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November 2024


Convention observations [Darleen Click]

Caught about 2 hours of convention coverage last night by watching CNN, since NBC/CBS/ABC refused to do more than cover 1 hour because, heaven forfend the peasants miss Stern & buds rather than being involved in making choices about their own futures.

I did see the speeches by Rick Santorum, Arthur Davis, Nikki Haley, Ann Romney & Chris Christie. Santorum’s wasn’t the stemwinder I would have liked, but the rest were solid and effective.

I tried muting the tv each time the talking heads came on to muck things up. I can only listen to journalists ask delegates about Romney’s “likeability” or “woman problem”, or how Arthur Davis is phoney-sellout a so many times before I’m tempted to toss something at the tv.

Of course, using the ‘talking heads’ was a way for even CNN and others to cut short or even completely avoid showing any melanin-enriched speakers at the convention.

Can’t have anything upsetting the narrative that conservatives are RAAAAACIST whities!

26 Replies to “Convention observations [Darleen Click]”

  1. I Callahan says:

    Suggestion: watch on CSPAN. They don’t yap and spin, at least…

  2. EBL says:

    CSPAN has great coverage. Just the speeches in a loop and they even tell you went they will get to each one.

  3. EBL says:

    MSNBC will be fun in November.

  4. Squid says:

    MSNBC will be fun in November.

    By November, I’d be surprised if MSNBC wasn’t showing reruns of 90s sci-fi movies. Which would still have more political relevance than the crew they have now.

  5. leigh says:

    I can’t believe you live in the Inland Empire and can’t get Faux News.

    Like Neil Cavuto says, “DEMAND IT!”

  6. Slartibartfast says:

    I am seeing some completely, egregiously dishonest charts from CBPP bandied about by Democrats. They are from CBPP and claim to be based on CBO data, but the data and the charts don’t agree at all.



    It turns out that “Bush-era tax cuts”, which blame Bush, also include TARP (which I kind of blame Bush for because he signed it, but isn’t in any way a tax cut) and the Democratically-approved (and signed) extensions to the Bush tax cuts. They’re also conveniently projected out into the future as if they will continue to be extended.

    Which Democrats will take no responsibility at all for doing, even after having done them.

  7. BigBangHunter says:

    – Leigh, for reasons I won’t go into I only subscibe to the ‘sort list of cable TV, mainly for House and a rew other favorites, and Cox (I’ve always thought that their name was perfect) makes damn sure that the pitiful offering in the poor mans minimum group is as pitiful and devoid of entertainment value as possible and the FCC makes sure it stays that way, Cspan is my only choice.

    – It would be nice if PBS, you know, that channel we all subsidize so the Left has yet another outlet, would cover things, but unless Moyer or Rose can masterbate mentally over their latest leftwing media darling it ain’t happening.

  8. leigh says:

    I hear ya, BBH. I believe I had Cox cable when I lived in San Diego, too.

    I still have a teen at home and we live out in the boonies, so we have a satellite. As far as PBS goes, the only time I’ve actually liked the PBS channel was when we lived in Pittsburgh.

    I watched a lot of C-SPAN back in the day.

  9. McGehee says:

    MSNBC will be fun in November.

    My fantasy is that about the time the polls close in Colorado the MSNBC on-air cadavers will look at each other, shake their heads, and pull the plug.

    After which, that channel will be the most informative and entertaining it’s ever been, at least until the cable systems replace it with a new home-shopping channel.

    No, on second thought, even then.

  10. Squid says:

    Slart, those charts touch on the subject of my lunch rant yesterday, which I’m going to title “No Government Ever Went Bankrupt Because Of Tax Cuts.” A cow-orker was talking about the need for more revenues for the state if it was ever going to balance the budget, and I called bullshit on him right away. History shows us pretty clearly that every additional dollar we let them take from us results in two dollars of spending, so all the ‘revenue enhancement devices’ in the world are never going to solve the problem.

    Deficits are caused by overspending. Period.

  11. Jeff G. says:

    Did you really LOLOLOLOLOL, “troodat,” or is that a kind of showy, predictable tick meant to somehow mock us?

    Want to hear the real troodat, “troodat”? Balkanizing the country and working to keep the identity narratives pure and controlled by the Democrat party is the new slavery. You’re a plantation boss. Embrace your inner darkie whip, “troodat.”


  12. Jeff G. says:

    Also, “troodat,” what do you think the chances are that the two people who were then asked to leave — they weren’t praised by the party, like, say, people who take shits on police cars, but rather they were removed — threw nuts at the camerawoman because it was CNN, not because of her color?

    Why not just wait and throw nuts at Davis or Moncrief or some of the blacks or Latins in attendance?

    Answer? Because you’re full of shit, and nobody buys your projections any more. The whip is in your hands. You own the chains, you run the plantation. Embrace it. It’s who you are, and it doesn’t cease to be so because you all get together and tell yourselves otherwise.


  13. McGehee says:

    Troodat doesn’t even stop to contemplate what “talking points” are before popping in here to spout talking points at us.

  14. troodat says:

    Chances they threw nuts at a black reporter and said, “This is how we feed the animals” because she worked for CNN and not because she was black? Somewhere between slim and none.

    But you make a good point about the TOTAL ABSENCE OF RACISM AGAINST FELLOW REPUBLICANS:

    Or, you know, NOT.

    It just all goes back to the eternal mystery of why Romney is polling 0% among blacks when Democrats are the REAL racists.

  15. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Probably it has something to do with the Vice President telling them that Romney wants to put them in chains. And maybe also not wanting to be lumped in with Clarence Thomas, Mia Love, Artur Davis, J. C. Watts, Thomas Sowell, Walter E. Williams and all the other Uncle Toms helping The Man keep a brother down.

  16. Pablo says:

    Ah, the whole convention is racist against Puerto Ricans? Or, perhaps, you’re an idiot:

    Meanwhile, a North Dakota delegate texted me from the floor of the convention saying that they were instructed to chant “USA” (you can hear it during the video) to drown out the dissenters.

    What do you know about the CNN incident? Very, very little, right? So, tell us all about it.

  17. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Because like Chuck Todd says, brown people are just for show.

    Even when the brown people are white.

  18. Jeff G. says:

    Chances they threw nuts at a black reporter and said, “This is how we feed the animals” because she worked for CNN and not because she was black? Somewhere between slim and none.

    Are you calling black people animals?

    You all heard that, right? No wonder “troodat” doesn’t post under his own name. Look at that! That’s practically KKK level subhumanizing racism right there!

    It just all goes back to the eternal mystery of why Romney is polling 0% among blacks when Democrats are the REAL racists.

    Yes. Nothing says “the racism is all on your side” better than 100% of the blacks going for a black Democrat presidential candidate. Who just happens to be black.

    It’s more than blacks just love same sex marriage and amnesty for poor Mexicans who will be competing with their sons and daughters for entry level jobs.

  19. Jeff G. says:

    It gets worse, Pablo. “Troodat” happily links to the Harper’s piece without evidently paying attention to this bit, affixed at the head of the piece to the right:

    “Editor’s Note: After this post was written, it was reported on Buzzfeed and elsewhere that the “U.S.A.” chant on the convention floor began as a response to chants of “Point of Order” by Ron Paul supporters. An RNC spokesperson denied to Fox News Latino that the chanting was related to Zoraida Fonalledas’s nationality.”

    You like that? “It was reported.” I guess checking out the tape, which is available everywhere, would be too difficult for Harper’s Mr Tritt / editorial staff. Best just leave it as a we said / racist republicans said and be on our way. After all, troothiness trumps that other stuff which doesn’t ever serve to tell the real story, or teach the proper lessons.

  20. Ernst Schreiber says:

    By Dan Rather standards, that’s a pulitzer worthy piece of reportage, Jeff.

    I bet “troodat” would like to break that story about the correction. That’s a big story.

  21. Slartibartfast says:

    It’s almost as if troodat is ambulatory flypaper for leftist talking points.

  22. leigh says:

    What’s toodat’s opinion of MSNBC’s cutting away from every.single.speech by a minority to go to their panel of babbling heads last night?

    Sounds pretty racist to me.

  23. Even if the incident was everything troodat wants to believe it was, he still can’t keep himself from generalizing from two, um, nuts to the tainting of every Republican. Under those guidelines, how are we to take the members of Robert Byrd’s party? Or Bull Conners’ party? Or Al Sharpton’s party?

  24. Slartibartfast says:

    Normally I like to embed links, but the wording of the whole link is pretty funny.

  25. Slartibartfast says:

    troodat wanted racist, there is is ^

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