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November 2024


What a real war on women looks like

And what it’s like actually to fight against one.

Some perspective, for those who find it convenient rhetorically to confuse IUDs with IEDs.

(thanks to James D)

10 Replies to “What a real war on women looks like”

  1. B Moe says:

    Sorry, not nearly audacious enough.

  2. BurtTC says:

    They’re just trying to practice their religious beliefs! Who are we to judge?

  3. cranky-d says:

    I guess a lot of them aren’t barbarians. It’s too bad most of the rest let those who are barbarians dominate.

  4. LBascom says:

    Via AoS, a powerful video by Pat Condell.

  5. SteveG says:

    The vagina as explosive during improvisation? Sure. Sounds interesting.
    I think the leftist women would get all twisted up over vagina as device though… and then the screeching begins… lovely people that they are.

  6. palaeomerus says:


    1.) subjugating foreign women and killing or scarring them if they don’t comply and more or less operating an actual version of the society portrayed in “the Handmaid’s Tale” is okay.

    2.) Telling US women that you don’t want to be forced buy them expensive mandated birth control by paying increased insurance premiums while they attend a catholic law school is an absolute abomination that must be fought with boycotts.

  7. LTC John says:

    Perspective, eh? As much as I am a mannered man, when someone starts getting huffy about “The War on Womyn” here in the US – I get a bit sharp of tone and throw a dozen Shah Mahmoods in their faces. I dislike being rude, but those people really get me furious.

  8. bh says:

    Sorry, I’m ignorant here, Colonel. “Shah Mahmoods”?

  9. bh says:

    Forget the question. I didn’t click the first link. You know, like a dummy.

  10. TRHein says:

    I broched this subject with my daughter who is in college simply by asking if she had heard about it and she responded by saying Ms.Fluke was a slut. I also found out that her insurance coverd her IUD paying approximately 50% of the about $650.00 (from memory) that it cost and the IUD is good for 5 years, hence her comment regarding Ms. Fluke.

    While it was more than I really wanted to know regarding my daughter it does makes me wonder how many insurance policies already helped cover this form of birth control.

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