Americans for Limited Government:
“Our Counsel John Vinci has noted that Obamacare’s regulations are now 2,864,094 pages long. That’s about 700,000 pages more than when last reported at the end of February. This is 620 times the length of the U.S. Constitution.
“If Obamacare is not repealed it threatens to strangle America’s economy with so much red tape that no small businessman could ever comply. While a boon for lawyers it is disastrous for the 23 million people who hope to find a job in the years ahead. Repeal must be job No. 1 in January.”
Welcome to Brazil. And not the one with the hot chicks and rum drinks, either.
I don’t think the US Constitution is 4,620 pages long. They probably mean 2,864,094 words, not pages.
Still, too farkin’ long. 620 times the length, 620×10^156 more tyranny and injustice for all but them what’s more equal.
–Frank Zappa