Because the most important thing now is to get Obama out of office, even if that means we only move the needle slightly back toward the center. Besides, don’t you remember what Reagan said? Or was it Buckley…?
Because the most important thing now is to get Obama out of office, even if that means we only move the needle slightly back toward the center. Besides, don’t you remember what Reagan said? Or was it Buckley…?
I knew it was the fault of visigoths like you; and visigothy putity demanders. I mean, Rick Moran told me so…
He also said something about Romney being the only true conservative in the Rethug! primary field. Or was that Ann Coulter?
Never rally. Especially since W set the character bar too high from here on out.
Where the fuck are the Tea Partyers? It’s almost like they were all full of shit. I mean, if you listened to the TP in my little town, you’d think they’d all rather masturbate with a cheese grater than vote for Romney. There’s a shitload of cheese graters out there, go get ’em you fucks.
“Jump on the team, c’mon in for the big win” has drifted into my everyday conversations with my daughter; me to get her into her ballerina outfit on time, she to get me into the Draft Palin camp.
Come now. It is demonstrably preferable to fly off a thousand foot cliff at 70 mph instead of 80. A Republican in the White House will be just the man to accomplish this miracle. For this he will demand your gratitude, as well he should. Of course, he will already have a parachute, so good luck finding one of your own.
Remind me again, if the captain is tossed overboard for ordering the ship “hard to port, full speed ahead!” and the new captain orders “all engines stop!” which way are we drifting?
Yeah, that’s what I thought.
Were the lifeboats at?
I always thought that depended on your stall speed :)
That’s what I keep asking myself, LMC…
and the new captain orders “all engines stop!”
I rather think the new captain will order “All engines engage in public-private partnerships and establish laboratories of democracy, PowerPoint presentation on the bridge at 0900.”
[…] asking everyone else to get out so he can beat Romney, I think he should be the one dropping out. I don’t like Romney, but I’d rather vote for him than take a risk with Ron Paul’s foreign […]
LMC – please consider that, so far, all we’ve had is a caucus and an open primary in NH.
Which is now being packaged as TRVTH about the groundswell for the perpetual candidate.
Huntsman’s big showing should tell everyone what they need to know about the validity of the NH primary…
[T]hose who “demand purity” are unpatriotic, petty, and in the end will be the reason Obama will be re-elected[.]
It’s not a demand for purity, it’s a demand for a candidate whose “conservatism” isn’t so adulturated by statism as to be unpalatable.
A choice, not an echo.
If some want to call that ‘purity’ so be it.
Language, meaning, and all that…
Paul’s too.
I’m resigned to romney
it’s unfortunate, but what’s a little pikachu to do?
Oh, you’re doing exactly what a little pikachu should do.
Just Exactly
and what are you doing Mr. Ernst
do you have a cunning plan?
Who is asserting that you stand for ideological purity? You are one of the few sane patriots out there. You are sort of supporting the last conservative standing in this thing (who to his credit declined to attack Mitt Romney for being a capitalist).
My cunning plan consists of not letting people who don’t share my interests pick my candidate for me. My cunnng plan is to see the problem for what it is instead of hoping getting rid of one man will make the problem go away. My cunning plan is to vociferously advocate for the candidate(s) who best reflect my principles, and my vision of what the country is, and what the country can and should be, and let electibility take care of itself.
My cunning plan is to be not afraid.
My cunning plan is electing a Congress that will make life a living hell for the Establishment.
Even if this becomes Obama vs. Mitt, there are down ticket conservative and libertarian candidates that need to be supported. And in November, I would still prefer Mitt winning over Obama. And I would much rather electing more conservatives to congress to keep Mitt in line as much as (God forbid) Obama wins.
Good plan Squid.
I forget – who is the great classic liberal who is running this time around? Yep, Mitt Romney could turn out to be our Adlai Stevenson – looks good on paper but doesn’t cut it. But for me it is Anybody But Obama. Even the syphillitic camel. I’m even taking another look at Ron Paul* so help me!
*A great pile of froot loopiness surrounding the one or two ideas that make sense. And I can be convinced it is better than Obama been Golfin’.
Another problem I see is that I don’t get the candidate I want. I have to get together with a bunch of other squabbling people and we have to pick someone from the candidates who have decided to run for office. And all of these squabbling people have their own interests, their own idea of what is priority, of what must be done and in which amount and the stupid bastards won’t do exactly what I want! We all end up having to compromise with one another if we can’t persuade more people we’re more right than the other guys!
I hate this. Democracy sucks. It’s just everything else sucks worse.
I’d vote for the syphillitic camel before either Romney or Paul.
What’s her name again?
Dan McLauglin, AKA Baseballcrank, nails it re: Mittenz
Hey. What you win isn’t as important as the act of winning itself, man.
Get with the program you rigid ideologue, or Obama’s re-election will be all your fault!
Stoopid teabagger
Zeeba, the Camel.
If Gingrich gets the nod, I support him.
Same with Perry.
Or Santorum.
Got to go with those who put themselves out there to run. I’m not really much into pity parties. If you want someone closer to your beliefs they have to be elected to lower offices first and seasoned a bit before launching into the biggest league ever. Otherwise you get someone crashing hard during the campaign or a damn-near unmitigated disaster like Obama.
The tea party put a lot of people into the lower offices in the last election, and we have to keep them there and increase their numbers. We have to keep putting our agenda out there, get it to become a natural part of the debate, so it seems to be completely normal and not outlandish. Take what victories we can, even little ones, and build on them.
The left didn’t get where they are in the culture today through some blitzkrieg or mind ray. It was incremental slow change. Since two can play the same game we get to do the same thing. It will take time, I won’t deny that this will take years and decades. The only people guaranteed to beat us is us, and we do that if we take ourselves out of the game.
(At least we got to see who could hold up and who couldn’t early on.)
Mikey NTH, but we don’t have years or decades. It’s like saying that since it took 40 years of smoking to give you cancer, you have 40 years to fight the cancer.
We have 75 years of progressivism that have completely eroded the soul and structure of the country. We do not have 75 years to unwind the $250 trillion in public liabilities we have (between the fed and the state governments). Those notes come due in 5 – 15 years, in the rosiest accounting. We do no have generations to undo the Communist education system devised by John Dewey. We change now or the change that is coming is going to out of our control.
The GOP does not get that. I think they don’t get it because they are playing the Left’s game, but they could be that stupid and incompetent. Either way, we don’t have time for a Romney and then a whoever is nextly inevitable and then a couple of terms of Dems and then a seesawing Congress while we vote for conservative dog catchers.
The game is up right about now.
My dad is an “anybody but obama” voter, but I told him I’m sitting out this year. I think he’s short-sighted, and he thinks I’m crazy.
It really doesn’t matter anymore – the parties are the same.
If the Tea Party had real balls, Romney wouldn’t be a candidate. It was a bunch of pissed off people used by the establishment to get their own guys elected. I wasn’t that cynical about the TP until after the IN-9 GOP primary, when the anti-TP “true conservative” GOP establishment types started running the local Tea Party. Romney or Newt? Why not Jeb Bush?
If there was a real TP, Ryan would have run and run well.
Which is why I agree with Jeff that it’s important that we —what’s that phrase he uses? —oh yeah— set down markers. Now.
It’s not about beating Obama, it’s about making the case that liberty and limited government are preferable to statism, however it’s packaged.
I wasn’t that cynical about the TP until after the IN-9 GOP primary, when the anti-TP “true conservative” GOP establishment types started running the local Tea Party.
That the problem with running a new movement. While you’re trying to overthrow the establishment, the establishment is busy trying to co-opt you. And those bastards have a lot more practice.
If there was a real TP, Ryan would have run and run well.
That’s certainly a factor in the equation. Thus far the Tea Party is more of a movement than a political party, and more of a sentiment than a movement even.
That doesn’t mean it has to remain that way.
It really doesn’t matter anymore – the parties are the same.
Not So! The Republicans hate the little guy and want to keep him in his place. The Democrats love the little guy and want to keep him in his place.
These are the things that decide the partisan balance in this country, so they matter.
Pay ’em back. Parties are organized at the county level. The next time your county party has it’s meeting and elects it’s officers, show up with thirty or forty of your friends.
Of course they have practice with dealing with that as well. The money people close their rolodexes and the socialites stop hosting the monthly pow-wows. So it helps to be polite.
the song remains the same
What is really important is that all Obama’s power grabs and usurpations be given the bipartisan seal of approval by having a Republican dick around at the fringes but not change much.
Thus, we need Romney, or else something is liable to get cut, and then chaos and anarchy will reign and children will die and the South will rise again and lynch all the black people.
We don’t have time. Okay. Fine.
However, the field that is running for the presidency is the field that has put themselves out there. That is it. Wanting something different isn’t going to get people to jump into the race. Wishing doesn’t make it so, you have to make do with the people and tools that are available. I don’t think anyone is particularly happy, but I don’t see much that is productive coming from complaining about it.
You want to put down markers. Fine, do so. Please make sure you are putting the correct marker down in front of the correct person. For instance, if your marker is that certain federal agencies must be eliminated, remember that the House and Senate have to be included in the process since federal agencies are created via statute. And provide reasons why this agency is no longer necessary, else not even allies are going to take you seriously.
You have my opinion, make of it what you will.