Dear TeaPartyForRomney,
We sooo have your back!
cc: LudditesForSentientRobotOverlords
Dear TeaPartyForRomney,
We sooo have your back!
cc: LudditesForSentientRobotOverlords
I don’t know if this is what Jeff has in mind for either NonNeedy Nonbitch[ing] or SentientRobotOverlord[ing] or not:
Hinderacker then goes on to lay out the reasons why Obama is the most beatable incumbent in generations, while lamenting the fact that the GOP doesn’t have a candidate right this very minute to beat him with. And now fears that it might be too late.
Let’s set aside for a second the hyperventilations about circular firing squads and ideological purists tilting at hot-button issue windmills that just don’t matter. Either Obama is vulnerable and beatable or he isn’t. The vulnerabilities that make him beatable are his vulnerabilities and he can’t change that. All he can do is try to change the subject. It’s the job of the Republican candidate, whomever that turns out to be, to not let him. Worrying about the flaws and weaknesses on your own side while obsessing over how they’ll match up against Obama’s, or how they’ll be distorted and exploited doesn’t help. That’s the Republicans pre-emptively choosing to make the race about the Republican candidate.
As to the bit about the “it’s the economy stupid” conventional wisdom. If people accept the notion that a moribund economy which is smaller than it was four, five years ago, which, because it’s not getting worse, must be getting better, if they accept that as the new normal, then it might not be a bad idea to have a candidate who can speak to issues besides the economy. Which is the only issue. Which people believe is growing again.
Sorry for the early OT. ‘preciate the chance to vent about this precious bit of hand-wringing.
As someone who is sincere about running AtheistsForSantorum I am personally aggrieved by this lame attempt. This guy may be a dirty trickster for Obama, at least that is what someone who got up earlier than I did and has been trying to track this guy down thinks (scroll down the comments to Shawn Sen).
Hey, if you can’t trust an anonymous stranger on another web site, who ya gonna trust? Our press? Our government? Our party? (or should I say, our old party)?
It’s like the Illuminati – anybody who claims to be one is lying, because there are no Illuminati.
That’s the first thing they teach you in Illuminati school.
From ,
Interesting names, where did you get those?
Either way our site explains it all of how Romney is the best candidate for President.
Romney has been running for 5+ years now.
I figure by 2020 he might have it down.
Oh, Jazz Shaw at Hot Air is saying we should embrace Rick as the way to tell “Social Conservatives” aka those of us who don’t like Mittens “we tried it your way and lost, now just shut up.”
In other words, the crap we heard after 2010 when RINOs worked against McDonnel and then claimed she proved “you purists cost us the Senate.”