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November 2024


a “because I’m sick and don’t feel much like working hard” generic right-wing blog post to get you through the day

Boy, that Obama. Such a Marxist. Regardless of Mitt Romney’s protestations to the contrary. Because honestly, does anybody believe either of those dudes?

Of course they don’t.

Now. Am I right or am I right?

8 Replies to “a “because I’m sick and don’t feel much like working hard” generic right-wing blog post to get you through the day”

  1. Pablo says:


  2. rjacobse says:

    It’s an old line, but it’s so true:

    It doesn’t matter what I say, you’re going to call me racist anyway.

    I am denounced.

  3. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Let me put it this way: you’re not wrong.

    (Put that way because “you’re right” is so determinate, which suggests both arrogance and a lack of open-mindedness towards differing opinions, which is intolerant. And as we all know, arrogance and intolerance are intolerable offenses against the tolerant and egalitarian spirit of our present age. And that in turn will get you pre-judged guilty of all sorts of naughty thought crimes and you’ll wind up excluded and ostracized. Because if there’s one thing all right-thinking people can’t tolerate, it’s intolerance, and decisiveness, and maybe confidence too. But who can say? And frankly, who needs that kind of hassle? Better then to just keep your head down and do what your told to do.)

  4. geoffb says:

    #1, seconded.

    If anyone does have some spare time I’d suggest diving into the crosstabs of this PPP Michigan primary poll, all 250 pages of them in a pdf.

    I can’t get them to format correctly but there are things like on the GM bailout Santorum and Gingrich supporters more likely to oppose it, Romney voters are split and Ron Paul voters more likely to support the bailout. Page 16

    Santorum’s favorability is at 67-68% with both women and men, Page 160.

  5. Ernst Schreiber says:

    I hope that wasn’t too fuzzy.

    Or do I?

  6. geoffb says:

    The Texas primary was supposed to be on Super Tuesday, March 6, but it got hung up in a redistricting court battle, and can’t happen before May 29. It might not be held until June.

    Taking the Super out of Tuesday.

  7. Swen says:

    In the tough economy, an educated woman was forced to apply for a job in a lemon grove. After the foreman had reviewed her résumé, he frowned and said, “I must ask, do you have any actual experience in picking lemons?”
    “As a matter of fact I have,” she answered. “I’ve been divorced three times and I voted for Obama.”

    Reported to be a Playboy Party joke from the March 2012 issue (you’ll have to check that, I have enough hair on my palms now). When you’ve lost Playboy….

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