
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

November 2024


From the pw archives

A day of silence.


13 Replies to “From the pw archives”

  1. sdferr says:

    So, what happens when a President of the United States conducts a war he does not support nor intends to win? Is silencing a probable consequence?

  2. motionview says:

    The Bureau of Pre-Crime is working on a new way screen out non-leftists. All your potential mind-thoughts are belong to us.

  3. sdferr says:

    We see who’s really good at being silent. The press. When it comes to exposing national security leaking straight from a Democrat White House.

  4. motionview says:

    Jay Cost has an honest post on Pennsylvania/2012 polling, in contrast to the expectation-setting exercise conducted by Nate Silver yesterday.

  5. cranky-d says:

    In reference to filtering out men with stay at home wives, I would like to mention again that progressives are fascists.

  6. leigh says:

    I guess if you have more than one stay-at-home wife, you’re a shoo-in? Beings as you’re most likely a Muslim and all.

  7. LBascom says:

    Sdferr, I remember back when the war against the war against terror was at it’s height, military suicides where regularly trotted out to weaken moral at home. As I remember, when compared to the civilian population, the ratios were not much different. I suspect that’s probably still true.

  8. mojo says:


    Now to find ol’ Ayman and put one right through his jihadi bump.

  9. sdferr says:

    CNN begins to repair their failure to cover the SWATting story.

  10. SDN says:

    Actually, Lee, not so much. The Foreign Legion referred to it as “le cafard”: the beetle (in the brain). Highly trained troops, used to fighting, are pulled back into garrison without enough to do. They eventually fall into bored apathy and depression. The term “le cafard” is from the way some of them relieved the boredom by shooting at the cockroaches in their barracks.

    The traditional cure for it was a rifle and plenty of chances to use it.

  11. Pablo says:

    sdferr, Wolf Blitzer followed that up. Who knew this sort of thing went on?

  12. newrouter says:

    A day of silence.
    i see what you did there;)

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