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September 2024


Sunday football open thread

Von Miller out for the Broncos. Lack of pressure on Ponder will lead to a trap game victory for the Vikings.

Is my fear.

You’re all free to fret about other things. Like, why won’t the Raiders just lose already?

39 Replies to “Sunday football open thread”

  1. McGehee says:

    So, this “NFL” of which you speak.

    It continues playing after the college season is over with? Interesting…

  2. Pablo says:

    Today could be the day for Oakland. It will not be Dan Orlovsky’s day.

  3. serr8d says:

    Is my fear.

    Never fear!


  4. Sterling Archer says:

    IN YATES WE… trust?


  5. JHoward says:

    Obliterated once-dominant industry. Squatting, homesteading, and farming. Reverting urban spaces to rural land. Homes for $1. The literal wreckage of the Welfare State.

    A couple of dominant professional sports teams and a third that just won’t quit — currently at .636.

    Detroit. Won’t be surprised when aliens land to establish trade.

  6. JHoward says:

    Stephen Tulloch lacks intelligence.

  7. Pablo says:

    He’s not gonna get any from Ndamukong Suh.

  8. sdferr says:

    So Oakland travels to Green Bay next week. What, can’t wait? But then, Denver hosts the Pats the week after. So. Draw. Best Miami does the job today then, cause Detroit won’t on the 18th.

  9. JD says:

    Patsies should be up by 50 by now.

  10. cranky-d says:

    Keep running those ads begging for a new stadium, Vikings.


  11. sdferr says:

    34-0 is a pretty good start.

  12. sdferr says:

    And Da Bearz fall to the Chiefs. Oy. Did Percy find Timmy or Timmy find Percy for hugs all-around?

  13. LBascom says:

    Luke 7:23 And blessed is [he], whosoever shall not be offended in me.

    Warner 11:12 blessed is he, whosoever will not offend others with all their Jesus babble .

  14. sdferr says:

    Jesus put sainted Peter on a post pattern in Gethsemane and three times Pete ran an out route. The putz.

  15. serr8d says:


  16. bh says:

    That’s what Warner is saying? Don’t offend others with your Jesus babble?

    From Wiki, here he is being blessed for not being offended by Christ:

    Kurt and Brenda Warner are devout evangelical Christians. His faith first emerged on the international scene following the Rams’ Super Bowl victory, where he was named the game’s MVP:

    Mike Tirico from ABC: “Kurt, first things first — tell me about the final touchdown pass to Isaac.”
    Kurt Warner: “Well, first things first, I’ve got to thank my Lord and Savior up above — thank you, Jesus!”[64]

    Nine years later, upon leading the Cardinals to the franchise’s first ever Super Bowl, Warner’s response was similar:

    Terry Bradshaw from Fox: “You’re not going to like this, but you’re the third oldest quarterback to ever play in the Super Bowl. How does that make you feel?”
    Kurt Warner: “Everybody’s going to be tired of hearing this, but I never get tired of saying it. There’s one reason that I’m standing up on this stage today. That’s because of my Lord up above. I’ve got to say thanks to Jesus, you knew I was going to do it, but I’ve got to do it. And secondly, I’ve gotta say thanks to you guys (motioning to the Arizona fans); when nobody else believed in us, when nobody else believed in me, you guys did. And we’re going to the Super Bowl!”[65]

    I knew he was religious and that he was a charitable dude but I didn’t know he won the Walter Payton award and the Bart Starr award before looking just now. Again, according to wiki, Bart Starr said, “We have never given this award to anyone who is more deserving”.

    I’d say Kurt Warner has earned the benefit of the doubt before we characterize him as saying “Hey, don’t offend people with Jesus babble”.

  17. leigh says:

    This Cowboys v. Cardinals game is one fugly game, so far.

    I thought the Vikqueens were going to win one there for a minute. ‘Twas not to be.

  18. LBascom says:

    There must be another reason that he told Tebow not to do as he did, then.

    Oh, here: There’s almost a faith cliche, where (athletes) come out and say, ‘I want to thank my Lord and savior,’ Warner told the Republic. “As soon as you say that, the guard goes up, the walls go up, and I came to realize you have to be more strategic.”

    It’s strategic.

  19. sdferr says:

    Though I didn’t see the game, save the last three-plus minutes, The Vike fans ought to be cheered anyhow I think, what with all that offense against a fine defense and missing Adrian Peterson to boot. Yeah, they lost, but this should portend better things ahead, shouldn’t it?

    Once again though, the Denver kid throws no ints. (though he does lose a fumble, eh?). This is good, and as such measures go, still actually astoundingly good.

  20. Blake says:

    I, for one, cannot believe Brian Billick, of all people, would come out and claim that defense will not win a Super Bowl. Billick, quite possibly a genius when it comes to offense, won a Super Bowl with Trent Dilfer at quarterback and a crushing defense.

    Billick should be the last person in the world to criticize Tebow.

    Yeah, Billick wasn’t hard on Tebow today, but a few weeks prior Billick was a jerkoff in his assessment of Tebow.

  21. geoffb says:

    Detroit. Won’t be surprised when aliens land to establish trade.

    OT: Trade in what? Graft? Detroit for Detroiters or you’re a racist. The OPM to pay the shortfall comes from those racists as always.

  22. sdferr says:

    Arizona? Really?

  23. geoffb says:

    Green Bay!

  24. geoffb says:

    Damn, that was fast.

  25. geoffb says:

    Congratulations bh.

  26. bh says:

    I don’t know how many teams have started 12-0 (ten?) but I’d be willing to bet the Packers have the worst defense of that bunch.

  27. bh says:

    Yeah, I figure he probably does sincerely mean it like that, Lee. Whether that catches more fish overall, I wouldn’t know. Warner probably doesn’t either. Guy had as many concussions as Aikman towards the end of this career.

  28. bh says:

    Something that might matter more to me than others — as I don’t really root for or against Denver — is that the offense they’re running under Tebow is fun to watch. Between that scheme and the defense, you get some real entertainment. Those close games with late wins don’t hurt any either.

    What’s the deal with the Cowboys? Normally when those things keep happening to a team a goat or Babe Ruth was insulted at some point.

  29. LBascom says:

    Heh, good point bh. After that many concussions, he probably thinks it’s better to be a secret agent for Christ, instead of a warrior…

  30. cranky-d says:

    Tebow won’t rise or fall on the witnessing thing. If he becomes a better QB, it will just be another idiosyncracy that some athletes exhibit, and if he ultimately fails, it will be just one more way for some to denigrate him.

    Christ said it would not be easy.

  31. sdferr says:

    Hard to say about the Pokes from here bh, since I didn’t get to see the game. I suspect, nevertheless, that the troubles are less a function of some distant murky curse than of this set of players’ mother’s failure to instill in their childrens a primeval respect for themselves and their game, resulting in attitudes capable of overlooking the thing least possible to overlook — if winning the game is the object — like their opponent taking the field, for instance.

  32. geoffb says:


    Japanese Highway Crash Claims 8 Ferraris, 3 Mercedes and a Lamborghini

  33. geoffb says:

    Cowboys from Richard McEnroe’s site. Who to tackle? Choices, choices.

  34. geoffb says:

    He also has a nice series of videos of Rick Santorum, speaking to a group before the debate, up at The Other McCain.

  35. mojo says:

    Raiders got their butts kicked by a bunch of swimming mammals. what more do you want?

  36. Stephanie says:

    And a Prius nobody cares about


  37. Squid says:

    What happens when a team that can’t close out a fourth quarter meets a team that can’t fail in the fourth quarter? It isn’t hard to guess.

    Also, Tebow wasn’t the only Jesus freak footballer running around on Sunday. Brave man; I have to imagine a Londoner sporting a Jesus t-shirt will soon find out who his friends really are.

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