
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2024


It’s come to this

Some American kids kicked off campus because they wore American Flag t-shirts that the PC administration thought was “incendiary” because the day was “Cinco de Mayo” and other American kids of Hispanic descent were “offended” by the American flags.

Possibly because American schools refuse to teach all American children of whatever heritage about the COUNTRY IN WHICH THEY ARE CITIZENS.

The world is upside down.

(from Darleen, via email)

I’d add something clever here about sombreros and taquitos, but, well, yeah.

55 Replies to “It’s come to this”

  1. mojo says:

    Re: T-shirtgate: Cinco de Mayo celebrates a minor battle against the French that the Mexicans actually managed to win. It’s NOT Mexican independence day (Sep. 16), it’s a Hallmark holiday.

    The comparison to July 4 is specious.

  2. Jim in KC says:

    Despite mojo’s pedantry, it’s still a damn fun holiday to say!

  3. Jim in KC says:

    …kids of Hispanic descent were “offended” by the American flags.

    Fuckin’ waah. What a bunch of whiners.

  4. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Over in my neck of the woods a week or so back some high schoolers decided to get with the spirit of multi-culturalism and racial pride, so the came to school wearing homemade t-shirts proclaiming “white pride” and “cracker nation.” The official reaction was about what you would expect it to be.

  5. “I think they should apologize cause it is a Mexican Heritage Day,” Annicia Nunez, a Live Oak High student, said. “We don’t deserve to be get disrespected like that. We wouldn’t do that on Fourth of July.”

    No, just on any other day at every pro-illegal immigration rally. Su casa es mi casa.

  6. bh says:

    OT: Those fucking Europeans. That is all.

  7. Bob Reed says:

    Yeah, the analogy to July 4th, doesn’t exactly hold; that’s how in touch the young lady is with her heritage

    And although it’s been said, by me in fact in another thread, what part about being Americans, even of the hyphenated flavor, don’t these kids understand? I should really give them a break, since they were educated in the California “Reconquista!” school system…

  8. Makewi says:

    She does have a point. I mean we do cane people for failure to wear green on St. Paddy’s day and failure to drink beer during Oktoberfest, and just try to wear an American flag in Chinatown during Chinese New Year.

  9. sdferr says:

    Made for a heck of a chart anyhoo. bleddyybleddybleb

  10. bh says:

    Heck of a chart, shit, it almost made a heck of an EKG.

  11. bh says:

    *, for those wondering.

  12. bh says:

    Dear NATO, please destroy Greece at your earliest convenience.

  13. bh says:

    Dear Asian markets, please don’t end the world while we’re sleeping tonight.


  14. bh says:

    Dear clock, please jump ahead 30 minutes.

  15. sdferr says:

    Dear Scotch, GET IN MY GLASS!

  16. mojo says:

    I find the charge of “pedantry” vapid and unserious. So fuck you.

  17. bh says:

    To the bar!

  18. Old Man at The Springfield Rest Home says:

    I want some taquitos!

  19. Jim in KC says:

    I said pedantry, not pederasty, mojo. Sheesh.

  20. Curmudgeon says:

    The story actually gets worse:

    We really do have a 5th column in this country. Thanks, Demunists.

  21. happyfeet says:

    American public schools tend to inculcate a cholo gang mentality in hispanic yoots.

  22. B Moe says:

    Cinco de Mayo celebrates a minor battle against the French that the Mexicans actually managed to win. It’s NOT Mexican independence day (Sep. 16), it’s a Hallmark holiday.

    Its even better than that, it was a marketing campaign by a liquor importer trying to push tequila and mezcal sales.

    It was wildly successful.

  23. bh says:

    It worked on me. It’s Mexican St. Patrick’s day in my book.

  24. Merovign says:

    Dear Annicia: Why are you such a Nazi? Running around telling other people what to wear, getting all in a high dudgeon over a “Mexican Cultural Day” that Mexico doesn’t seem to particularly care about, and generally being a whiny creep?

    Seriously, this idiot idea that you get to COMMAND everyone else to not “offend” you by their presence has got to be smacked down at every opportunity.

  25. B Moe says:

    I was a dishwasher/busboy at a Mexican restaurant in WV at the time, bh. Had a big Cinco de Mayo party and Mezcal sent a couple of pint jars full of worms to put in shots. Some of the less urbane customers thought the bartender was bullshitting them, and when I went by the bar she would get them to buy me a shot to prove people really ate the little fuckers. They bought me a lot of shots. Got totally fucked up and made way more tips than usual, sweet gig.

  26. Curmudgeon says:

    American public schools tend to inculcate a cholo gang mentality in hispanic yoots.

    And yet, you want to import more.

  27. cranky-d says:

    I think what inculcates a gang mentality is absent fathers not teaching their kids how to frelling behave.

  28. Mike LaRoche says:

    American public schools tend to inculcate a cholo gang mentality in hispanic yoots.

    Yet another reason to defund public schools.

  29. Makewi says:

    Yet another reason to defund public schools.

    I’m not sure having them roaming the streets is a better solution.

  30. B Moe says:

    A chollo mentality. Would that be like thinking the law doesn’t apply to you?

  31. B Moe says:

    A day after five Morgan Hill students were sent home for wearing American flag T-shirts, the controversy erupted ten-fold.

    Students at Live Oak High School made a mass and impromptu walk out of class Thursday. They weren’t protesting the ejections and instead were showing their Mexican-American pride. Many support the school’s decision and say they were offended by their classmates’ wardrobe choice

    We got our way!  Let’s skip school and protest!

     They should expel every one of the igorant little pinheads..

  32. bh says:

    B Moe, #25, now that is a job.

  33. JD says:

    They celebrate a day where they beat the French?! That is like bragging about being better than Mike Tyson in a spelling bee, or less slutty than Lindsey Lohan. Hell, the French beat the French once, one of their 2 or 3 actual victories, if you count Cote d’Azur as a win.

  34. Bob Reed says:

    I know JD,
    If one were to celebrate every anniversary of a French military defeat, then just about every day would be a holiday!

  35. newrouter says:

    a student @ the school called levin tonight and said the police were out in force today

  36. Nolanimrod says:

    The REAL holiday is Cinco de Cuatro!

  37. newrouter says:

    sinko obama

  38. Grass Root says:

    Let’s not rag on the French too much. Back around 1685, they were The Bomb.

    Things went downhill after 1815 – 1870, etc., but let’s face it: the French masses, badly led by their elites, let themselves be bled white at places like Verdun (1914 – 1918).

    For myself, I don’t think French troops are bad. One-on-one, they’re generally the match of any Western troops.

    It’s just that they’re led by a PC officer corps that takes its orders from a supine civilian administration which reflects the general population.

    Pity, that.

  39. Grass Root says:

    Sorry. In compliance with the preferred nomenclature, I should have written “officer *corpse*.”

    That is all.

  40. BuddyPC says:

    28. Comment by Mike LaRoche on 5/6 @ 4:55 pm #
    American public schools tend to inculcate a cholo gang mentality in hispanic yoots.
    Yet another reason to defund public schools.

    Maybe not, but the Morgan Hill school system/Live Oaks High School administration should start getting their paychecks in pesos. Cash.

  41. happyfeet says:

    it’s bad…

    a bad sitchyation all round

    kids are so troublesome, how they are

    and what they are is on our lawn, and being all hispanical about it, much like Ricky Ricardo cept in color which, maybe he was in color in like some later season I don’t know but that was after anyone really cared

  42. Pablo says:

    No, the kids aren’t the problem, the administrators are. Funny of you to miss that.

  43. B Moe says:

    Except for Desi Arnaz being a legal immigrant who loved this country and was a staunch Republican.

  44. Pablo says:

    Those stupid Cubans just don’t get what being legitimately Hispanic is all about. What’s very America is the Mexican flag. Cubans don’t get that because they’re coconuts.

  45. LTC John says:

    I’m all for #15! And #39 – I kinda don’t like that term, I hope you can see why…heh.

  46. LBascom says:

    These Mexican fuckers are starting to get on my nerves. I’m about convinced we don’t have just a illegal immigrant problem, but a Mexicans in general are a threat to my way of life problem.

    Just so we’re clear, I didn’t say a hispanic problem, I said Mexican. The ones that left their shit hole country and came here and wave their shit hole countries flag and demand respect for their shit hole country from the citizens of the country they fled their shit hole country for.

    You know what comes out of shit holes, right?

    Yep, pieces of shit. Or Mexicans. Same same.

  47. JD says:

    Wear that proudly, Lee.

  48. LBascom says:

    I mean, they create a fuss because an American Kid wore an American shirt to an American school? What’s next, patriotism is going to be chased from the public square like Christianity was?

    Which college do you think will be the first to ban Patriotic symbols from the campus, least some poor kid from Whereverfuckastan is traumatized at the site of a lapel flag pin worn on his countries special holiday?

  49. LBascom says:

    I hate La Ras like the Klan.

  50. LBascom says:

    Here, take a red a…

  51. Slartibartfast says:

    Yep, pieces of shit. Or Mexicans. Same same.

    Lee, you might want to rethink that. Or think it for the first time, hopefully.

  52. bh says:

    Having read Lee’s comments for quite awhile, I think the end of that comment is born of frustration rather than an actual belief that way.

  53. Slartibartfast says:

    One would hope, anyway.

    This one does.

  54. LBascom says:

    I’m talking nationality not race. Flag wavers. I’m beginning to view the country of Mexico as hostile to the US, and while we talk of “soft civil war”, there is a soft invasion taking place right under our noses.

    This has nothing to do with racism, it’s about Mexican Nationalism being promoted over US patriotism. Did you know the Mexican Government has distributed pamphlets instructing how to sneak across the border?

    My son is marrying a girl that’s ethnically Hispanic this very month. Her people may be from Mexico, I don’t know, nor care. She’s happy to be an American, no hyphen necessary.

  55. LBascom says:

    Oh, I should have added, she is going to be the mother of my first grandchildren, and I couldn’t be happier.

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