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November 2024


Chicago teachers threaten strike

In 2011, Chicago public schools showed a 40% drop out rate.   So of course Chicago teachers have a right to ask for a bigger slice of the taxpayer-funded public sector union pie.  Because if 40% of students are dropping out, that means 60% of students aren’t.

60% = D-. D- = passing grade. See? Success!

The best thing that can happen to this country is for it to undergo that logistical civil war I mentioned years back, where people whenever they can move to states that keep their taxes low, are business friendly, have control over the public sector unions, and as a result aren’t swimming in massive debt and unfunded liabilities.

From there, the play would be for the governors of those states to assert their Constitutional authority and tell the federal government — and even the SCOTUS, which has becoming increasingly dependent on its own faulty precedent for rulings that are on their face obviously unconstitutional, or not at all in keeping with original statutory intent — to bugger off whenever it attempts to overstep its bounds.

If Obama wins re-election, the showdowns between certain states and the major industries trying to operate in those states and leftist-infested bureaucratic enclaves like the EPA, which are becoming increasingly brazen and increasingly removed from any kind of voter control, are going to mark the last stand before the whole system collapses and command and control Marxism is rebuilt atop the erstwhile free enterprise rubble.

Sorry if that sounds like too much of an overstatement. But it is what it is, and until we understand the magnitude of what is going on here, we’ll never be able to keep ourselves out of the inevitable police state because we’ll already be good and penned in before we even realize it’s happened.

13 Replies to “Chicago teachers threaten strike”

  1. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Threat executed this am.

    Why does Rahmbo want to keep the poor hardworking teacher in chains?

  2. Squid says:

    A high-profile organized labor stunt in Chicago? Two months before an election involving a Chicago machine pol who desperately needs to drum up enthusiasm among his Labor allies?

    I’m stunned. Absolutely stunned.

  3. sdferr says:

    One might think that parasites would understand it isn’t in their interest to kill their host. But then, that would credit parasites with understanding. Wrong move.

  4. geoffb says:

    In a comment at Instapundit on this story.

    UPDATE: A suspicious reader emails: “It MAY be ALL coincidental, but within the last couple of weeks, my cousin told me about a truly diabolical plan for election ‘optics.’ He is a Longshoreman in Texas. His union was considering going on strike for the sole purpose of allowing BHO to intervene and settle the labor dispute and look like either a uniter or maybe even tough on unions. So, when I saw that Rahm’s teachers went on strike in spite of a 16% pay raise offer, my mind went places that logic would never take it, but modern day politics do.

    The BAMNsters.

  5. Ernst Schreiber says:

    It’s not about pay, it’s about “job security and teacher evaluations,” according to Fox News Radio.

    So, Success! indeed.

  6. mojo says:

    It would be fun to see Rahmbo go all Reagan on their asses, fire the lot and de-certify the union.

  7. Squid says:

    But without the teachers, who will teach Chicago’s youth the skills they need to thrive in their City’s primary industry?

  8. DarthLevin says:

    At least a year ago, City Colleges of Chicago said that 94% of Chicago Public School graduates needed remedial math.

    They’re doing yeoman’s work, these so-called teachers.

  9. Squid says:

    I suppose it would be impolitic of me to suggest that picket lines and shooting galleries are almost indistinguishable from a certain perspective.

  10. Pablo says:

    At least a year ago, City Colleges of Chicago said that 94% of Chicago Public School graduates needed remedial math.

    To say nothing of their 40% dropout rate.

    These people start at a minimum salary of $52,600 (P 126) and they suck at their jobs.

  11. geoffb says:

    And that’s for 38.6 working weeks per year.

    FIRST YEAR teacher in Chicago Pub Schls w only a BA starts @ $52.6k (38.6 wks/yr) or $57k (42.6 wks/yr), incl. pension

  12. DarthLevin says:

    It’s not even so much that they suck at their jobs, Pablo. It’s that unionized, public school teachers are not required to perform adequately at their jobs.

  13. leigh says:

    I read that they were going to march on Rahm’s offices.

    From the looks of them a little exercise would do them a lot of good.

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