in the comments. Thanks!
Oh, this should be interesting.
Very, very interesting.
Why is Ollie on for so short a time?
I think you mean Chuck, Rob, or Ollie. That’s the problem with cut and paste, it’s so literal sometimes. I anxiously await the day when my computer will do what I mean and not what I say.
For Oliver, a two-parter:
Jelly or glazed? And is it true you have someone who knows the Heimlich follow you around at all times?
Homo floresiensis or Homo Tolkiensis?
Baghdad Blob? Quite the coup.
A serious question for Ollie:
With his new blog project, The American Times, will right of center blog be considered for inclusion, or is his intent to create another leftist echo chamber?
Also, less seriously, for Ollie:
Regular meal with a regular Coke, or super-sized with a Diet Coke?
Comrade Willis: When on CSPAN with Patrick Ruffini, you said you would never run a story “without firsthand knowledge.” How much did it cost for you to get enough “firsthand knowledge” for your dozen or more articles on Jeff Gannon?
Charles: Who is your favorite saxist?
Rob: Besides all the Tolkien inspiration, have you been influenced by “Behind the Green Door?”
Oliver: Conservatives have a grudging respect for those on the left who state their positions and vigorously stand by them. What is your definition of a “Moonbat” or “Wingnut?” Please give examples.
Looks to be an good show comin’ Thursday..
I’d be interested in hearing how Charles AND Oliver deal with their hate mail. How do they deal with their more reasonable critics from the other side? Does it all go into the trashcan? Or does it sometimes provide food for thought?
Ask Charles about his music. He never posts anything about his music on his site.. My dial up isn’t good for streaming music, but maybe he could post an mp3 or a bibliography of songs he’s played on.
Question(s) for Oliver and the rest:Do you think the Major Source Media is biased towards one particular political direction, conservative or liberal? FOXNEWS doesn’t count. They are a minority.
Question #2 for all: Could the centrist libertarian-leaning people of the blogosphere ever create a political movement that could challenge either the republican or democratic base?
Allen Forkum of Cox and Forkum says no. I disagree, mainly because every time the influence of the internet is discounted it bites people in the ass. Could this be the third party our country craves?
Oliver- would you like fries with that ?
JG, I’m not sure I’d take any calls during Willis time on the program, just to be safe )
Word : Upon. As in “Senior Willis was upon the aforementioned jelly donut quicker then Sandy Berger on classified Clinton documents”
For Oliver:
How is LGF “hate speech”, considering it’s fully linked (including pictures) and all context is available for the reader to decide? If it’s the comments, how can you hold Charles (and seemingly all right-of-center bloggers) any more responsible for the content than you are for yours? Does that mean you edit yours to redact out controversy?
Spamword = went, as in “I went for the 99 cent special but got talked into supersizing it.”
I would give a couple of examples of the “theories” discussed at the Democratic Underground, and then ask each guest what their opinion is of the DU…and don’t let them weasel out with platitudes, hold them to specifics. It would be interesting to hear Willis’ response; will he distance himself and risk losing readers or drink the Kool-Aid and sound just as insane? I’m guessing he’d say the examples given were “extreme” and is not really what the majority of DUmmies believe and CYA CYA CYA…and it would take quite a bit to C THAT A.
And for something timely, you could ask their opinions of Jane Fonda, who has a book coming out this week.
Brief and oft-asked question: (mainly for Oliver)
Bush: idiot or evil genius?
.. or Super-sized with a regular Coke, an extra Big ‘n Tasty with Cheese, a large chocolate shake and a couple McCherry Pies… and a Filet-O-Fish to take home for later ?
Oliver Willis: When did liberals stop believing in using armed force to secure liberty for the oppressed, and do you think this will ever change? Wilson, FDR, and JFK all advocated this idea, but no prominent liberal since JFK has.
Also, do you see this as a the continuation of 60s-era leftist support for Communism, under which liberals espoused the ideas that 1) war for any reason was always wrong, and 2) communism would be better for the poor than freedom? Or do you believe other more modern factors are now more responsible, and if so what are those modern factors?
For both:
Why are liberals seemingly so concerned with the downtrodden in America, but were against the wars to liberate Afghanistan and Iraq, and seem disinterested (at best) in the new freedoms enjoyed by women, Kurds, and other previously oppressed minorities in those countries.
If the argument is to be made that America’s needs should be taken care of first, support it. What, in an increasingly connected world, makes the poor, uneducated, and persecuted in America more worthy of our government’s attention than those abroad? After all, we are all the tribe of man, yes?
For Oliver: Have you ever wished you could fly?
Mr. Willis himself posits a question:
Submitted by Oliver Willis on January 30, 2005 – 2:07pm.
So, how much soap does it take Jeff?
and – there’s this one:
February 13, 2005 – 10:57pm.
Perhaps young Master Goldstein can take the mike during part of the segment and the audience can judge for ourselves.
Serious question here:
* Oliver, you’ve said that Howard Dean was ‘right’ regarding Iraq. What were Dr. Dean’s sources of data for him to form his views?
Basically, supporters of Dr. Dean have been touting the fact that he was ‘right’, but they never give the basis for Dr. Dean to have formed his conclusion. Is Dr. Dean psychic? Some sort of mystic? What?
I think you misspelled “mistake”.
For Rob: Most of the current crop of underground homes are rectilinear. Are you working towards circular-type tunnels to stay true to the Hobbit design?
Have you considered starting with prefabbed (8 foot diameter or larger) concrete drainpipe?
How much ‘Longbottom leaf’ have you been smoking to come up with this scheme?
For Charles:
With at least 6 staffers and the plentiful (and ubiquitous) lizardoid fact-finders and fact-checkers, how does LGF differ from real journalism? Does it?
How does one raise an army of minions, anyway? Should Michael Moore be afraid, or very afraid?
How cool do you have to be before Cox & Forkum creates original artwork depicting you?
Dan Rather: legend in his own mind or ancient political hack? Follow up: What would you be willing to falsify in order to get a date with Halle Berry?
A Charles-ish question for whoever will field it: “Death to America” is now a punchline on MadTV. With the mainstream media actively ignoring the hate speech coming from mosques, what is the best way to publicize (without trying to incite further) the hate messages that are constantly being preached?
A follow up: what can be done about the lack of Keifer Sutherland’s balls?
For Ollie: Have ever actually made love to a woman, and if so, did you bring the egg-timer with you, or did she have one?
Spamword “make,” as in, “Listen Dawg, if you think I’m making you breakfast after that, you’re crazier than Ace on crack!”
For Charles:
Which tracks did you contribute to on Stanley Clarke’s “School Days” album? If it’s not too difficult to describe, what parts did you play?
For Oliver:
Do you prefer “jackass,” or just “dingleberry”? Which does your birth certificate say?
Q for all of them.
Coke, Pepsi or RC?
For Ollie: Who’s your Stan?
Yeah! What he said. And what’s up with Google News rejecting LGF multiple times as an indexed source. Hell, I get fully half my middle eastern news links from LGF… and I can read arabic newspapers!
…and Ace is on crack!
For O-Dub:
In a post you titled “AKA Friends of Michelle Malkin,” you made some outrageous claims, including the idea that “…its [sic] only a matter of time till [sic] we see Klan signup forms on [Malkin’s] site.”
Putting aside the fact that Malkin is obviously not white, which makes it unlikely that the KKK would affiliate itself with her, I’d like to make a statement or two and then ask you a question.
I think that what the “Minutemen” are doing down in AZ is okay, but I’m disturbed by the idea that (according to your post–I didn’t see the TV segment you referenced) white supremacists may be infiltrating the movement, thereby sapping its legitimacy. In other words, I think that a group which is calling attention to a legitimate issue may be lax in policing its membership, and I have a sreious problem with that.
My question for you is as follows: Have you expressed any similar misgivings about the hardcore Marxist leadership of the anti-Iraq-war movement? I’m talking about the background of International ANSWER, a group which has well-documented Stalinist roots.
Sorry if this was too long, but I’d like to know.
BTW, the Oliver post that I referenced (but didn’t link to) above apparently refers to an appearance by “Minuteman organizer James Gilchrist” on Hannity and Colmes, which I didn’t see. The link on OW’s post isn’t to a transcript of the appearance, but instead goes to [surprise!] MediaMatters.
The reference to Malkin and the KKK comes from the following brilliant assertion:
And Malkin also syndicates columns on the racist VDare site, so its only a matter of time till we see Klan signup forms on her site.
If you look at the post in question, you’ll notice that the only mention of Malkin is in O-Dub’s title. There isn’t even any mention of Malkin at the link he provides to the MediaMatters post.
Oliver Willis: Like a Magnet to Slander.
I’m curious if Charles has lost any friends or business because of his political change. I know he was quite liberal pre-9/11.
Hey…I think I just saw “Fat Ollbert” in a Burger King commercial.
He looked pleasantly plump.
Good luck boys. I’ll be listening since I have the good fortune to be at home with strep throat today.
(Purloined) Question and Answer:
JeffBill: One of your zip codes is 21666? That’s the legal age for drinking and the mark of the beast! We are concerned. Should we be concerned?
Rob Harrison (because I want to hear him say it): This should be no cause for concern as long as I get my Hobbit Hole. If I don’t, I’m going to raise an army of legally drunk orcs and cause an apocalypse like you wouldn’t believe.
Ever think of streaming the music you’re playing? It could all be part of an LGF lifestyle, man!
Or maybe you do already, but I’m too spazzy to know how to listen to it.
Ask Charles if he really thinks LGF a “news” source.
I guess you could also ask if the guys at Google kicked sand in his face and stole his girlfriend, ‘cause he has a real obsession with their service.
For Charles:
Are you now or have you even been “amped up on reefer pills?”
Boxers or briefs?
If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?
Just between us, what do you really think of Hillary Clinton?
Mary Anne or Ginger?
Please define “is.”
Should Greedo shoot first?
Please ask Oliver Willis if he prefers the mild or hot sauce on his Taco Bell gorditas.
Can you do an over/under bet on Ollies weight?
Im in for a couple bits.
Will you take the “Jenny Craig Challenge?”
turing: single. As in, you don’t want to be single forever, do you?
The POWER of PROTEIN WISDOM is such that I will blatantly and willfully violate the company’s internet use policy (which I, of course, wrote) by broadcasting the CJR from my desk.
Kick some arse, fellers.
For Charles-
Doesn’t he risk the “freedom of speech” for blogs when he refuses to editor moderate comments such as quark2-“Mexicans should be shot….” on a recent illegal immigration thread that was challenged by only one other commenter- (who was rapidly ganged up on by other commenters).
Also the last earthquake thread where the commenter American Infidel made the comment that they “…they should all starve and dehydrate to death…” is she mobying his threads because his opinion on Terri Schiavo differs from theirs?
In the comments he will respond to liberal “trolls” specifically one named-liberality- who says nothing near as inflammatory. Is he really anti-semitic?
For Willis:
If you were a tree, how fat a baobab would you be?
Guys, jeez. I don’t agree with Oliver much of the time at all, but for crying out loud, don’t be such jerks.
It’s not classy and kind of pathetic.
Vincent, if you want classy, go read Michelle Malkin. If you haven’t noticed, this site has a comedic slant and its author’s headings have, at times, made mention of Willis’ battle with the bulge.
In other words, bite me.