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November 2024


I don’t get it, really, Do.Not.Get.It. [Darleen Click]

Why has the Left clutched pearls and gasped with offended squeals in reaction to Mitt Romney’s description of his outreach to recruit qualified women to work with him during his stint as Governor?

“Binders of Women” is condescending? How so?

Are the squealers so bereft of experience in the private sector they have no clue how Human Resource departments work? That screened resumes are typically presented either in loose folders or, more formally, in binders?

Obama went out and snickered something to the effect that he doesn’t need binders to find talented women.

Considering some of the “talent” Obama has surrounded himself with, that’s obvious.

30 Replies to “I don’t get it, really, Do.Not.Get.It. [Darleen Click]”

  1. geoffb says:

    It has nothing to do with reality. They like the resonance in the mind of the words when spoken alone, out of context, with a different emphasis. The phrase can be used with a wink-wink implication of S&M, bondage, and with a hint of serial killer.

    BINDERS of women.

    Sure it’s Jr. High humor but that is the Obama sweet spot.

  2. davisbr says:

    It’s all they got.

    …and yeah, that’s pathetic.

    But. When it’s all you got, you run with it.

    And who knows: maybe the horse will learn to sing.

  3. BigBangHunter says:

    doesn’t need binders to find talented women.

    – I’ll take his word for it. No doubt he used a 10 cent baggie and three crumpled up dollar bills.

    – Its all theater all the time with the Progressive hive mind snake oil salesmen, The emotional is the political, which is to say, the substance is the total lack of substance. The old meme shell game. Cognitive dissonance on a mob-think level.

    – If 48 Progressives are all moaning, pearl clutching, and rending their Che T-shirts, and two normal sane people are standing there in total puzzlement, the idea is the 2 must be stupid and clueless. The ‘object de emotion’ can be anything, a tooth pick, a banana peel, a 60 million year old dinosaur turd. They’ll insist it has deep consequential meaning as a mob, and therefore it does.

    – Remember the bully mobs from grade school who would all turn on nerdy kids, led by a couple of the most outspoken troublemakers. generally from some sort of sense of inadequacy among the mob members.

    – I’ve never met a Leftie that didn’t evidence some of those sorts of self-doubts in one way or another, and they never really grow up.

    – The Progressive agitators have nothing of substance so they run the mob scam and the easily led Left eat it up because they know they have nothing otherwise.

    – Only a thoroughly brainwashed Leftie can find substance in a dinosaur turd. Its an art.

  4. EBL says:

    This is all they got? That and Tagg saying Obama pissed him off?

    This is a sign of weakness. Romney needs to be the happy warrior and keep touting how he is focused on jobs, jobs and more jobs.

  5. John Bradley says:

    As we all know, the lesson taught by all pragmatic Republicans who “just want to win” is “Never, ever, say anything that a Leftist could take out of context and use against us.”

    That there is nothing so banal (“binders”) or made-up (“macaca”) that the Left won’t be willing to ‘re-interpret’ in the most racisty/sexisty/god-I-hate-the-gaysiest way possible… well that’s just darned inconvenient, isn’t it?

    Thankfully, we seem to be doing a better job of following the computer’s advice in WarGames re. the correct winning strategy of “Global Thermonuclear War”. Judging by the twitter-babble, our side is more interested in mocking the Binders (and Big Bird before that) meme in a “is that all you got?” way, rather than seriously trying to engage it.

    Since it’s impossible to have an argument (“no, it isn’t!”) with the Left these days, that’s probably the correct move. And the moderate middle want to be on the side that’s laughing and having a good time, not on the side that’s being openly mocked.

  6. Libby says:

    This from people who think it’s A-OK to dress up as a vagina and demand free abortions NOW! I’ll take the guy who gets “binders of [qualified] women’s” resumes over the guy who sees me as a needy vagina, thanks.

  7. sanddog says:

    I’d rather have my name submitted in a binder for a job with Romney than be “chosen” to work for Obama as a token in a low level job just so he can prove his credibility to women who, as Libby points out, think it’s a brilliant political statement to dress up as a dancing vagina.

  8. serr8d says:

    Feminauseousi are now wearing giant squares of cardboard, as protest, with desperate little scribblings on ’em. Many of ’em look like great chock-full binders that one couldn’t ship via FedEx without incurring extra charges.

    Makes me miss the giant vaginas, really.

  9. rjacobse says:

    In addition to “it’s all they got” (as davisbr noted), I would add this:

    They’re really not as smart or clever as they think they are.

  10. ujee0Oot says:

    Why only “binders of women?” Why not binders of gay/lesbian/tranny or black? What about furries? Or moozlims? Clearly some -ist or -ism is being violated here. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

  11. Libby says:

    I cringed when Romney mentioned the binders of women, but not because of the phrasing, but because diversity has become so ingrained that each candidate is reduced to bragging about how they purposely selected people for being a woman, black, Latino, LGBT, etc. Romney was just telling them he did a better job at playing by their rules. However, we’ve already heard from Gov. Romney’s female staff at the convention, and even the liberal ones had nothing but praise for him.

  12. DarthLevin says:

    No, you don’t get it, Darleen. It was a gaffe! A gaaaaaffe!!!!11!!one!! Pleasepleaseplease let it be an Earth-shattering gaaaaaffffffe!!!

  13. Matt says:

    When I saw the outrage from the left the next day, I thought they were riffing on ‘binders’ as ‘foot binders”, like that Chinese tradition. Short of that, I don’t get what the libs even mean when they keep saying “binders”.

    The irony is, out of the two candidates, its apparent that Romney was the one who made a genuine effort to diversify his inner circle to include more woman. Plus, if you’re a woman, who would you rather work for ? A religious family man with business acumen and a happy family or a petulant inexperienced guy, with thin skin, a big ego and his scary wife always looking over your shoulder, flexing her “spectacular arms”.

  14. Slartibartfast says:

    I actually heard some leftist say that Romney hired women so he could get them at a lower rate.

    There’s no winning, there, so why even pay the idiots any attention at all?

  15. serr8d says:

    I’ll bet many of these #BindersFullofWomen are actually #BindersFullofFatGals surrounded by #LitterboxesFullofCatShit. )

  16. Darleen says:


    Oh I expect Leftists to have any excuse when we defy their caricatures of us. Nothing a non-leftist does has good motives.

    But I guess in Obama Land, HR doesn’t use resumes, only ward bosses.

  17. Pablo says:

    Or, what Serr8d said.

  18. palaeomerus says:

    He obviously should have said “Folders of hos piled nine deep, yo.”

  19. palaeomerus says:

    “Buckets of Dat office tang? ”

    “Heaps of Hootchie hot for a job? “

  20. palaeomerus says:

    Perhaps “a great collection of willing desk slatterns” ?

    No, getting offended by Binders of Women is trying WAY TOO HARD. And I think I the reaction by the left strongly suggests that Obama lost that debate.

  21. sdferr says:

    So we read about Obama’s missing or empty agenda today, right alongside glimpses of Walter Russell Mead attempting to explain to himself and his Democrat friends how and why (what he dubs) “The Blue Model” has collapsed in practice across the country, indeed, the world. The challenge to replace that defunct model is profound and has not been met — which, of course, isn’t to say it won’t be met but does seem to suggest the crisis of the status quo ante should spur some possibly decades long creative efforts as yet unknown — so it’s little wonder the Democrats and the progressive left flail and sputter with trivialities. They don’t have a pattern to which to refer any longer, though they’re far from admitting the fact to themselves — yet they can’t help but act their loss out in gesture: they well understand that speaking the truth of their loss means losing votes in fact. So they lash out. What else can they do? They’re drowning and will grab at whatever floats by.

  22. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Links man, links!

  23. sdferr says:

    It’s probably sufficient just to scan Insty, but Mead and Stephens together present the core of most of the problem: On the road to Greece

  24. geoffb says:

    It’s probably sufficient just to scan Insty

    This works for me.

  25. Ernst Schreiber says:

    There’s a metaphor for the last four years.

  26. sdferr says:

    There’s a metaphor for the last four years.

    Most especially the part going to the abandonment of justice after the fact.

  27. leigh says:

    Incoming: Weekly jobs claims at 4 month high.

    Damned women, anyway.

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