Remember, people: to save conservatism, we have to be willing to rule like liberals. And be largely indistinguishable from them.
Michael Walsh, The Corner:
I’ve been wondering why the spineless life forms known as the “GOP leadership” have been so darn quiet about the Obama administration’s increasingly lawless, in-your-face attitude toward what used to be known as the American political system, and now I know — they’re all in it together.
Welcome aboard, Michael.
I do so love it when they start to catch up!
(thanks to George O)
How unhelpful. Rich Lowry should fire his ass.
You get the leadership you deserve.
Declaration and Resolves on Colonial rights of the First Continental Congress, October 14, 1774
Thus do second class citizens react to the usurpation of their native liberties.
these are the same feckless whores what have hardly raised a fuss about four years of trillion dollar deficits and what couldn’t even unite around the proposition that our grossly failshit federal government shouldn’t incentivize food stamp enrollment
Heh, Darth.
Speaking of the One Party System, Ziad K. Abdelnour was just on the Prager show, and aside from some goofy partisan noise from Dennis, I found it really encouraging that this kind of clarity was actually on, at length, a relatively major red-state network.
The only man in America that gets it, presentcompanyexcepted? I’ll try and post the interview if it shows up on YT.
Merkel plays 100mph chicken with European socialism and European socialism blinks. This is how it’s done…now watch your back, Angela…
I saw that and wasn’t sure it was a fer-real thing.
Walsh, IIRC, wrote a good opposition piece over Derb’s firing.
Good egg.
Another — and related — piece by Michael Walsh at PJMedia: First Principles:
First Principles!?!? When did Michael Walsh join the ranks of the fundamentally unserious? Somebody had to have chopped him off at the knees.
Or do I have him confused with somebody else?
Is there a migration in progress? VDH, Andy McCarthy, Michael Walsh, possible others (I haven’t made sufficient note of the NRO stable of writers) move to straddling both NRO and PjM (until such time as they see fit to cut the cord at NRO)?
Sounds like Dr Sanity has a handle on things too:
ps, from the above link I came across this nugget that I hadn’t heard before. Think of it as what is riding on Thursdays SCOTUS decision:
That was part of Hillary’s vast plan to institutionalize child care. Nancy is just playing catch up.
“I could never get a babysitter — have five kids in six years and no one wants to come to your house.”
No shit, really?
We had 6 in ten years. That tends to discourage even the doughtiest of would-be sitters, and cuts into our date-night opportunities.
Nevertheless, I don’t think that fact entitles us to taxpayer-funded babysitters. What am I missing?
She probably offered two bucks an hour and no decent snacks in the kitchen. Honestly, this woman would ask a plumber to clear the house drain in exchange for “anything he finds in there,” and then propose a federalized plumbing corps when nobody showed up.
Sort of O/T, but at another site, I suggested to a devout leftist he look up the word “truth” so he would have at least an acquaintance with the word, if not the deed.
I brought it up because the idiot went on a partisan rant about the wonderfulness of the Obama on a thread about Fast and Furious.
I left it at that, because I’m tired of the “yay team” aspect of both sides and I no longer care to even try to discuss anything with such hacks.
Isn’t it just a tad late for this sudden shift in attitude? Perhaps your erstwhile betters have found out there isn’t a place set at the table for them.