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December 2024


Great news! SC and Nikki Haley enjoying a Romney surge! [updated]

Go, ruling class! Go Team!

Who needs freedom when you can have power?

update: Besides, as the Romney campaign lectures, the GOP primaries are “not about picking someone even with your own beliefs and principles. This is about picking a person that can beat Barack Obama, period.”

Just so you know.

17 Replies to “Great news! SC and Nikki Haley enjoying a Romney surge! [updated]”

  1. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Romney actually campaigned for Haley, so this is one of those heartburn things you have to deal with in coalitional politics —not unlike Sarah Palin endorsing McCain’s reelection in ’10.

  2. newrouter says:

    in other “surge” stuff

    But the problem for Perry and Paul is this is the first time in the series of GOP debates that Santorum will not fight for attention. I expect him to relish the attacks, which will give him more time to make his own points. Instead of diminishing him, the blasts at Santorum may help more than they hurt in much the same way the focus on Romney has reinforced his position as the frontrunner. Indeed, the best thing that could happen to Santorum this weekend will be a barrage from lesser candidates that will only confirm what the latest polls have already told us: Santorum’s surge may just be getting started.


  3. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Another way of looking at it is that while Romney has “nearly doubled” his support in S.C., Santorum has nearly quintupled his —so he’s got that goin’ for him.

  4. JHoward says:

    The race for the Office of the President Elect has never been more exciting.

  5. Ernst Schreiber says:

    I think that’s true for Tea Partiers outside of South Carolina as well.

    Unfortunately the Tea Party candidate had no executive experience and crazy eyes and is reportedly difficult to work with. Which, you’d think would have been a plus with Tea Partiers, but evidently wasn’t —at least not in Iowa.

  6. cranky-d says:

    Yeah, let’s beat Obama with someone who is almost Obama himself, minus the Marxism.

    That’ll work wonders for our future.

  7. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Besides, as the Romney campaign lectures, the GOP primaries are “not about picking someone even with your own beliefs and principles. This is about picking a person that can beat Barack Obama, period.”

    That kind of short-term thinking is going to be fatal to the GOP.

  8. MissFixit says:

    I voted for Haley. This is disappointing. Guess who’s not voting this year if Romney is the nominee?
    screw them.

  9. happyfeet says:

    I thought Haley was the real deal

  10. geoffb says:

    Well played by Romney. Doing off year election endorsements, which cost him little in money or prestige, to gain ones for himself when it counts.

  11. newrouter says:

    “Well played by Romney.”

    perhaps in beltway like way. just shows the guy has no balls. was he for allen west?

  12. Ernst Schreiber says:

    I think there was more than a little money involved and campaign appearances as well.

    It is what it is folks, and I don’t think it means that Haley’s not the real deal, or a reason not to vote.

    Now, if Sarah Palin were running (remember she did just as much as Romney, and probably more, given how crucial tea partiers were to 2010), and Haley endorsed Romney over her, there would then be a much stronger case for calling her a sellout.

  13. geoffb says:

    The three that I know he endorsed were Haley, O’Donnell and Rubio.

  14. newrouter says:

    “Haley, O’Donnell and Rubio.”

    ok but his was a “quiet” endorsement so that there was no blow back. too slimy too mccain. we are not talking herman cain on the steps in madison type endorsement.

  15. happyfeet says:

    free trade is a fundamental cornerstone of economic freedom it’s shocking that Santorum is so ignorant

  16. ThomasD says:

    After watching last night’s debate I’m even more convinced that Romney cannot win the general. He seemed nervous and jittery all night, a taste of how he’d do up against the media/Obama axis in the general.

    It is clear he’ll fold like a pressboard card table, and the conservative base won’t be inclined to push back or help prop him up – sort of like McCain, just without Palin.

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