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March 2025


A good day for free speech.

Aaron Walker can once again write “Brett Kimberlin is a convicted bomber” online should he wish, online, to note that Brett Kimberlin is in fact a convicted bomber.


And you thought our country was becoming less free.


16 Replies to “A good day for free speech.”

  1. Squid says:

    Also, nobody has raped my wife or killed me so far today. It’s a red letter day all around!

  2. […] Original Page: Related Stories Ron Paul: Treasury Secretary Should be Fired Over Corruption Ron Paul on […]

  3. leigh says:

    Same here Squid. It’s really, really hot and the AC is working like a champ!

  4. RI Red says:

    We may be hobbits, but we also be hoplophiliac hobbits. In great numbers. So there’s that.

  5. OCBill says:

    On the other hand, the kid who took the video of the North Carolina teacher telling her class that criticizing Obama was illegal was suspended from school. Between his asking for help dealing with threats from other students and harassment by school officials, he was just becoming too much of a nuisance.

    When you really need things done, nothing works like a well-honed mob.

  6. BigBangHunter says:

    – Aaron just got a stay. The thing that’s so demoralizing about this, and all the other “Living document”, bullshit scrambled eggs Lexiconal gymnastic arguments the court continues to consider, is the repetition of the same nonsense.

    – Its not so much fear of consideration, its the loss of time and distraction from real issues that go wanting for this sort of feckless tripe.

  7. Squid says:

    Yeah, that was kinda my point in my initial snarky comment. It seems sad that we find ourselves celebrating Walker’s ability to speak freely and not get locked up. It used to be that speaking freely and not getting locked up were things we just took for granted.

    As to the student in NC, all I can offer is that my mother found it necessary to be an even worse nuisance than my brother and I before we got a fair shake from our school. Spend the summer filling out the complaint forms for the harassment you know is coming, and then fill in dates and details as needed. Make yourselves a living nightmare for the school administration, and they’ll soon find a way to accommodate you. Incentives matter!

  8. Pablo says:

    – Aaron just got a stay.

    True, but he has a de novo hearing on 7/5 and with any luck he’ll get Judge Johnson, the same guy that threw the last peace order out. Overturning this is just a technicality at this point, especially considering the legal firepower he’s got working for him now. Speaking of which, here’s his federal suit against Kimberlin filed by the RightSolutions peeps on his behalf. Shit’s getting real.

  9. Squid says:

    Pro-bono lawyers countersuing a jailhouse lawyer for harassing a lawyer into unemployment. And people say our legal system is dysfunctional…

  10. McGehee says:

    It does seem to keep the lawyers from bothering the rest of us, doesn’t it Squid?

  11. cranky-d says:

    Except for the legislators, who are mostly lawyers.

  12. McGehee says:

    Get Kimberlin to sue them. Problem solved.

  13. palaeomerus says:

    “McGehee says June 25, 2012 at 5:14 pm
    It does seem to keep the lawyers from bothering the rest of us, doesn’t it Squid?”

    Not so much that I can see. the lawyers do what they want, it usually makes everything more expensive, and they rarely get called down.

  14. […] happened within hours of Aaron winning in court a modification to the “peace order” — Walker is now free to speak about […]

  15. […] happened within hours of Aaron winning in court a modification to the “peace order” — Walker is now free to speak about […]

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