From The Weekly Standard, “Wahhabis Go Home”:
IN THE PAST FEW WEEKS, Kuwait has been waging its own war on terror at home. The police have engaged in five fierce and bloody gun battles with extremists since January 10, as reported by the Associated Press. Five policemen have been killed in these encounters, along with four security men and two bystanders; foreign observers described police conduct as “ham-handed.” But the police also managed to kill 9 suspected terrorists and arrest more than 40.
Jolted by this first serious clash with Islamist terrorists, Kuwaiti authorities acted swiftly to tackle the root of the problem: They are closing down unlicensed mosques and barring Saudi imams, the tireless purveyors of Islamist extremism, from preaching inside the emirate. In addition, the AP confirms that Kuwaiti authorities are blocking Islamic websites that incite violence, seizing radical books from mosques, and purging textbooks of extremism.
Expressing the nub of the new policy, former Kuwaiti oil minister Ali al-Baghli wrote in the Kuwait daily Al Qabas on February 2: “What is needed is to cut off the snake’s head, namely the masters of terror and all those who propagate terror in mosques and the media.”
Honestly. I don’t know how that stupid, corporatist puppet President of ours even sleeps at night, knowing the suffering he has wrought…
See also: DailyPundit; and Dean Esmay
Clearly, reverberations of Bush’s unjust war is stifling the freedoms of speech and religion in Kuwait.
I think “ham-handed” is an unfortunate choice of words.
Thank you so much for the link.
Those chicks in the Dusty ads on the sidebar – are pretty good looking in a decidedly nubile way that makes me feel like a dirty old man. But the shots are horrible. Sometimes the girl isn’t even looking at the camera – they all have this slightly clueless look on their face that asks “Like this? Or more like…this?”
I’d hit it like it owed me money. Like that.
And why is it that I keep picturing a “HEGEMON” as a Japanese hedgehog with magical powers? Would a HEGEMON beat a PIKACHU, for instance?
… Isn’t that the hot new card game that’s kicking big bootie on all ‘Magic’, ‘Pokemon’ & ‘Yu-Gi-Oh’ sales combined? Anyone know where I can get a deck? Especially the foil cards for Bushachu, Cheneymander & RummlyPuff.. They have very high hitpoints and cant be beaten by the evil Liberalazam class of Hegemon.. Powellizard & Codeleezeon are also great finds…
Let me know.. Maybe we can set up a tournament or something…
Spam Word: wrong
As in “That is Sooo Wrong on so many levels.. “
I agree, Gail. “Pork-fisted” would a much more culturally-sensitive turn of speech.
Although the Bushachu, et al, cant be beaten by the evil Liberalazam class Hegemon.. that doesnt mean they wont battle.. Fortunately, their attacks usually only consist of playing the Gannicock card or some other impressive looking but ultimately impotent ploy. All image, no substance..
Just so you know…
Spam Word: wanted
hmm.. wanted.. wanted… nope not wanted.. dont swing that way.. sorry
Team Pocket Rocket blasts off agaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnn!