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October 2024


Anchorsteam, was it…?

What was that stuff called? You know, that white powder everybody was freakin’ out about — with all the skin rashes and Dan Rather crying and some old lady dead and people hording antibiotics…? Was it Abercrombie? Applejacks? Christ, what was that stuff called…?

[via Tiger Lily]

[update: Wait. Artichoke? Was it artichoke? Alabaster? For shit’s sake, what was that stuff…?

via Robert Crawford]

6 Replies to “Anchorsteam, was it…?”

  1. And, to the contrary:

    <a href=””></a>

    I don’t trust Barbara Rosenberg. She seems anxious to pin the anthrax on an American, and, considering her career has been attacking the US biodefense program, I think she has motive to inflate her claims and knowledge.

  2. Tiger Lily says:

    Mr. Crawford,

    With all due respect to you, Rosenburg’s motives (whatever they may be) are irrelevant to the FBI’s handling of an investigation.

    You don’t need to be a hard-nosed detective, a neo-liberal, or a conspiracy theorist wing-nut to see that the FBI is not conducting this investigation with their typical zeal.

    Having grown up around FBI agents, I can tell you that she almost certainly did not come by information about the status of this investigation without some inside help–so that “motivation” to expose (what can only be realistically deemed) foot-dragging, may not be her own, at least–not exclusively.

  3. Eric Olsen says:

    Dude, it was Anthragirl

  4. Oh, I agree that, as far as we can see, the FBI’s been handling it poorly. They’re notoriously bad at following links to international terrorists, because that’s not their job. Look at the ‘93 WTC bombing and the bomb plot that followed it—they ignored Iraqi and Sudanese ties to those plots. They’re law enforcement, not national defense, and that colors what they see.

    The problem is, Hatch COULD BE MAKING UP THE DETAILS. She’s claiming the anthrax came from our government, from someone inside the biodefense program—and that, to me, smells of an attempt to discredit the program. She’s been trying that for years, and she could quite easily see this as her big chance.

  5. jacques says:

    Do you doubt the foot-dragging is a direct result of covering up that the poison was created by one of our “allies?”

    And, thus, this revelation would force us to immediately act and turn the culprits homeland into a glass parking lot.

    can you say, “slow as molasses?”

    <a href=””></a>

  6. jacques says:

    <b>alligators all around, an astute actuary, aggravatingly and annoyingly, annoints an aphorism:

    Austin ate an apple in Alaska.</b>

    okay, okay, that was bad. Really, it was an <A href=””>Antechinus.</A>

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