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November 2024


A reminder to protein wisdom readers

I am not a pundit.  I don’t even like the word ”pundit.” In fact, I’m the kind of person who when he sees a homeless pundit begging for change on the street tells him to shut his stupid pie hole and get a job.  Because this ain’t Hyde Park, and I ain’t the goddamn hot toddy fairy.

Dirty pundits.


updatealso not a pundit.

10 Replies to “A reminder to protein wisdom readers”

  1. What?  …you…you’re not? ..a pundit? Damn, all this wasted time.

  2. Joe says:

    Uh oh. I see you’re stuck in denial. That’s just gonna make the anger and depression worse, Jeff. You have to accept your punditry, embrace it, as it were, in order to cope with it. Might I suggest choosing to identify with the more honorable ‘a learned person’ meaning, rather than the ‘source of opinion; a critic: a political pundit’ definition ? Much more satisfying, and without that sleazy media image.

  3. McGehee says:

    We are all pundits, and we are all a part of the Vast and Unifying Punditry. Accept and nurture your inner pundit.

  4. I might be a pundit.  If “pundit” was, as often appears, a synonym for “arrogant mouthy opinionated bastard”.

  5. Scott P says:

    “I say you are Jeff, and I should know, I’ve followed a few…”

  6. triticale says:

    How can a person who puns not be a pundit?

  7. JWebb says:

    The same way a person who uses Ban roll-on is not a bandit. And let’s be honest, bandits are the lowest form of groomer.

  8. Official Protein Wisdom Mullah says:

    A fatwa!  A fatwa!  There must be a fatwa against JWebb!

  9. SteveL says:

    From Websters Online:

    3 : one who gives opinions in an authoritative manner : CRITIC

    Looks like you’re correct.  But what is the word for “one who gives opinions in a humorous, often mocking manner”?

  10. gail says:

    OK, I won’t think of you as a pundit anymore, rabbi.

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