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November 2024


"Where are the anti-Semites of Occupy Wall Street?"

So asks the WaPo’s Richard Cohen, who likes to use his own Judaism as a badge of moral authority on such matters. And try as he might, Cohen can’t find even a hint of anti-semitism — writing off the very idea as a “reprehensible” “right wing” plot to discredit the protests.

But then, I think I figured out Cohen’s journalistic failing: he was out looking for paper mache renderings of large ovens or skinny Jews in labor camps, when what he needed to be doing was asking the protesters questions:

See? Kinda clears up the confusion, don’t you think, Richard?

You’re welcome.


Question: How will the neo-Nazi’s react when they find out that this “David Duke” is really just a Zionist creation intended to marginalize their movement. Real name? Sol Gold.

It’s true. The Rothschilds told me.

7 Replies to “"Where are the anti-Semites of Occupy Wall Street?"”

  1. Topsecretk9 says:

    Jonathan Alter also denies the anti-semitism as right-wing plot

    “Hate is not an American value” says #BillKristol in an ad that cherry picks rare antiSemitism to slime OWS. So why is he expressing it?!/jonathanalter/status/128676944320528385

    This from a guy who just tweeted days before

    Theft renews rightwing focus on O and teleprompter. Feels racial to me–as if he’s stupid without it. In truth, he has off-cuff record.

  2. dicentra says:

    Then why is David Duke supporting OWS?

    Beck just had a caller who said the Jews were at the root of the problem and that they should all be shipped off to Madagascar. Which, you could tell he wanted to say something more “final solution-y” but decided on Madagascar.

  3. Slartibartfast says:


  4. Pablo says:

    David Duke: Occupy Zionist Wall Street

    Note that he leads with Bill Handel being sarcastic, but frames it as serious commentary.

  5. Sears Poncho says:

    Theft renews rightwing focus on O and teleprompter. Feels racial to me–as if he’s stupid without it. In truth, he has off-cuff record.

    He sure does, and it ain’t good

  6. Mikey NTH says:

    When the Communist Party and the Nazi Party both back the OWS protests, then it is a pretty good guess that some good old fashioned Jew-Hate is nearby.

  7. […] I wonder what Richard Cohen would make of all this. My guess? He’d help the professor sew yellow stars on the sleeves of those who even took […]

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