
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

March 2025


“This Week in Eugenics!”

It’s almost as if this post was written precisely with nishi in mind!


121 Replies to ““This Week in Eugenics!””

  1. DarthRove says:

    To all good fascists, baby-killing is the new black.

  2. Squid says:

    …baby-killing is the new black.

    I see what you did there.

  3. Jeff G. says:

    See, that Panther dude merely got it reversed. He thought Black is the new (white) baby killing.

    Honest mistake.

  4. Squid says:

    Once you go babykiller, you never go back!

  5. Jeff G. says:

    It’s a babykiller thing. You wouldn’t understand.

  6. Abe Froman says:

    Is it a color glitch, the lighting, or is this middle aged woman sporting purple hair coloring in the front? Eugenics is so punk rock.

  7. JD says:

    Has there ever been a more obvious dog-whistle?

  8. happyfeet says:

    that was a silly post by someone what way bad just wanted to repeatedly use the word eugenics

  9. mojo says:

    So who’s this Eugene guy?

  10. Squid says:

    Yes, happy — Heavens forfend that anyone point out the prevalence of eliminationist rhetoric flying around the Tubes lately. Especially when they should be talking about what a horrible person the conservative female figure of hate du jour is.

  11. DarthRove says:

    Can we please not turn another thread into a ‘Feets-Obsess-O-Fest?

  12. ak4mc says:

    Hey HF — do you like turtles?

  13. LBascom says:

    “that was a silly post ”

    A little too close to home?

  14. happyfeet says:
  15. happyfeet says:

    crap I will make a link

    here is a turtle his name is eugene

    “Let’s be friends!” says eugene.

  16. DarthRove says:

    No Youtubes on this machine Abe. So if you’re linking to “Hello” by Lionel Richie, I agree.

  17. Abe Froman says:

    Even worse than that, Darth. I think it’s pre-MTV. There was this stupid Saturday night video show we used to watch as young kids and the video is so bad that I think it scarred me for life. An Ace Frehley side project of some sort. Just what the world needed.

  18. DarthRove says:

    Ace Frehley? What a hohophobe.

  19. Stephanie says:

    BTW, just wanted to say what a wonderful time we had yesterday. Donald stopped by and Bmoe and I played an awesome round of golf. If by awesome you grade according to the Obama Newly Modified Grading System… (4 lip outs in the first 4 holes…geesh!) but the weather was great and the company was thoroughly enjoyable.

    The offer is always open to anyone in, near or coming this way for a round. Of golf or some beverages. I’m easy.

  20. Bob Reed says:

    I’m easy.

    Gotta be careful what you say on the ‘net these days Stephanie. You never know what will come back to haunt you :)

  21. LBascom says:

    Here’s another turtle.

  22. geoffb says:

    Cool, right?

  23. Mueller,Private Eye says:

    So. If they did an in vitro genetics test on Steven Hawkings mom while she was carrying him there would be no Steve?

  24. Bob Reed says:

    Most likely Mueller,
    That is, if John Holdren, Virginia Ironside, or, say, Amanda Marcotte had anything to say about it.

  25. cranky-d says:

    We cannot have defectives, you know. They cost the State money.

    You are obsolete!

  26. happyfeet says:

    that makes two turtles!!!

  27. mojo says:

    Hey, careful with that axe!

  28. newrouter says:

    beatrice trapped the turtle in her webb

  29. cranky-d says:

    that makes two turtles!!!

    That was our Sesame Street Moment of the Day.

  30. newrouter says:

    the dirty socialist and their stupid turtle can suck an egg

  31. happyfeet says:

    speaking of eugenics I think American society is starting to progress backerds

    My favorite launch, PayNearMe, allows consumers to make online purchases and pay for them in cash at one of PayNearMe’s retail partners — which include 6,000 7-Eleven stores.

    “Our market is the 25 percent of Americans who don’t have a credit or debit card, and people who don’t want to use their cards because they are overextended or worried about security on the internet,” says founder and CEO Danny Shader.

    Here’s how it works: Mary wants to buy a dress online. At the online checkout, she clicks the “PayNearMe” button. She prints a slip that has a PayNearMe number on it and brings it to her local 7-Eleven. She gives the clerk the slip and cash for the purchase. He gives her back the slip and a receipt for the dress. PayNearMe electronically notifies the online merchant that payment has been made, and Mary’s dress is shipped out. (Mary could do the same transaction from the browser on her mobile phone, and communicating with PayNearMe by text.)

    A free service, PayNearMe is a smart alternative to prepaid debit cards that are bloated with fees. The drawback? Although has signed on as a participating merchant, other retailers must offer PayNearMe as a payment option for it to achieve wider usage. But considering that the service opens an enormous new market of cash-only consumers, that may not be an obstacle for long.*

    That’s 100% not the future. Why does Mary hate America?

  32. bh says:

    OT but I love the smell of napalm in the morning.

  33. BuddyPC says:

    Teh empathy!
    Kinda puts the Leftist stink over Lancet-type Iraq (pseudo) body counts in a whole new light.

  34. Alec Leamas says:

    Empathy is expensive when you have an National Health Service.

    Something tells me that Mizz Ironsides will not be called upon to babysit in the near future.

  35. newrouter says:

    the final 2 stanzas of the poem mr. weepy 5 o’clock(2 pm pacific) was reading

    As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
    There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.
    That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
    And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;

    And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
    When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
    As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
    The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!


  36. Big Bang Hunter says:

    – I have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about pb, but the pentameter is nice.

  37. Big Bang Hunter says:

    she sells sea shells, by the sea shore
    she sell’s those shells, and will forever more
    her mommy wasn’t balmy, so she lived to reach her age
    no gruesome drill to spoil her thrill, to see the sun each day
    so now she sell’s, those pretty shells, along the misty bay

  38. cranky-d says:

    I imagine mr. weepy 5 o’clock is Glenn Beck.

  39. winston smith says:

    It’s a Kipling poem, that he included his most recent novel, which is fairly timely

  40. Big Bang Hunter says:

    Mr. Cobra was fast
    But Mr. Mongoose was quicka

  41. newrouter says:

    the turtle fell out of the overton window

  42. LBascom says:

    Be honest newrouter, you kinda dig Mr.Weepy, doncha?

  43. newrouter says:

    mr. chubby does some good. that and he likes pie.

  44. Big Bang Hunter says:

    – One of these fine days, I’m determined to sit down and wade my way through all 138 leather bound volumes of Samuel Clemens “Innocents abroad” book set. It is the much expanded works about the extensive adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn, more Finn that Sawyer actually, and quite the period piece of the life and times of Twains day.

    – A lot of identity groups in there.

  45. newrouter says:

    plus i liked how mr. chubby scored a teddy roosevelt 1912 progressive party handkerchief prowling nyc

  46. Carin says:

    O/T – but WTF is wrong with California? Apparently when you live in California, you don’t actually own anything? You rent it from the state.

    Tax on all personal “property”? My husband talked with a guy today … he pays $18,000 a year on taxes on his boat. On top of registration and all that bullshit taxing.

    California needs to go away. Nuke it from orbit. The only way to be sure.

  47. Carin says:

    I can’t believe people put up with this bullshit. I’ve found something that says the sales tax is the same rate as the “use” tax. So idiots pay around 9% a year for the use of the boats in Kalifornia?

  48. Carin says:

    i just looked at the income tax rates. I don’t know why anyone lives in California.

  49. bh says:

    Someone told me there’s a girl out there
    With love in her eyes and flowers in her hair

    Other than that? No idea.

  50. newrouter says:

    all the leaves are brown
    and the sky is grey
    I’ve been for a walk
    on a winter’s day

    if I didn’t tell her
    I could leave today
    California Dreamin’
    on such a winter’s day

  51. bh says:

    We’ve been on the run
    Driving in the sun
    Looking out for #1
    California here we come

  52. Swen, oversexed heathen black Norwegian says:

    The article omits one of our most beloved eugenicists, E. O. Wilson, who, in his book Sociobiology, longed for the day when geneticists would be able to isolate a ‘criminal gene’ and other genes controlling behaviors that have negative impacts on society. Imagine the benefits to society if we could identify potential criminals at birth and give them the special attention they require. Bloggers and other deviants could be eliminated from society!

  53. Frontman says:

    If you’re going to San Francisco
    Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
    In the streets of San Francisco
    You’re gonna meet some gentle people there.

  54. SDN says:

    #37: I’ve been quoting that poem here and several other places for years. It sums up the utter fail of Leftism through all Creation, time and space.

    I also like this Kipling every time I see any Leftard crying crocodile tears for the troops:


    “The eradication of memories of the Great War. -SOCIALIST GOVERNMENT ORGAN

    The Socialist Government speaks:

    THOUGH all the Dead were all forgot
    And razed were every tomb,
    The Worm-the Worm that dieth not
    Compels Us to our doom.
    Though all which once was England stands
    Subservient to Our will,
    The Dead of whom we washed Our hands,
    They have observance still.

    We laid no finger to Their load.
    We multiplied Their woes.
    We used Their dearly-opened road
    To traffic with Their foes:
    And yet to Them men turn their eyes,
    To Them are vows renewed
    Of Faith, Obedience, Sacrifice,
    Honour and Fortitude!

    Which things must perish. But Our hour
    Comes not by staves or swords
    So much as, subtly, through the power
    Of small corroding words.
    No need to make the plot more plain
    By any open thrust;
    But-see Their memory is slain
    Long ere Their bones are dust!

    Wisely, but yearly, filch some wreath-
    Lay some proud rite aside-
    And daily tarnish with Our breath
    The ends for which They died.
    Distract, deride, decry, confuse-
    (Or-if it serves Us-pray!)
    So presently We break the use
    And meaning of Their day!

  55. SDN says:

    The Copperhead never changes its’ scales.

  56. bh says:

    It’s the edge of the world
    And all of western civilization
    The sun may rise in the east
    At least it settles in a final location

  57. newrouter says:

    for the record i like mr. weepy, the gal in de and ak and all the folks giving heartburn to the “The Cocktail Party”

  58. bh says:

    That cocktail party post is utterly retarded.

    Mitch Daniels? Mike Pence?


  59. bh says:

    The guys at Hillbuzz are pro-Hillary, dude. And they’re knocking anyone else?

    Again, bullshit. It was fun to play around with the PUMAs for awhile but that party is over. Turn out the lights.

  60. newrouter says:

    That cocktail party post is utterly retarded.

    Mitch Daniels? Mike Pence?


    yea mitch and mike will their heads on baracky

  61. bh says:

    That sentence seems to be missing the verb.

  62. newrouter says:

    The guys at Hillbuzz are pro-Hillary, dude

    those fags don’t do it anymore deluded

  63. bh says:

    Don’t understand that either.

  64. SBP says:

    #46 That’s the one where he makes unfavorable comparisons between the French and the Comanche, right?

    I haven’t read the whole thing, either, but I remember LOLing at that section. When asked to oversee a duel between two Frenchmen, Twain’s protagonist suggested Gatling guns or axes for weapons. When he saw the actual “dueling pistols”, he hung them on his watch chain to keep them from getting lost. Heh.

  65. newrouter says:

    yea mitch and mike will their heads on baracky

    That sentence seems to be missing the verb.

    we need RADICAL REPUBLICANS link

  66. happyfeet says:

    getting back on topic the zombie post was tarded and the eugenics is somewhere on the list between scurvy and the scourge of e-waste as an issue of concern in our little country

  67. cranky-d says:

    When you’re killing millions of babies in a year, I think Eugenics has a place in the discussion. I know it doesn’t for you, hf, but it does for a lot of us. It’s disorganized, but it’s there.

  68. bh says:

    It doesn’t crack my top 10 concerns but that doesn’t mean it’s ‘tarded. I can see how it’s a subset of something that does crack others’ top 10.

    And, we kinda oughta give them some room to explore that space otherwise they’ll photoshop pictures of Mitch Daniels on a cocktail wiener. Odd, isn’t it?

  69. sdferr says:

    The abortionings aren’t really about eugenics though are they? Seems more like an easy bow in the direction of plain old short-sighted hedonism to me than a question of producing superior offspring.

  70. newrouter says:

    getting back on topic

    baracky likes to kill fresh babies. baracky likes dill when he kills

  71. bh says:

    I think part of keeping our eyes on the ball is not getting too down on people who are keeping their eyes on different but still very similar balls.

    Like lasers if possible.

  72. newrouter says:

    The abortionings aren’t really about eugenics though are they?

    ouch my brain hurts mostly in the maggie sanger kill zone.

  73. cranky-d says:

    I agree that the abortions aren’t directly eugenics, but look at who has the disproportionate number of abortions, and who advocated for them in the first place. Also, the fact that the abortions are fairly well accepted means that targeting them in some passive way would probably not be an issue with anyone.

    Then again, I’m quite drunk right now, so I may not be conveying things properly.

  74. newrouter says:

    is not getting too down on people who are keeping their eyes on different but still very similar balls.

    oh noes a turtle with the fabian look. new turtle for pms

  75. happyfeet says:

    well I’ll be happy to get in a tizzy about the eugenics menace when there’s a eugenics menace afoot but black people wearing rubbers isn’t moving the dial for me

  76. newrouter says:

    I agree that the abortions aren’t directly eugenics

    unless maggie sanger kills your kid or hillarity or baracky or the fabulous(fag/leb fuck transStupid) hangout) socialists.

  77. sdferr says:

    Three generations of on topic postings are enough.

  78. ak4mc says:

    black people wearing rubbers isn’t moving the dial for me

    Why do you hate the unborn black peoples?

  79. bh says:

    Not saying to get in a tizzy about it.

    But, look at it from their perspective. Not getting chicks pregnant when you’re not ready? Good. Being jazzed about that because they’re black chicks? Bad.

    The Sanger thing is historically true. And, hate to say this because it’s a few steps worse than questioning their motives but I bet a few “enlightened” progressives are actually happy about that angle.

    Think about nishi’s emphasis on IQ. Now think about the extremely unpleasant juxtaposition.

  80. Swen, oversexed heathen black Norwegian says:

    You’re making perfect sense to me cranky, but then I’m on my third Lon Gisland iced tea.

    I think one of the reasons eugenics is becoming an issue now is that geneticists are finding genetic links to everything from congenital disorders to, possibly, behavior. At the risk of precipitating a ‘feets meltdown, remember that a lot of the left were aghast that Sarah Palin would intentionally bring a defective child into the world. That’s eugenics at its most bald-faced.

    We’re facing a Brave New World of ObamaCare. Genetic defectives (is there a polite word for that?) often require additional health care, not to mention special education and life-long support from society. How long before the Quality Adjusted Life Year panel starts informing people that in the name of cost-savings, should they choose to bring such burdensome offspring into the world, they will not receive other than paliative care at government expense? “Now wouldn’t you like to talk to the nice abortion councillor? Why yes, of course you would. You wouldn’t want to bring a potential criminal into the world, would you?”

    It’s not that we’re seeing such abuse now. It’s that the potential exists and the incentives for abuse will explode under government-controlled medicine. Meanwhile, the very people who are most supportive of ObamaCare seem eager to build this Better World.

  81. happyfeet says:

    no one was jazzed about unimpregnated black chicks they were jazzed about being hopeful that aids and other icky diseases might could become less prevalent if condom usage rates improve among at risk populations

  82. newrouter says:

    the very people who are most supportive of ObamaCare seem eager to build this Better World

    shoot the turtle or the wolf wearing sheep’s clothing

  83. newrouter says:

    no one was jazzed about unimpregnated black chicks

    go axs Margret Sanger she’s 10′ tall

  84. Horse baloney. Margaret Sanger and planned parenthood were all about keeping “undesirable” minorities under control.

  85. newrouter says:

    Go ask Alice
    When she’s ten feet tall

    And if you go chasing rabbits
    And you know you’re going to fall
    Tell them a hookah smoking caterpillar
    Has given you the call

    Call Alice
    When she was just small

    When the men on the chessboard
    Get up and tell you where to go
    And you’ve just had some kind of mushroom
    And your mind is moving low

    Go ask Alice
    I think she’ll know

  86. bh says:

    no one was jazzed about unimpregnated black chicks

    Dude, I’ve talked with people who have used all kinds of odd words and phrases (urban, poor, uneducated, etc) to basically talk about how they were psyched about unimpregnated black chicks. They existed. I know. I was there. They were well meaning progressives. People I’d still hang out with and shit but who still went a kinda creepy place with it without quite realizing.

    Okay, here’s another. Think about crime rates across races. Now think about the Freakonomics argument. Another fucked up juxtaposition.

    Not saying I’m taking the strong form of the presented argument. But, it’s just not honest for me to pretend that there isn’t something like this lurking in the minds of some otherwise good people.

  87. happyfeet says:

    Mike I’m talking about the stupid zombie article where zombie person takes this snippet

    National Sex Study: Condom Usage Among Black and Hispanic Men Significantly Higher Than for White Men

    …Rates of condom usage among black and Hispanic men were significantly higher than for whites, which might suggest that promoting condom usage and HIV awareness and prevention in black and brown communities is actually working. Now, that’s a pleasant surprise — a public service campaign that is actually working.

    and asks whether it’s “part of a sinister decades-old eugenics plan, spearheaded by Margaret Sanger, to decrease the number of blacks in America.”

    That’s Focus on the Family level lunacy.

  88. happyfeet says:

    we banned norplant but you can still basically get it in Europe – or maybe a close cousin of it anyway

  89. Swen, oversexed heathen black Norwegian says:

    84.Comment by newrouter on 10/7 @ 9:08 pm #

    the very people who are most supportive of ObamaCare seem eager to build this Better World

    shoot the turtle or the wolf wearing sheep’s clothing

    Unless they’re Republican, then strangle them. 0_o

  90. happyfeet says:

    and a lot of this anti-eugenics claptrap is every bit as paternalistic and ooky as what the claptrappers claim to be against I think

  91. Joe says:

    Eugenics, it never gets old. Well at least if some kind person is around to give it a pillow.

  92. newrouter says:

    “part of a sinister decades-old eugenics plan, spearheaded by Margaret Sanger, to decrease the number of blacks in America.”

    That’s Focus on the Family level lunacy.

    yes maggie says

    “The mass of Negroes, particularly in the South, still breed carelessly and disastrously, with the result that the increase among Negroes, even more than among whites, is from the portion of the population lease intelligent and fit, and least able to rear children properly,” said Margaret Sanger, founder the abortion mill Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

  93. newrouter says:

    oh link


  94. newrouter says:

    and a lot of this anti-eugenics claptrap

    kill the baby faggot. do it now. with a towel.

  95. Bob Reed says:

    and asks whether it’s “part of a sinister decades-old eugenics plan, spearheaded by Margaret Sanger, to decrease the number of blacks in America.”

    happyfeet, you know I respect that our mileage varies on this. But with all due respect, zombie’s assertion is not that wacky nor is it FOF stuff. Sanger openly suggested surpressing black reproduction. And I don’t know if she ever said the same thing about hispanics; but curtailing the offspring of poor immigrants was on the table for sure.

    It’s not as far out as you think, and discussion of it is not an attempt to distract from common goals of the conservative coalition. But, some in that same coalition value human life, whether unborn or otherwise, and are distressed with the cavalier way people consider terminating it.

    You do know that many of the same people oppose capital punishment, don’t you?

  96. bh says:

    It’s an odd thing because I more than half agree with you, ‘feets. I mean, it’s obvious, some of the examples presented are just pure reaches. I’m glad people are wearing condoms. I think norplant is the tits. I think it would be awesome if you actually had to manually override your cock to put it into baby making mode.

    But, would it kill you to cede a point once in awhile?

  97. happyfeet says:

    I will concede a point soon.

  98. sdferr says:

    Here’s an off-topic odd turn of events: Vets calling for the abandonment of the VFW on account of its political endorsements. h/t Insty

  99. Bob Reed says:

    I threw away my card the day I heard VFW had endorsed Klein instead of Colonel West, sdferr.

    And West is the veteran!

  100. bh says:

    If they had any sense your action and those from others like you would give them at least a moment’s pause, Bob.

  101. And I don’t know if she ever said the same thing about hispanics; but curtailing the offspring of poor immigrants was on the table for sure.

    I doubt Sanger ever said anything about hispanics, as they were pretty much off the radar (at least nationally) as an ethnic group until the mid-twentieth century. But I do recall that she did include poor immigrants (Irish, Italian, Eastern European, etc.) among those she wanted to breed less.

  102. Rob Crawford says:

    Can’t we just abort “happyfeet”?

    That way it gets what it wants, and the rest of us live happier lives.

  103. LBascom says:

    Yeah, all this eugenics stuff is clap-trap and paternalistic all right. No worries

  104. pdbuttons says:

    tried to hitch a ride-to San Francisco
    gotta do things I wanna do
    And the lights all went out in Massachusetts
    they brought me back to see my way with you…
    do you love that dirty water?/ well- do ya-punk?

  105. Mueller,Private Eye says:

    I would be if only the preferred method of birth control in some segments of the population weren’t abortion.
    So in that sense Sanger won.

  106. Mikey NTH says:

    The Road to Treblinka starts here.

  107. and a lot of this anti-eugenics claptrap is every bit as paternalistic and ooky as what the claptrappers claim to be against I think

    I think there’s an argument in here somewhere, but I’m having a hard time finding it. Too much Tu Quoque! in the aggregate.

  108. happyfeet says:

    anti-eugenics claptrap by any other name is very tasty especially if it’s pancake form and also there is bacon

  109. Anonymous says:

    Here’s a good eugenics film to look at : Maafa21

  110. happyfeet says:

    see now here come the Focus on the Family nutters

  111. Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown says:

    Way to go with the nutters jab hf, I’m really counting on you this november second. Do you think you can turn up the Whitman rhetoric for me though? I tried your style, and it is getting me into a spot of trouble today.

  112. Abe Froman says:

    You should go easy on epithets which are so easily applied to yourself.

  113. Bob Reed says:

    I haven’t seen any FOF type comments here myself. But that’s just me.

  114. happyfeet says:

    #111 is totally nuts Bob

    wackykookycrazy nuts

  115. Bob Reed says:

    I dunno happy, according to which source you believe, somewhere between 40 to 50 percent of black pregnancies end with abortions. There are both black and white folks upset about this. That site has hyperbole and is intended to inflame passions, but there are people that think there are people who profess to be doing because of the choices that may have alterior motives; regardless of how multi-culti they proclaim themselves to be.

    YMMV as always.

  116. happyfeet says:

    “Just watched the documentary. It’s an impressive achievement. The picture it paints of government complicity in attempted racial genocide is quite sickening. It gives me some hope that the Black community will wake up soon. If they don’t, they will be a historical footnote.”
    From: Doyle C.

    okey dokey doyle thank you for the head’s up

  117. Bob Reed says:

    What can I say, people believe 9/11 was an inside job too.

  118. happyfeet says:

    the planes clearly hit the building from outside I saw it on CNN

  119. Mikey NTH says:

    As soon as you decide that certain people need to be removed from society for reasons that do not involve any action they have taken against another member of society – then you are on the easily justified road to Treblinka.

    Do not take that road – it is easier to stay off of it than it is to get off of it.

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