Reynolds: “Neither Howard Kurtz nor David Gergen thinks there is much to the Jeff Gannon story, with both noting that White Houses usually try to seed press conferences with friendly journalists. I think that Bill Press is right that if this was a false-flag operation by the White House that’s a fairly big deal, but there doesn’t seem to be much evidence of that. Personally, I never paid much attention to the Talon News site, even though people did send me links from time to time, because it seemed a bit amateurish and was rather obviously a partisan outfit. And it seems to me that a genuine effort to pass it off as a nonpartisan news agency would have been slicker, and lacked the obvious GOP connection. Another good question from Bill Press: If this guy was fake, how come none of the mainstream journalists in the press room ever said anything about him?
I also agree with Kurtz that it was the stuff about Gannon’s personal life that led to his resignation, and that there’s something rather sleazy about that. Backstage or not, targeting parts of people’s lives that don’t have to do with the story—like, say, Eason Jordan’s love life—seems inappropriate to me, and likely to lend support to the bloggers-as-lynch-mob caricature.”*
Reynolds: “What?—why are you looking at me like that?”
Willis: “Because listen to yourself. You are such a racist.”
Has anyone else noticed that when you lexigram the name “Oliver Willis” you get:
Vile swill.
Ill will.
Evil lies.
Sore loser.
Rove is wise.
All the above, among other things. Just curious.
This was a nice try, Jeff, but sheesh putting two grammatically correct sentences in a row in Willis’ mouth? Destroyed my suspension of disbelief.
What does grammar have to do with anything? Racist.
P.S. Whereas with Jeff Goldstein you get:
Golden jest fest.
Fine site.
Not left.
No lies.
Is Effin’ solid gold.
Among other things. . .
Turing word “test.”
Poor Oliver, he’s out of ideas. He should close his blog and get himself a “journal” over at DailyKos. He’ll get more traffic that way. No amount of Glenn bashing will ever get Oliver ahead of Kos.
My mind is definitely going. I just spent two minutes trying to figure out how you get “among other things” out of “Jeff Goldstein”
Gail, lol! Work with me, people, work with me!
Why does Blobby keep trying to fight beyond his
weightclass?You think my grammar is racist, Bill? Wait until I sic Ward Churchill’s AIM thugs on ya. There, those fascist redshirts will teach you racism.
So they’re teaching racism again? Those clever red skinned bastards! I still have my textbook; perhaps I could pass it this time and finally graduate.
Gentile Sod.
Oy! He was right!!
Somebody Alert DovBar!!!!
Bumper Stickerist:
Lol! But the rules of lexigrams state that if the name also contains the letters N O or the letters N O T (which “Jeff Goldstein” does contain) then the proper and correct lexigram would be:
No gentile sod.
Not gentile sod.