“Want to think?”, demands the government, “Pay us. Then we’ll consider it. Unless, of course, there’s a dispensation shortage. Then you just get to pay us, without the thinking part.”
This is from Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov, the section known as “The Grand Inquisitor”:
Oh, never, never can [people] feed themselves without us [the Inquisitors and controllers]! No science will give them bread so long as they remain free. In the end they will lay their freedom at our feet, and say to us, “Make us your slaves, but feed us.” They will understand themselves, at last, that freedom and bread enough for all are inconceivable together, for never, never will they be able to share between them! They will be convinced, too, that they can never be free, for they are weak, vicious, worthless, and rebellious. Thou didst promise them the bread of Heaven, but, I repeat again, can it compare with earthly bread in the eyes of the weak, ever sinful and ignoble race of man? ]
I’m a small businessman…. 1/2 the gross of what it was when Bush was doling out the largesse… and now I have to pass a huge amount onto a consumer…. who well, quite frankly , refuses to cooperate by engaging in the consumption of my services.
So I get to try to pass on an increase to people who already are reluctant to buy at current prices.
Thanks with all due respect, Nancy Pelosi and Mr Obama and then fuck you
So I’ll have to unemploy everyone and then try to compete with the illegal aliens who can work for cash without any thought of even the slightest annoyance… a crime for which I would do prison time (probably more time than if I had actually killed someone, but less than if by complete accident I was to spill diesel fuel near a prairie dog colony)
– Albeit Foolish, I countinue to light Roman candles rather than curse the burned out CFT lightbulbs. For which I will no doubt roast in hell for my blasphemy.
By Joseph Curl “But they all miss the point, and, more, by looking purely at the political, miss the forest for the trees.”
No they don’t. They get it. They understand what just happened without some balming filter of cognitive dissonance to smooth out the rough ride. Just how big of a chump are you? Why do people pay you to write this tripe? Do we no longer have a well developed sense of shame to guide and regulate our activities ? We didn’t win anything but a big knife in the back that will be HELL to remove. You imbecile! You obtuse gibbering chump! YOU JUST GOT SOLD OUT, BROILED AND SERVED UP ON A BED OF LIME CILANTRO BISMATI YOU CHUMP! This isn’t a mission impossible cliff hanger! Welcome to Stupidberg population you!
Are there really people out there who honestly think that Justice Roberts is Jeff Goldblum uploading the Macbook virus into the giant alien saucer ship’s computer? Is this a real audience for professional writers to generate content for? People are accepting this as a real and valid interpretation of what happened today? Seriously? Roberts is pulling a Professor Moriarty level con on the bad guys?
You may experience a tax penalty if you neglect to take your anti-gas medication. The EPA designated your ass a hazard, and you will purchase greenhouse gas credits, and consume an approved supplement, or else face an IRS audit.
– You’re probably right palaeomerus, it certainly looks that way at first glance.
– On the other hand, if you were a widely dispised sitting prez, over-seeing the worst economy since the depression. and you were struggling to hide that fact and do everything you could to distract from that albatross around your neck, it seems getting handed a lite tax bomb, as it happens the largest increase in history which you can’t disown, has to be a bit problematical, in the Titanic sense.
Are there really people out there who honestly think that Justice Roberts is Jeff Goldblum uploading the Macbook virus into the giant alien saucer ship’s computer?
Except for Charles Krauthammer, no. No there is not.
It’s a real shame you are four years late. It’s a shame you were, in the name of ‘superior tactics’ calling Santorum a Theocrat(TM), Romney “inevitable”, and describing the desirability of a big tent pragmatic centrist GOP cleansed of embarrassing low-brow ‘purists’ , comfortable with making deals or crossing the aisles, and being the first to condemn whatever the enemy called indefensible with increasing casualness, regularity, and hypocrisy.
Welcome to the realization that the ‘stupid party’ appellation was not as easily restricted to our side as you thought.
Welcome! Will you be staying long? Five minutes? Ten maybe? How long until you need to leave in the name of maintaining your classy veneer of higher civility ?
Welcome Drew! Any fancy new cracks about Sarah and her cult? Hows it going on the hip and moving side of the GOP huh? I bet it’s like flying first class!
You picked out a real weathervane Drew! I hope you don’t get tired of being part of the dominan t wind on him to keep him pointed in the right direction for the next few years. But at least he won’t outlaw rubbers, right Drew? Why I bet he doesn’t even mention the moon. Inevitable! Surely a more severe conservative that CJ Roberts who just skull fucked our constitution supposedly as part of a secret undercover plot to undermine the left.
How about that! Good Ol’ Drew is finally going to stop smoothing down th cowlicks of the unsightly tea party mob and tell the Frum types what’s what! Oh what an ally marches stoutly beside us now! Calloo Calay! The tide has turned.
– He’s probably drinking coffee, and smoking big cigars.
– BTW, just for the record I agree with all that Jeff has written to the dysfunction side of our Republic as things stand.
– It does indeed matter deeply how you get there, how things are done. Two very unconstitutional wrongs do not make a right and can leave, at best, unrecoverable scars on the body politic.
– I’m just not willing to go for the obvious. Call it the crazy way I roll.
By the way the JOKE here is that Drew wrote all of that “Dear GOP: Fight” letter in: DRUM ROLL…..
March 22, 2010
No really. He did.
I bring it up because he referenced it today in a follow up called :
Dear GOP: You Get One More Chance
After ObamaCare passed I wrote and open letter to the GOP, “Dear GOP: Fight”.
Here’s my letter to the GOP after today’s events at the Supreme Court:
” Dear GOP,
This is your last chance. If you blow this, I’m out and you need to be destroyed.
What is it? Repeal ObamaCare on Day 1. Don’t worry about replace, don’t worry about anything else. We will do everything we have to drag your sorry asses over the line this fall, including electing Mitt Fucking Romney.
In return this is what you will do:
Instead of adjourning for pictures and tea and cake to celebrate getting your pathetic asses elected to 2 or 6 years on the government teet, you will immediately pass a one line bill that says, “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (and whatever statute number has to be included) is hereby repealed.”
That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less.
Since Congress meets before Inauguration Day, Obama will still be President. Simply hold the legislation at the desk so the 10 day pocket veto clock doesn’t start. If other parliamentary BS is needed, just do it.
Then as soon as Mitt takes the oath of office, before his speech no one will care or remember, walk the bill up to him at the podium to sign.
If this does not happen, the GOP must be destroyed and a new party built to replace it. We’ve tried the carrot approach (votes, money, volunteers) to change your behavior. Now it’s time to show you the stick.
No more, “oh the other guys are worse” scare tactics. That might be true but it doesn’t mean you are any good.
This is your one job, do it or join the Whig Party in the dustbin of history. ”
Sigh. Makes me want to puke , puke some more, and then puke on that puke with more puke. Like the guy in the movie with the puppets who fight terrorists made by the South Park guys.
Dear GOP this is really it for real this time. No kidding. If you don’t fix this I will stop stroking your ears and bringing your strudel and telling those gross hillbilly’s who probably post from jail how lucky they are to have you around.
I’m seriously serious the time!!1! This you’re only lastest last chance EVAR!!
Everyone knows the easiest way to fight for the Republic is typing into your laptop under the pillow covers. Fight the Power! You know… as long as you have an appointment.
Though I really don’t know what to do when I get the “URGENT! URGENT! DO YOU THINK ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION = BAD?!” Surveys. No, jackass. My heart bleeds because we haven’t QE our way to utopia yet. Throwing that survey away didn’t’ feel like rejecting it enough.
It’s because he knows deep down that the GOP really loves him. I mean, why would it keep beating him and calling him names if it didn’t really love him?
you can read and study our bullshit constitution all you want but what it actually says is just whatever our coward whore chief justice capriciously decides it says
Glance at Insty, he quotes both Realists and those who pretend this was a victory. Salty Jeebus on a gibbet. Even normally sane Paul Rahe sees “cunning.” Utter nonsense. John Epstein at Ricochet has it right. This was a disgrace and deeply flawed. The Commerce clause has already been dangerously broad. What happened that newly counts was that now the power to tax has earned a precedent so vast and broad it may permit anything you can imagine. The dampness at your feet is runoff of drool from bureaucrats salivating at their new license to steal.
Want a realistic taste? Libtards decide you live in houses too large. They devise a quota of square feet per person. If you exceed that quota, you pay a “tax.” Perfectly constitutional, especially now. And if you fall into protected classes (illegal alien, minority, Wiccan, whatevs), you get a waiver. Or maybe a refundable “tax” credit.
Thanks to Roberts, now anything can be or not be a tax, at whim, depending whether you want to avoid the anti-injunction act or any other silly legalism. Because X is a tax only if I say it is, if I am Leviathan.
Thanks to Roberts, now anything can be or not be a tax, at whim…
Your example of home size is a good one for scaring decent people, but I’m more interested in the examples for scaring indecent people. Let’s see the onerous taxes levied against every failure to live as “decent people” should. Our boutique cupcake-eating gay anime J-pop wanker would be broke before the year was out.
– Here’s a prediction. Since elections in America these days have gone all in for the “American Idol” popularity contest appraoach, and since Romneys campaign team will make Romney dance to whatever music they think will give him the best chance for victory, we will get a mixed bag driven by whichever way the political winds are blowing at the moment. With Bunnblefuck stepping on his dick almost daily, that means you’ll get whiplash trying to follow or even anticipate the process.
– If the silent majority still exists, and if they act, then we’ll see him tack hard to the right, if not he’ll tend to try to work both sides of the street.
– What he will do in office, in any direction, will have little connection with how he acts during the election cycle. Such is the lot of our fortunes in this new millenia.
– And just to make my follishness complete, here’s my take on the Roberts thing.
– His declaration was correct if he would have simply struck down the commerce clause infraction and simply sent it back to the congress, comenting that it could stand Constitutional scrutiny if it were re-written as a tax. His mistake was in legislating it himself, an unbelievably rank mistake for a man with his ecperience and standing.
– At this point, the planned vote for repeal in the house is symbolic, but it will serve to force the Swnate into a posture of supporting a politically insane tax increase at a time when elctions are coming up for many in that congressional body. So we’ll see.
– At this point, the planned vote for repeal in the house is symbolic, but it will serve to force the Swnate into a posture of supporting a politically insane tax increase at a time when elctions are coming up for many in that congressional body. So we’ll see.
Like Harry Reid gives a shit.
Also, why do Republicans want to take away peoples’ free healthcare?
It’s Schrödinger’s court! Is it a tax? Is it a mandate? It’s both. But if you let Roberts look in the box, the quantum state collapses, and liberty dies.
When do we start paying for thinking?
“Want to think?”, demands the government, “Pay us. Then we’ll consider it. Unless, of course, there’s a dispensation shortage. Then you just get to pay us, without the thinking part.”
This is from Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov, the section known as “The Grand Inquisitor”:
Oh, never, never can [people] feed themselves without us [the Inquisitors and controllers]! No science will give them bread so long as they remain free. In the end they will lay their freedom at our feet, and say to us, “Make us your slaves, but feed us.” They will understand themselves, at last, that freedom and bread enough for all are inconceivable together, for never, never will they be able to share between them! They will be convinced, too, that they can never be free, for they are weak, vicious, worthless, and rebellious. Thou didst promise them the bread of Heaven, but, I repeat again, can it compare with earthly bread in the eyes of the weak, ever sinful and ignoble race of man? ]
I’m a small businessman…. 1/2 the gross of what it was when Bush was doling out the largesse… and now I have to pass a huge amount onto a consumer…. who well, quite frankly , refuses to cooperate by engaging in the consumption of my services.
So I get to try to pass on an increase to people who already are reluctant to buy at current prices.
Thanks with all due respect, Nancy Pelosi and Mr Obama and then fuck you
So I’ll have to unemploy everyone and then try to compete with the illegal aliens who can work for cash without any thought of even the slightest annoyance… a crime for which I would do prison time (probably more time than if I had actually killed someone, but less than if by complete accident I was to spill diesel fuel near a prairie dog colony)
I wonder what the tax rate for voting the wrong way and then protesting to get that vote counted will be?
Same price as a bullet? Or is that too glib at this stage?
Freeloading is the new american dream, or so it seems.
Maybe the appropriate tax rate for defiance will be more of a “come stay at a camp until we can get through to you” sort of thing.
– Albeit Foolish, I countinue to light Roman candles rather than curse the burned out CFT lightbulbs. For which I will no doubt roast in hell for my blasphemy.
Spilling oil at a prairie dog colony? It is obscene even to say it?
– According to the Royal house of EPA, not if you use high beta-3 cholesterol cooking oil.
By Joseph Curl “But they all miss the point, and, more, by looking purely at the political, miss the forest for the trees.”
No they don’t. They get it. They understand what just happened without some balming filter of cognitive dissonance to smooth out the rough ride. Just how big of a chump are you? Why do people pay you to write this tripe? Do we no longer have a well developed sense of shame to guide and regulate our activities ? We didn’t win anything but a big knife in the back that will be HELL to remove. You imbecile! You obtuse gibbering chump! YOU JUST GOT SOLD OUT, BROILED AND SERVED UP ON A BED OF LIME CILANTRO BISMATI YOU CHUMP! This isn’t a mission impossible cliff hanger! Welcome to Stupidberg population you!
Are there really people out there who honestly think that Justice Roberts is Jeff Goldblum uploading the Macbook virus into the giant alien saucer ship’s computer? Is this a real audience for professional writers to generate content for? People are accepting this as a real and valid interpretation of what happened today? Seriously? Roberts is pulling a Professor Moriarty level con on the bad guys?
More muli-thread spillover:
You may experience a tax penalty if you neglect to take your anti-gas medication. The EPA designated your ass a hazard, and you will purchase greenhouse gas credits, and consume an approved supplement, or else face an IRS audit.
Just warning you.
– You’re probably right palaeomerus, it certainly looks that way at first glance.
– On the other hand, if you were a widely dispised sitting prez, over-seeing the worst economy since the depression. and you were struggling to hide that fact and do everything you could to distract from that albatross around your neck, it seems getting handed a lite tax bomb, as it happens the largest increase in history which you can’t disown, has to be a bit problematical, in the Titanic sense.
– Time will tell.
Are there really people out there who honestly think that Justice Roberts is Jeff Goldblum uploading the Macbook virus into the giant alien saucer ship’s computer?
Except for Charles Krauthammer, no. No there is not.
The EPA designated your ass a hazard,
I’m afraid I’ll have to go with the EPA on this one for a variety of reasons.
– I’m awaiting the day when my sweetie asks that time honored question.
“Honey, tell me the truth. Do you think this EPA makes my ass look fat?”
Oh look everybody! Drew has finally made it to Nov. 2008 just after the election!
Welcome to Earth as we know it Drew! Welcome!
It’s a real shame you are four years late. It’s a shame you were, in the name of ‘superior tactics’ calling Santorum a Theocrat(TM), Romney “inevitable”, and describing the desirability of a big tent pragmatic centrist GOP cleansed of embarrassing low-brow ‘purists’ , comfortable with making deals or crossing the aisles, and being the first to condemn whatever the enemy called indefensible with increasing casualness, regularity, and hypocrisy.
Welcome to the realization that the ‘stupid party’ appellation was not as easily restricted to our side as you thought.
Welcome! Will you be staying long? Five minutes? Ten maybe? How long until you need to leave in the name of maintaining your classy veneer of higher civility ?
Welcome Drew! Any fancy new cracks about Sarah and her cult? Hows it going on the hip and moving side of the GOP huh? I bet it’s like flying first class!
Di, just get elected for public office. Then you can take the “my shit smells like roses” exemption.
Check with Charlie Rangal, he’ll set you up.
You picked out a real weathervane Drew! I hope you don’t get tired of being part of the dominan t wind on him to keep him pointed in the right direction for the next few years. But at least he won’t outlaw rubbers, right Drew? Why I bet he doesn’t even mention the moon. Inevitable! Surely a more severe conservative that CJ Roberts who just skull fucked our constitution supposedly as part of a secret undercover plot to undermine the left.
How about that! Good Ol’ Drew is finally going to stop smoothing down th cowlicks of the unsightly tea party mob and tell the Frum types what’s what! Oh what an ally marches stoutly beside us now! Calloo Calay! The tide has turned.
– He’s probably drinking coffee, and smoking big cigars.
– BTW, just for the record I agree with all that Jeff has written to the dysfunction side of our Republic as things stand.
– It does indeed matter deeply how you get there, how things are done. Two very unconstitutional wrongs do not make a right and can leave, at best, unrecoverable scars on the body politic.
– I’m just not willing to go for the obvious. Call it the crazy way I roll.
By the way the JOKE here is that Drew wrote all of that “Dear GOP: Fight” letter in: DRUM ROLL…..
March 22, 2010
No really. He did.
I bring it up because he referenced it today in a follow up called :
Dear GOP: You Get One More Chance
After ObamaCare passed I wrote and open letter to the GOP, “Dear GOP: Fight”.
Here’s my letter to the GOP after today’s events at the Supreme Court:
” Dear GOP,
This is your last chance. If you blow this, I’m out and you need to be destroyed.
What is it? Repeal ObamaCare on Day 1. Don’t worry about replace, don’t worry about anything else. We will do everything we have to drag your sorry asses over the line this fall, including electing Mitt Fucking Romney.
In return this is what you will do:
Instead of adjourning for pictures and tea and cake to celebrate getting your pathetic asses elected to 2 or 6 years on the government teet, you will immediately pass a one line bill that says, “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (and whatever statute number has to be included) is hereby repealed.”
That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less.
Since Congress meets before Inauguration Day, Obama will still be President. Simply hold the legislation at the desk so the 10 day pocket veto clock doesn’t start. If other parliamentary BS is needed, just do it.
Then as soon as Mitt takes the oath of office, before his speech no one will care or remember, walk the bill up to him at the podium to sign.
If this does not happen, the GOP must be destroyed and a new party built to replace it. We’ve tried the carrot approach (votes, money, volunteers) to change your behavior. Now it’s time to show you the stick.
No more, “oh the other guys are worse” scare tactics. That might be true but it doesn’t mean you are any good.
This is your one job, do it or join the Whig Party in the dustbin of history. ”
Sigh. Makes me want to puke , puke some more, and then puke on that puke with more puke. Like the guy in the movie with the puppets who fight terrorists made by the South Park guys.
Dear GOP this is really it for real this time. No kidding. If you don’t fix this I will stop stroking your ears and bringing your strudel and telling those gross hillbilly’s who probably post from jail how lucky they are to have you around.
I’m seriously serious the time!!1! This you’re only lastest last chance EVAR!!
Ah, thanks Palaeo. I needed that laugh today. The “Let’s just elect the GOP, guys! That’s all it’ll take!” crowd has never looked more pathetic.
Drew should shut the hell up until he can admit the problem starts with him.
Sorta like the proverbial femal acquaintance/relation who can’t seem to find the right man, so to speak.
such fractiousness
maybe this would be a good time to drag poor stupefied Gabby back onto the floor for a moment of teary-eyed bipartisan schmaltz
Everyone knows the easiest way to fight for the Republic is typing into your laptop under the pillow covers. Fight the Power! You know… as long as you have an appointment.
what’s the second easiest way?
Donating money to the GOP machine and then watching those sweet “Fight with me my friends! Take this survey!” letters role in. Making the difference!
I think filling out the questioniarre without sending them money counts ahead of sending them money.
I donated to the GOP before. Mostly all I ever got from that was letters asking me to donate more.
Woulda given it too, if the bastards weren’t all talk and no balls.
Though I really don’t know what to do when I get the “URGENT! URGENT! DO YOU THINK ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION = BAD?!” Surveys. No, jackass. My heart bleeds because we haven’t QE our way to utopia yet. Throwing that survey away didn’t’ feel like rejecting it enough.
OT: but I saw this video play on AFN today.
My first thought was it seems like pandering then I found that the Pentagon is getting involved as well.
Now I am thinking this is something a bit more sinister, like an attempt to fracture the military by creating protected groups within it.
Just don’t buy any Kasteel Donker with your tax return, Jeff.
I sent $50 to Dubya when he was running against Algore. He and Laura still send me Christmas cards.
By the way the JOKE here is that Drew wrote all of that “Dear GOP: Fight” letter in: DRUM ROLL…..
March 22, 2010
No really. He did.
I bring it up because he referenced it today in a follow up…
Steaming pile. DrewM will be a chipper lapdog for the GOP no matter what they do.
It’s because he knows deep down that the GOP really loves him. I mean, why would it keep beating him and calling him names if it didn’t really love him?
The GOP reliably plays lovable scoundrel Vince Gill to DrewM’s woman done wrong:
And after a good night’s sleep and some attempted digestion of silver-lining spin…
Nope–the ruling is still a horrid assault on liberty.
– Here is an example that puts an exclaimation point on your writings Jeff.
– And this clusterfuck of giddy imbiciles are totally incapable of realizing what happened yesterday and what they’ve lost.
– “Constitution…..We don’ need no stinking Constitution.”
you can read and study our bullshit constitution all you want but what it actually says is just whatever our coward whore chief justice capriciously decides it says
and electing Mitt Romney won’t change that a whit
Glance at Insty, he quotes both Realists and those who pretend this was a victory. Salty Jeebus on a gibbet. Even normally sane Paul Rahe sees “cunning.” Utter nonsense. John Epstein at Ricochet has it right. This was a disgrace and deeply flawed. The Commerce clause has already been dangerously broad. What happened that newly counts was that now the power to tax has earned a precedent so vast and broad it may permit anything you can imagine. The dampness at your feet is runoff of drool from bureaucrats salivating at their new license to steal.
Want a realistic taste? Libtards decide you live in houses too large. They devise a quota of square feet per person. If you exceed that quota, you pay a “tax.” Perfectly constitutional, especially now. And if you fall into protected classes (illegal alien, minority, Wiccan, whatevs), you get a waiver. Or maybe a refundable “tax” credit.
Thanks to Roberts, now anything can be or not be a tax, at whim, depending whether you want to avoid the anti-injunction act or any other silly legalism. Because X is a tax only if I say it is, if I am Leviathan.
John Epstein ?
John [Yoo, Richard] Epstein?
Yes, that Epstein
Good ricochet podcast with Epstein yesterday on the decision
Thanks to Roberts, now anything can be or not be a tax, at whim…
Your example of home size is a good one for scaring decent people, but I’m more interested in the examples for scaring indecent people. Let’s see the onerous taxes levied against every failure to live as “decent people” should. Our boutique cupcake-eating gay anime J-pop wanker would be broke before the year was out.
– Here’s a prediction. Since elections in America these days have gone all in for the “American Idol” popularity contest appraoach, and since Romneys campaign team will make Romney dance to whatever music they think will give him the best chance for victory, we will get a mixed bag driven by whichever way the political winds are blowing at the moment. With Bunnblefuck stepping on his dick almost daily, that means you’ll get whiplash trying to follow or even anticipate the process.
– If the silent majority still exists, and if they act, then we’ll see him tack hard to the right, if not he’ll tend to try to work both sides of the street.
– What he will do in office, in any direction, will have little connection with how he acts during the election cycle. Such is the lot of our fortunes in this new millenia.
– And just to make my follishness complete, here’s my take on the Roberts thing.
– His declaration was correct if he would have simply struck down the commerce clause infraction and simply sent it back to the congress, comenting that it could stand Constitutional scrutiny if it were re-written as a tax. His mistake was in legislating it himself, an unbelievably rank mistake for a man with his ecperience and standing.
– At this point, the planned vote for repeal in the house is symbolic, but it will serve to force the Swnate into a posture of supporting a politically insane tax increase at a time when elctions are coming up for many in that congressional body. So we’ll see.
– Rush is doing a pretty good job of nailing it all down, (for a change).
– This is such a complete jump of the shark you have to wonder if Roberts is senile, or suffering some mental breakdown.
Like Harry Reid gives a shit.
Also, why do Republicans want to take away peoples’ free healthcare?
It’s Schrödinger’s court! Is it a tax? Is it a mandate? It’s both. But if you let Roberts look in the box, the quantum state collapses, and liberty dies.