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November 2024


Obama: “What’s at stake are not Democratic values or Republican values, but American values. We have to reclaim them.”

And everyone knows that the best way to “reclaim” “American values” — a product, one supposes, of that “flawed document,” the Constitution — is by “fundamentally transforming” the United States, whose first proud moment came when its erswhile racist proles banded together to elect Barack Obama President. So we needn’t reach back very far. We just have to re-elect Barack Obama, and all is restored.

— Is the takeaway here.

Honestly. It’s like this guy thinks nobody’s been paying attention.

23 Replies to “Obama: “What’s at stake are not Democratic values or Republican values, but American values. We have to reclaim them.””

  1. sdferr says:

    Our sponsor this hour is MANACLE Corp. a division of Shackles International, offering a wide range of restraints for binding men, whether cast in hardened steel or pliant emotion: We have the tools you need.

  2. Squid says:

    I don’t know why we’re complaining about this one. I thought it was truly refreshing for this habitual liar and panderer to come right out and state that neither the Dems nor the Pubs can be said to hold American values. I’ve been saying it for years, and people treat me like some kind of crank. Maybe now I’ll get a bit more respect.

  3. Ernst Schreiber says:

    So if he wants to talk values, we talk virtues, eh?

  4. Pablo says:

    “So, I’m creating a new Office of the Handicapper General, to guide us toward a return to basic American fairness…”

  5. Libby says:

    I get the feeling that Obama lies so much because he wants to create a great paper trail, so that 20, 40, 60 years from now people will read his speeches and believe it. So the lies aren’t for us so much as they are for posterity.
    That’s the only explanation I can come up with for why he is such a bald-faced liar. The alternative is that he thinks we’re all really that dumb.

  6. happyfeet says:

    that was pure anti-christ shit last night – very prince of lies

  7. Ernst Schreiber says:

    [O]ur use of the value language leads us in two opposite directions —to follow the line of least resistance, and to adopt strong poses and fanatic resolutions. But these are merely different deductions from a common premise. Values are not discovered by reason, and it is fruitless to seek them, to find the truth or the good life. Thus the quest begun … over three millenia [ago] has come to an end with the observation that there is nothing to seek. [….] Good and evil now for the first time appeared as values, of which there have been a thousand and one, none rationally or objectively preferable to any other. The salutary illusion about the existence of good and evil has been definitively dispelled. [….]

    Nobody really believes in anything anymore, and everyone spends his life in frenzied work and frenzied play so as not to face the fact, not to look into the abyss.(Bloom, Closing, 143.)

  8. JHoward says:

    It’s like this guy thinks nobody’s been paying attention.

    Heh. But in a cold and fatalistic way.

    Speekinawhich, over in the MSNBC poll they’re entirely ape for the guy! A’s all around!

  9. Bob Reed says:

    What continues to cause that vein on the side of my head to nearly explode is the way that Obama and the far-left progressives manage to pass off the sleight of hand; moving effortlessly from the valid priciples espoused by our founders of the equality of men, and affordance of equal opportunity, to that which is antithetical to both those as well as personal liberty, that is, the notion that equality of outcome somehow a basic American “value”.

    Brought to us by the long march through the institution, the cancellation of civics classes everywhere, and the revision of actual history to fit the desired narrative.

    Kids spend a week learning about the civil war, but spend and entire semester agonizing over the civil rights movement and MLK.

    And the American revolution and all the old white guys who founded our nation? They’re lucky to get a week of serious contemplation…

  10. sdferr says:

    Hell Bob, our political elites don’t think seriously about the Revolution. Little we’d expect high schoolers and their teachers to do so.

  11. Bob Reed says:

    A good, but unfortunate, point sdferr. And something I don’t know how we address, save for on an individual basis within our families. Since it’s clear the public schools aren’t going to change their approach anytime soon.

    But then, I know that you believe that government shouldn’t be in the education business anyway; a position I’ve come around to, but must confess would be an impossible sale to the public at large-unless, of course, vouchers…

    To think, the dept of ed was formed within our lifetimes, and getting rid of it seems like such an impossible task.

  12. sdferr says:

    “But then, I know that you believe that government shouldn’t be in the education business anyway; a position I’ve come around to, but must confess would be an impossible sale to the public at large-unless, of course, vouchers…”

    I think Barry may have stumbled upon the solution!

    We also know that when students aren’t allowed to walk away from their education, more of them walk the stage to get their diploma. So tonight, I call on every State to require that all students stay in high school until they graduate or turn eighteen.

  13. Bob Reed says:

    Hah! The solution indeed…That is, if they’re concern is the complete indoctrination of our youth; becuase having their diploma doesn’t necessarily mean they’ve recieved a real education-or have even had the groundwork laid for them to teach themselves topics in which they’re interested.

    But they will know all about social justice, and how to surf the web, and use a calculator instead of do rudimentary ciphering. And will all have their trophy for participating…

    Which is why no one should be surprised that Obama’s speecifying is often at an 8th grade level.

  14. sdferr says:

    Bob, I was sort of thinking: attempt to make slaves of a bunch of teenagers and watch the blowback reaction: they all flee in disgust.

  15. Bob Reed says:

    Which is why it’ll be Catholic school for young Bobby; the wife and I have already decided that. That is, if they’re still allowed to be involved in teaching by then.

    I may even take a job as a math/science teacher full time at our local franchise, since the Diocese schools prefer actual experience and proficiency in the subject matter moreso than simply requiring a graduate degree in pedagogy-as is the case with public schools.

  16. Bob Reed says:

    That is an interesting thought experiment sdferr :)
    The thought of teenagers stumbling onto ideas in line with the founders through typical rebellion against the indoctrination by the authorities is delicious in it’s irony…

    As with the political proggs, it wouldn’t be long before dissent! was no longer the ideal.

  17. sdferr says:

    I’ve long thought it a shame kids aren’t taught the deep beauties of American political philosophy Bob. If they only knew what they’re missing, if they we’re merely exposed for a few moments even, they’d be pissed as all get out at the morons who fail them today.

  18. Swen says:

    The alternative is that he thinks we’re all really that dumb.

    King Putt knows what all politicians know, that half of us are below average. He doesn’t have to fool all of the people all of the time, he’s only got to fool slightly more than half when it really counts. We can sit here wondering how anyone could be so foolish as to believe his claptrap but remember, his natural constituency actually believed that he’d pay their rent and put gas in their cars. There’s no cure for Stupid and half the population has it.

  19. RI Red says:

    I asked my son last night if the names Locke and de Tocqueville were ever mentioned when he was in high school. Yes, he says, but only their names, not their beliefs. Maybe re-education camps are a good idea after all.

  20. Ernst Schreiber says:

    There’s no cure for Stupid and half the population has it.

    Oh yes there is, and Dr. Darwin prescribes it.

  21. leigh says:

    Half the population is always going to be stupid, it’s the way of the world. Read “The Bell Curve” if you don’t believe me.

    Bob, don’t dispair about young Bobby’s education. Do like I did with my kids, play Risk and Monopoly with them and give them biographies of great generals for gifts. Catholic school is a good plan, too.

  22. RI Red says:

    And teach them firearm proficiency and safety at around 12.

  23. bh says:

    Which is why it’ll be Catholic school for young Bobby; the wife and I have already decided that.

    I think that’s an excellent idea, Bob.

    I may even take a job as a math/science teacher full time at our local franchise, since the Diocese schools prefer actual experience and proficiency in the subject matter moreso than simply requiring a graduate degree in pedagogy-as is the case with public schools.

    Another excellent idea. I do some college prep math tutoring at my local franchise and it’s been time well spent. (For me, anyways. The kids occasionally express a certain ambivalence towards it.)

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