Britney Spears, completely naked…!
Strawberries! had to be there.
Thanks for the link and you’re right about Oliver. He’s been obsessing over Britney as long as I can remember.
I don’t know if I’m more grossed out that you know that about Oliver or at the unforgettable mental image…
Happy happy happy to do it, Robert! And thanks for all the links you’ve thrown my way over these last few months. You really helped revive my stupid little site. And I’m tremendously appreciative.
Yes, that image is disturbing. Oliver is a black Michael Moore
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Strawberries! had to be there.
Thanks for the link and you’re right about Oliver. He’s been obsessing over Britney as long as I can remember.
I don’t know if I’m more grossed out that you know that about Oliver or at the unforgettable mental image…
Happy happy happy to do it, Robert! And thanks for all the links you’ve thrown my way over these last few months. You really helped revive my stupid little site. And I’m tremendously appreciative.
Yes, that image is disturbing. Oliver is a black Michael Moore