Because partisan discourse can be so divisive. And for Christians, being divisive is a sin. Or something like that. It’s hard to take such pious PC liberalism masquerading as Christianity seriously, so I’m not going to parse the tendentious argument too carefully.
Nietzsche described Christianity, through just such a prism, as a kind of slave culture. And he was correct, or prescient, depending on your point of view — though he was only correct insofar as he saw the morphing of complex doctrine into a cartoon of sheepish piety by those who embraced the religion for its proto-hippie qualities.
Such people don’t recall (or perhaps bracket out) that Jesus supposedly came as the lamb and the lion; and these are precisely the kind of “good works” Christians that so annoyed Flannery O’Connor. Conceiving of religion as just a moral extension of the liberal state’s PC campaign to control the marketplace ideas — with “tolerance” in its inverted form the rationale — is to meld religion with the State, for all intents and purposes, until they are only superficially different.
Instead of suits and flag lapel pins, we get rabbats and cassocks. But it’s the same supposedly benevolent obligation to silence speech in the name of enforcing a contrived universal brotherhood of intellectual conformity.
A master slave relationship, if you will.
Students should be storming the battlements. But that would mark them as “against tolerance” and “divisive.” And what would Jesus think?
That’s gotta be a ‘Universe’-ity which simply can’t bring itself to condone any student reading Machiavelli, for they might encounter partisanship — even maybe rejection of Christ’s teaching, and hey, heaven forfend.
Jesus must be so frustrated in Heaven that He didn’t simply agree with the devil to form a kingdom on Earth when He sees all the fat lesbians controlling the marketplace of ideas in between offering air altars to the Green Man.
Cause man those cats (and their cats) are cool.
“Overtly partisan”, huh? Because the Roman state had its and presumably the Sanhedrin theirs.
So badness averted!
Well, if we look at the record, Jesus seems to be a capitalist, and quite divisivey:
That’s one pricey little college.
Better yet, Matthew 10:
In other words, there will be those who follow Christ and those who don’t, and the division will often cause terrible discord even/especially within families.
Such that those who would be disciples of Christ will be forced to choose: be on good terms with your family or follow Christ. However, if you end up having to lose your family or friends to follow Christ, he’ll make up for it in the end.
Azuza panders pablum.
And boilerplate.
Is there anything that Californians can’t fuck up?
Apparently not. I’m glad I went East twenty years ago.
Has anyone mentioned that this college has a name that sounds like something you’d tell somebody to blow it out of?
What’s the opposite of Diversity? University.
Are you all sure this isn’t another one of those Onion things somebody took seriously?
What the hell.
Hope College is another Christian enterprise, this time located in the great mass of intellectual warm oatmeal that is the upper Midwest.